

Having regard to 575/2013 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article thereof, 575/2013, 575/2013. Having regard to the opinion 575/2013 the European Central Bank 1. Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee 2. The G Declaration of 2 April on Strengthening 575/2013 the Financial System called for internationally consistent efforts that are aimed at strengthening transparency, accountability and regulation by improving the quantity and quality of capital in the banking system once the economic recovery is assured.

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The legislation has been amended several times, in line with evolving international regulatory standards set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Delegated and implementing acts. A full list of these acts is available here. Common equity tier1. A standard which aims to improve the financial reporting of financial instruments with the use of a more forward-looking model to recognise expected credit losses on financial assets. Therefore, arrangements are needed to mitigate the potentially significant negative impact on common equity Tier 1 capital arising from expected credit loss accounting. Non-performing loans. A loan is generally considered non-performing when more than 90 days have passed without the borrower a company or individual paying the amounts due or interest that have been agreed upon, or when it becomes unlikely that the borrower will repay it. This consolidated version is of documentary value only. See consolidated version. This summary has been adopted from EUR-Lex. Contents Summary of Legislation Prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms Legislative text. Prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms. Known as the capital requirements regulation CRR , the regulation aims to strengthen the prudential requirements of banks in the European Union EU. This is done by requiring them to keep sufficient capital, loss-absorbing liabilities and liquid assets, in order to ensure their financial soundness.

However, subject to stringent conditions and the individual agreement of all competent authorities involved, 575/2013, competent authorities should be able to waive the application of the liquidity requirement for individual institutions and subject those institutions to a consolidated requirement, in order to allow them to 575/2013 their 575/2013 centrally at group or sub-group level. This Regulation strengthens the way those financial conglomerates rules shall apply to bank and investment firm groups, 575/2013, ensuring their robust and consistent application. European Banking Authority, 575/2013.

OJ L , In force: This act has been changed. Languages, formats and link to OJ. Multilingual display. Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article thereof,. Having regard to the opinion of the European Central Bank 1 ,.

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OJ L , In force: This act has been changed. Languages, formats and link to OJ. Multilingual display. Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article thereof,. Having regard to the opinion of the European Central Bank 1 ,. Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee 2 ,. The G Declaration of 2 April on Strengthening of the Financial System called for internationally consistent efforts that are aimed at strengthening transparency, accountability and regulation by improving the quantity and quality of capital in the banking system once the economic recovery is assured.

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Moreover, Member States should be allowed to require institutions to make available more detailed information on remuneration. In order to ensure progressive convergence between the level of own funds and the prudential adjustments applied to the definition of own funds across the Union and to the definition of own funds laid down in this Regulation during a transition period, the phasing in of the own funds requirements of this Regulation should occur gradually. Supervision of investment firms waived from the application of own funds requirements on a consolidated basis. The term Single Rulebook was coined in by the European Council in order to refer to the aim of a unified regulatory framework for the EU financial sector that would complete the single market in financial services. Operational risk is a significant risk faced by institutions requiring coverage by own funds. For reasons of legal certainty and because of the need for a level playing field within the Union, a single set of regulations for all market participants is a key element for the functioning of the internal market. The application referred to in Article 2 , shall include a description of the methodology used for allocating operational risk capital between the different entities of the group. Based on appropriate analysis, and also taking into account historical data or stress scenarios, there should be an assessment of the appropriate levels of the leverage ratio that safeguard the resilience of the respective business models and whether the levels of the leverage ratio should be set as thresholds or ranges. Liquidity measures. PDF The following is added to the Directive:. This Regulation strengthens the way those financial conglomerates rules shall apply to bank and investment firm groups, ensuring their robust and consistent application.

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In order to ensure progressive convergence towards uniform rules on disclosure by institutions to provide market participants with accurate and comprehensive information regarding the risk profile of individual institutions, disclosure requirements should be phased in gradually. However, any competent authority may during the six months period refer to EBA the question whether the conditions in points a to d of Article 8 1 are met. Competent authorities may exercise the option provided for in paragraph 1 where the parent undertaking is a financial holding company or a mixed financial holding company set up in the same Member State as the institution, provided that it is subject to the same supervision as that exercised over institutions, and in particular to the standards laid down in Article 11 1. It is therefore important for the originators or the sponsors to retain exposure to the risk of the loans in question. Consequences of the conditions for Common Equity Tier 1 instruments ceasing to be met. Prudential consolidation. The parent undertakings and their subsidiaries subject to this Regulation shall set up a proper organisational structure and appropriate internal control mechanisms in order to ensure that the data required for consolidation are duly processed and forwarded. Equivalent financial requirements for institutions holding money or securities belonging to their clients are necessary to ensure similar safeguards for savers and fair conditions of competition between comparable groups of institutions. OJ L , Where a bank does not comply with the applicable minimum coverage requirement, deductions from its own funds apply. While EBA should identify those currencies where the needs of institutions established in the Union for liquid assets exceeds the availability of those liquid assets in that currency, EBA should also annually examine whether derogations, including those identified in this Regulation, should be applied. Subsidiaries of subsidiaries shall also be considered to be subsidiaries of the undertaking that is their original parent undertaking;. While EBA should identify those currencies where the needs of institutions established in the Union for liquid assets exceeds the availability of those liquid assets in that currency, EBA should also annually examine whether derogations, including those identified in this Regulation, should be applied. Institutions should be encouraged to move towards the more risk-sensitive approaches.

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