1960s pictures 1960s julie christie

1960s pictures 1960s julie christie

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Most starlets would probably be quite happy to have landed a role such as "Lara" in "Doctor Zhivago" once in their lives. As the young and incredibly beautiful lover of Omar Sharif alias Dr. Jurij Zhivago, Julie Christie became famous beyond her British homeland. The pompous and melodramatic movie set in the Russian Revolution was the work of British director David Lean. Christie's radiant smile that could instantly turn into moving sadness, her expressive eyes and her noble features lent a lot of glamour and depth to her roles.

1960s pictures 1960s julie christie


Waiting for update. Details of larger images will search for their corresponding detail. Julie Christie, hailed by critics for her performance as Fiona in "Away from Her," won an Oscar nomination and, in addition to numerous prizes, a Golden Globe.


This decade was her zenith, with her natural charisma and talent catapulting her to the status of both a fashion icon and a symbol of modern femininity. She debuted in a period thirsty for change, ready to embrace a woman who was both vulnerable and powerful, traditional yet rebellious. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Post Comment. Emily Madison, a vintage enthusiast with a passion for all things old Hollywood and retro.

1960s pictures 1960s julie christie

Post a Comment. Born in Chabua, Assam, British India, British actress Julie Christie made her professional stage debut in , and her first screen roles were on British television. She came to international attention for her performances in Darling , for which she won the Academy Award for Best Actress, and Doctor Zhivago also , the eighth highest-grossing film of all time after adjustment for inflation. She has continued to receive significant critical recognition for her work, including Oscar nominations for the independent films Afterglow and Away from Her Take a look at these gorgeous photos to see the beauty of young Julie Christie in the s. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook.

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For a long time, Christie, who has always been protective of her privacy, has shared her life with British journalist Duncan Campbell, whom she married in - in India, her birthplace. Our teams can help you find the perfect content and take care of all of the copyright and licensing requirements. Search our collection by uploading an image. Not for commercial use, not for public display, not for resale. Drag file here. Pay for usage you need. Use in a presentation. Jurij Zhivago, Julie Christie became famous beyond her British homeland. Image description. Submit None. Add Color Block. Personal website or social media. She returned into people's hearts as a woman suffering from Alzheimer's.

For unknown reasons, the shot that editors selected for the April 29, , cover was not by Schutzer, after all, but by Iranian photographer Hatami.

Editorial Books, magazines and newspaper - extended. Location of artwork. Search by Color. Processing search results. Single use, any size, inside only. Add to cart Contact us for other Usage Options. Jurij Zhivago, Julie Christie became famous beyond her British homeland. Not for commercial use, not for public display, not for resale. Request a quote now Leave the work to our dedicated Account Managers. Contact us. Add up to 5 colors and slide the dividers to adjust the composition. In focus. Image Restrictions. Advanced Search.

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