Acoustic guitar forum

Today AM by jmagill. Today AM by lagatrix. Today AM by bossaddict.

The Acoustic Guitar Forum. Today AM. Handbuilt and unique custom guitars from professional luthiers, small builders, and individuals. Hatcher Studio ' Carefree Highway by Gordon Yesterday PM.

Acoustic guitar forum

In total there is 1 user online :: 1 registered, 0 hidden and 0 guests based on users active over the past 5 minutes Most users ever online was on Sat Dec 31, pm. Administration Messages Announcement of planned service downtime or other notes I would like to send to the group. Construction logs Show us how your current project is progressing. Gallery Post a few pictures of your "completed" project. Adhesives Glue choices -- types and preferences. Specialized Guitar making tools and fixtures Ideas for DIY shop made tools -- save money and add to the enjoyment. Materials Suitable for Acoustic Guitar Construction Wood selection sound-boards, backs, sides, necks and trim. Rosettes Making and Installing. Sound-Boards tops Wood choice logic, brace shapes, braces patterns -- what and why for the "heart of the guitar". Guitar Backs dimensional parameters, brace designs, brace layout and the logic behind those choices. Rim Construction Solid or Laminated sides? Ribbon lining style kerfing - rim profiling, contouring and the logic for those choices. Neck Fabrication Solid wood and laminates -- carving process, dimensional concerns, shape preferences. Putting it all together Sequencing -- clamping schemes -- logic, do's and don'ts. Pearl and Abalone Selection -- purfling -- finger-board -- head-stock.


Last Page. Today AM by personatech. Shubb partial Capos. Today AM by nikpearson. Medium-sized plectrums? Today AM by Boogee.

The Acoustic Guitar Forum. Today AM. Handbuilt and unique custom guitars from professional luthiers, small builders, and individuals. Build thread: 17 with Swiss Beatles Cover: I Have Seen a

Acoustic guitar forum

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Display mode. Brazilian Advanced Jumbo. Forum Tools. What About You? Deals Forum. Any love for the Loar arch Yesterday PM by tomcstokes Yesterday PM by btc A place to discuss other musical instruments including mandolins, ukuleles, resonators, banjos, dulcimers, bowed instruments, drums, harmonica, pedal and lap steel, dobros, etc. Where can I get a gig bag or Mark Forums Read.

If you have ideas for the forum, are having issues with anything, or just want to say something about it good or bad , please post in here. Details of forum contests run by members or other benefactors can be posted here. Private Board Members Please post here to say hello and let us know a bit about you.

Taylor ce K DLX input. Announce upcoming events of interest to acoustic guitar players, new music releases, jams, and relevant, music-related kickstarters. Forum Music Projects and Accomplishments. SQL time: 0. Slide It On Over. Alvarez At Anderton's Steadfastly Jan 23, In Memoriam A place to honor those who have passed away. Yesterday PM by FrankHudson. What About You? Yesterday PM by jimrecht. Yesterday PM by phavriluk.

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