

Welcome to the AG Grid documentation.

AG Grid is a fully-featured and highly customizable JavaScript data grid. It delivers outstanding performance , has no 3rd party dependencies and integrates smoothly with React as React Component. Here's how our grid looks like with multiple filters and grouping enabled:. Check out developers documentation for a complete list of features or visit our official docs for tutorials and feature demos. Use the setup instructions below or go through a 5-minute-quickstart guide.


AG Grid is a fully-featured and highly customizable JavaScript data grid. It delivers outstanding performance , has no 3rd party dependencies and integrates smoothly with React as React Component. Here's how our grid looks like with multiple filters and grouping enabled:. Check out developers documentation for a complete list of features or visit our official docs for tutorials and feature demos. Use the setup instructions below or go through a 5-minute-quickstart guide. If you have found a bug, please report them at this repository issues section. If you're using Enterprise version please use the private ticketing system to do that. For more information on support check out our dedicated page. Look for similar problems on StackOverflow using the ag-grid tag. If nothing seems related, post a new message there. Do not use GitHub issues to ask questions. AG Grid is developed by a team of co-located developers in London.

Usage Overview Use aggridreact setup instructions below or go through a 5-minute-quickstart guide. Not all Grid Options support updates. Here, we use the editable property, aggridreact, which makes the column editable.

The grid is configure via props on the AgGridReact component. Props consist of simple types, arrays, complex objects and callback functions. When setting properties, it's best to treat non-simple types as immutable objects e. See React Hooks for best practices. It is a common requirement to update a grid option after the grid has been created. For example, you may want to change rowHeight via an application toggle.

In previous blog posts we have shown how to use classes in React: get started in 5 minutes and customising react data grid , in this post we will cover Getting Started using Hooks and how to optimise components which use the React Data Grid. Hooks let us use React features from functions so you won't see any classes in this Getting Started Guide. Since this is a getting started post I'll summarise the absolute basic steps to getting started, I assume you have npm installed. Rather than add all the code into my App. I'll use our basic cars data set so I'll amend my App. Then I will create the data that I will load into the grid. Initially I'll create this as a simple array and we'll consider alternatives later in the post. But I'd rather configure all the columns to be sortable and filterable at the same time, and I can do that by adding a default column definition on the grid itself. But, there is really no point in having a pagination, sorting and filtering on a grid with such a small amount of data. If I amend the initial state to be unassigned, then AG Grid will display a loading


Out of the box, it includes hybrid static and server rendering, image optimization, TypeScript support, easy routing, and more. Meanwhile, AG Grid can process over , updates per second, making it the perfect choice for livestreaming data. It can create integrated and standalone charting and it also comes with the ability to select, filter, sort, and edit rows, making it an all-around useful tool for wrangling complex data tables. Together, they can be used to create internal dashboards, finance apps, data models, and anything else that requires the fast, accurate handling of large amounts of data. Then, you will create some simple tests using Jest and the React Testing Library. You can check out the sample app for this tutorial in action here and refer to the full code in this GitHub repo. To generate these records using Mockaroo, fill in the Field Name and Type for each field you want to create:. To find the appropriate field types, you can either browse the provided categories or type a keyword in the search bar:. By default, Mockaroo will generate one thousand rows of data. When you are done, click Download Data on the bottom of the screen.

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If you want to join the team check out our jobs listing or send your application to info ag-grid. Data grids help organize large amounts of web application data efficiently, making it easier for users to visualize the data. Total Files We recommend updating options via AgGridReact props but it is also possible to updated a property via api. Readme Keywords react-component grid data table react. The gridRef. All of the code from this article is available on GitHub. To live-edit the code, open the example in CodeSandbox or Plunker using the buttons to the lower-right. Check out developers documentation for a complete list of features or visit our official docs for tutorials and feature demos. License MIT.

Once complete, you'll have an interactive grid, with custom components and formatted data - Try it out for yourself by sorting , filtering , resizing , selecting , or editing data in the grid:.

Prisma makes working with databases easier and more streamlined. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Grid Themes define how the grid looks colors, font, spacing etc. Now, we can use the ag-grid-react library by importing the AgGridReact component:. Total Files Here, DataGrid takes rows and columns as props to render the UI. Below, we change the border from gray to red:. We recommend the use of useCallback to avoid wasted renders: see React Hooks. Here, we use the editable property, which makes the column editable. In this example all the rows will be redrawn with the new height. Add buttons, checkboxes or images to cells with a Cell Renderer. Use the setup instructions below or go through a 5-minute-quickstart guide.

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