aga khan pictures

Aga khan pictures

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The Aga Khan was an international social figure but was also leader of a sect of Muslims and was buried in this lovely mausoleum on the banks of the River Nile. Formerly people could visit the last resting place of the Aga Khan but when his widow died she requested that the mausoleum be sealed. The setting is quiet overlooking the botanical gardens of Kitchener Island at Aswan. There are many islands of different sizes between the north of Sardinia and Corsica. Isola dei Cappuccini is an unfinished and abandoned small holiday complex.

Aga khan pictures

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At least one of these words. Isola dei Cappuccini is an unfinished and abandoned small holiday complex.


To be sure, few persons bridge so many divides—between the spiritual and the material; East and West; Muslim and Christian—as gracefully as he does. Born in Geneva, brought up in Nairobi, educated at Le Rosey and Harvard, the Aga Khan has a British passport and spends a great deal of his time aloft in his private aircraft, but his base is Aiglemont, a vast estate near Chantilly, 25 miles north of Paris. A staggeringly large and effective organization, it employs 80, people in 30 countries. Although it is generally known for the nonprofit work it does in poor and war-torn parts of the globe, the A. The extent of these endeavors might not be so well known to the general public, since the Aga Khan usually shuns the press and stays out of the public eye. Though he has no political territory, the Aga Khan is virtually a one-man state and is often received like a head of state when he travels. As imam he is responsible for looking after the material as well as spiritual needs of his followers, who are scattered in more than 25 countries across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and North America. His projects, however, benefit people of all faiths.

Aga khan pictures

Aga Khan claims to be a direct descendant of Muhammad , the last prophet according to the doctrine of Islam. The title is made up of the titles " agha " and " khan ". The word " agha " comes from the Old Turkic and Mongolian "aqa", meaning "elder men", [3] [4] and means something like "master" or "lord. This title was less extraordinary in that time and place than it seems today, because the British while consolidating their hold on India, had been handing out similar titles liberally to any large landowner or tribal chieftain with local influence who made himself useful to them. The Aga Khan was exceptional in that, while it was the local tribal influence that had enabled him to serve the British and gain their favour, his claim to nobility was based upon his claim to leadership of an entire sect of Islam. Imperial Britain saw great possibilities in having under their control and patronage the head of a major Shia sect; it could even be used at some later stage to counterbalance the influence of the Ottoman Caliph , the head of Islam as recognized by the Sunni sects. The Aga Khan was the only religious or community leader in British India granted a personal gun salute. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk.

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The Aga Khan accompanied. GEN U. From Left M. The Aga Khan is the spiritual head of 60 million Ismaili Muslims worldwide. Filter by agency collections. He was one of the founders and the first president of the All-India Muslim League. All Aga Khans claim descent from Muhammad, last prophet of Islam. Feluca Boat on the Nile. Download Confirmation Please complete the form below. For the first time since her arrival in London , Lady Ali Shah , the 86 year old mother , of Aga Khan who is making her first visit to London , Left the home of her grandson , Prince Aly Khan , in Mayfair , wearing a heavy veil. All Archive greater than 20 years old. Tonight the Prince will deliver the opening speech as guest of honour at the economic conference 'Central Asia and Euro. All images. Aga khan Stock Photos and Images 5, See aga khan stock video clips.

The Aga Khan claims direct lineal descent from the Islamic prophet Muhammad through Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, Ali , [5] [6] who is considered an Imam by Nizari Ismailis , and Ali's wife Fatima , Muhammad's daughter from his first marriage. Ismailis gave Ali and their Imams a near-divine status. The origins of this concept lie in ancient Persian paganism.

A gardener prepares a flowerbed at the Aga Khan Garden at the Go to page. Begum Om Habibeh Aga Khan at an evening event, ca. Piazza del Cervo square in city center of Porto Cervo seaside At the gala Queen Silvia was awarded the 'golden heart', a honourary prize for her commitment to children in need. This picture shows detail of the islands of La Maddalena and Caprera, which lie between the North of Sardinia and Corsica, faintly seen in the far distance. From Left M. Citadel of Aleppo, Syria. This area is very popular with sailors and hosts the annual Rolex World Championship yacht races each September. Luxury yacht port and docking facilities in Porto Cervo resort Artist: Unknown. His goal was the advancement of Muslim agendas and protection of Muslim rights in India.

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