

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, aaroniero, but one little thing If you are going aaroniero edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login.

We got tired of hearing people's thoughts about them a very long time ago. Aaroniero's face is usually concealed behind an elongated, white mask covered with eight holes. He dons this while in the light and also while around his fellow Espada , as he has grown weary of questions and offhand remarks regarding his appearance. In place of a normal head, he has a large, cylindrical glass capsule filled with red liquid, with two small Hollow heads suspended within its confines. The two heads are both tattooed with the number 9 and tend to talk in tandem when revealed, giving the effect of two people speaking in turn. The upper head speaks with a deep voice, while the other speaks in a high-pitched, childlike voice.



He explains that the Hollow aaroniero fought was one of Aizen's experiments and that every time it was destroyed, it would come back to Hueco Mundo and regenerate, aaroniero. Aaroniero only stands and watches, with the upper half of his body covered in shadow, without his mask.


Tite Kubo's hit anime Bleach is known for its colorful cast of characters, and many of its villains are truly legendary. The traitor Captain Sosuke Aizen schemes to fill the heavens' vacant throne and become a god, and he has assembled an army of arrancars to enforce his will. Chief among them are the Espadas , the top ten arrancars, ranked Espada 9, or the Noveno Espada, is the bizarre Aaroniero Arrururie. He's an oddity even in this bunch, and his character has all kinds of secrets for discerning readers to check out.


Rukia Kuchiki vs. Aaroniero Arruruerie , who spends much of the fight masquerading as Rukia's deceased mentor, Kaien Shiba. Rukia Kuchiki is confronted by Aaroniero Arruruerie.

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Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. In fact, Aaroniero consumed the Hollow Metastacia and absorbed its ability. Aaroniero also gains all the memories, knowledge, and battle skills of those he devours and can merge himself with other beings, an ability he gained from Metastacia. Reverse London Magic. Soul Carnival 2. Aaroniero states he doesn't care about that, to which Szayelaporro reminds him of the difference in their ranks. It was through eating that Hollow and gaining its abilities that he gained access to Kaien's body. Jay Looperreallyreallysucks Ordeaux26 Makyzi! Aaroniero was a Gillian, the weakest class of Menos , before becoming an Arrancar, [3] and the last of the first-generation Espada. He then explains that as he ended up taking control of his body again, he went on to become an Espada to aid in his revenge against Aizen. He then comments on the annoyance of the sun under the dome of Las Noches as his powers only work in the darkness. In episode and manga one-shot imaginary number Image Gallery. By devouring a Hollow with it, he gains not only their power, but also their individual abilities and can manifest any aspect of them, including their physical form and any of their powers at any time though this power is nullified by sunlight.

We got tired of hearing people's thoughts about them a very long time ago. Aaroniero's face is usually concealed behind an elongated, white mask covered with eight holes.

He asks her to kill her friends, and Rukia quickly realizes something is wrong and that he cannot be who he claims to be, as Kaien would never ask her to do such a thing. His Reiatsu is dark purple. The 9th Espada then analyzed the Kido she'd just used, bringing up more memories of Kaien and saying Rukia could've seriously injured him if she'd used the attack against him. Aaroniero then corrects her previous assumption that his power was transformation, as he is the only Gillian-class Menos Hollow out of all the Espada. Start a Wiki. Rukia used a Kido spell to hold her opponent in place then another to blast open the wall behind him, covering him in sunlight and revealing his true face. He then explains that as he ended up taking control of his body again, he went on to become an Espada to aid in his revenge against Aizen. Balthus Dire Mrs. He dons this while in the light and also while around his fellow Espada , as he has grown weary of questions and offhand remarks regarding his appearance. Don't have an account? Sign In Register.

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