955 yonkers ave

Smith, MD, practices the highest standards of plastic and reconstructive surgery for men and women in Yonkers, New York, and the surrounding communities. As the medical director at his private practice, Aloysius G.

She holds a certificate of clinical competence from the American Speech Language Hearing Association and a fellow of the American Academy of Audiology. Their average review score is 4. Highly recommend. He truly listens and finds an answer to my many "problems. Colonna did a wonderful and caring session with my mother who is

955 yonkers ave

At LHR Yonkers you can save money without sacrificing quality. Our patient-friendly center offers high-quality imaging at a lower cost, especially compared to expensive hospital-owned imaging centers. Click here to learn more about spending less on your radiology. Lenox Hill Radiology is committed to providing a full spectrum of leading-edge diagnostic imaging services in a caring and comfortable environment. You can count on Lenox Hill Radiology to provide exceptional service and timely and accurate imaging reports. Please contact us to schedule your imaging exam, learn about us and our subspecialty imaging experience. Skip to main content. Order by closest to me. Quick Links. Scheduling: Request an Appointment. X-ray Hours.

Heart Care PC.

At Colonna Hearing Services, your needs are the number one priority. From when you first step into our office to finding a personalized solution, you can expect unparalleled service and exceptional care. Commonly, an ear problem in the outer or middle ear is referred to as a conductive hearing loss, while inner-ear problems or brain-processing difficulties are referred to as sensorineural hearing loss. These are two distinct types of hearing loss with differing treatment methods. All treatment starts with meeting with one of our expert audiologists to assess your needs with a consultation and our effective 4-step hearing test process. Learn More About Testing Process. Read Our Reviews on Google.

Open until PM. Steve and his team are truly fantastic. If you need PT, especially hand therapy, this is the place to go. The facility is clean, the staff is warm and personable, and the therapists really know Nice place to have your physical rehabilitation needs taken care of. I recently had surgery shoulder and was in need of a place that would ensure the rehab was done correctly. This was one of Convenient, clean facility with some amazing therapists to help you from start to finish. I was able to fully recover from a hamstring injury thanks to the work of Marie and the rest of the crew

955 yonkers ave

Read More. Welcome to Performance Rehabilitation. At Performance Rehabilitation, a physical therapy team works with patients to help with the following issues and complexities: Alleviate pain Recover function, strength and mobility after surgery Post-injury sport specific training Rehabilitate damaged joints Build strength Restore balance, endurance and range of motion. Our commitment to service extends beyond providing therapeutic services. Many private clinics and local hospitals are overcrowded, thus forcing their patients to be placed on a waiting list for an appointment. Waiting lists are never used at Performance Rehabilitation. Patients are generally scheduled within days after they call for an appointment.

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We look forward to helping you with all of your hearing care needs! I recommend her without reservation. Minimizing Radiation. Specialized dental practitioners, Orthodontist, Internal medicine practitioners. For some people they are, but unfortunately that type of aid is generally only appropriate for people whose hearing loss fails within a very limited range and who have excellent manual dexterity. Came in for a cat scan and the staff were quick and efficient. She was so lovely When they deserved it, I gave a single star. She has an expertise of care and is fully committed. She did nothing to "sell" us and everything to help my mother hear better. Our outpatient medical imaging center has free onsite parking. Billing and Insurance. Smith, MD, practices the highest standards of plastic and reconstructive surgery for men and women in Yonkers, New York, and the surrounding communities. Great bedside manners. Aloysius G.


Was seen about 10 minutes after the scheduled time. Exam Preparation. As a teacher, Dr. Smith, M. Stress Jaw joint disorders. In addition to his extensive experience in private practice, Dr. We take time to listen to our patients At Colonna Hearing Services, your needs are the number one priority. Louis D. Breast Surgery. However, selling someone a hearing aid that is not powerful enough to help their hearing or that they cannot insert and therefore will not wear is something we cannot condone.

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