aj pritchard nude

Aj pritchard nude

Viewers were left collecting their jaws from the floor after ex-Strictly pro dancer AJ Pritchard went au-natural for his first shower on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! We have more newsletters. I'm Aj pritchard nude Celebrity

I'm A Celebrity star AJ Pritchard has revealed that the campmates actually did sleep under heat lamps for a few hours every night. At one point, he became so hot he had to strip off in the middle of the night. Want all the latest Showbiz news direct to your inbox? Share your email for news, gossip and more. We have more newsletters. I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!

Aj pritchard nude

I'M A Celebrity's new shower has been christened - by AJ Pritchard - and he got completely naked for it, stunning fans. The Strictly star bravely stripped off for the first go in the castle's version of the jungle's waterfall. And while the jungle has the glorious surroundings of a natural waterfall for the celebrities, this year's Welsh castle is a less glamorous affair. Next to it is a handpump where the celebrities will need someone else to lend a hand so they can have - cold - water in their shower. In tonight's launch episode AJ bravely opted to go first and showed off his dance-honed body in the process. He was helped by Shane Richie with the hand pump for the least glam I'm A Celeb shower experience ever. Fans were in shock at the scenes with one saying: "Being jealous that Shane Richie got to see AJ Pritchard naked was not something I banked on happening when I woke up this morning, but here we are… ImACeleb". The dancer and his fellow contestants had been forced to abseil down a cliff before entering the castle - and then they face a creepy-crawly packed first trial. They were all placed in individual cages before being showered by a delightful mix of cockroaches, crickets, mealworms and maggots. Unfortunately Beverley had trouble manipulating the stars through so a backlog built up - but they managed to get seven meals for their dinners on their first night. However when back in camp Beverley was panicking about creepy crawlies still being about her person - though she wasn't the first to brave the showers. UK Edition. US Edition.

I'm A Celebrity

Former Strictly Come Dancing professional AJ Pritchard decided to sleep naked after he enjoyed a hot roast lamb with some of his fellow campmates. AJ warmed up during the night but he appeared to have forgotten his decision to sleep naked as he almost stepped straight out of bed. Everyone in tshirts.. That castle's got central heating! We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding.

I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! The former Strictly Come Dancing star, 26, left viewers swooning as he got half-naked for a shower on live TV. It was an unusual experience for AJ, who was forced to use the rusty metal bathtub to wash himself in front of millions of show fans. The professional dancer stood topless in his boxers as he tried to enjoy a freezing cold shower at the shabby castle. He didn't look too pleased as he washed behind the dirty curtain while locked in the gloomy prison-like cell. Reacting to seeing the star with less clothes on, fans took to Twitter. Another wrote: "I did not need to see aj bum omg ImACeleb imacelebrity. Damn ImACeleb ," a third commented.

Aj pritchard nude

To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories , we're happy to send you some reminders. Click ' OK ' then ' Allow ' to enable notifications. I'm A Celeb fans were left stunned when Strictly's AJ Pritchard stripped off to take a shower in the castle's grimy and stained bath. The mucky shower unit - which features a mouldy-looking wet-proof curtain hung on rusty rings - is the castle's answer to the jungle waterfall. After opting to wash first, he speedily removed his clothes for a quick rinse in the ancient tub. He was accompanied by fellow contestant Shane Richie, who pumped the shower for the Strictly star. The eerie bathroom, complete with a shower that gushes cold water, is in keeping with the rest of the spooky castle, which this season replaces the usual jungle camp. Located in Conwy, North Wales, the supposedly haunted castle has had the ultimate transformation to make it suitable for the show. The camp looks particularly eery, with mattress-less rusty beds set in what looks like a dingy old dungeon. The campfire is located inside the adjoining living area - and it's the only source of heat.

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ImACeleb - Michael D. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Models and Celebrities Mar 3, John R. To make sure you never miss out on your favourite NEW stories , we're happy to send you some reminders. Ireland weather expert pinpoints when 'wintry showers' possible as temperatures dip. Best budget air fryers in Amazon's sale that shoppers are choosing over Ninja. He's from Cheshire though I think isn't he? New footage of Kate Middleton fuels more conspiracy theories as public point out bag. Top Stories. Follow us on social. Former Strictly Come Dancing professional AJ Pritchard decided to sleep naked after he enjoyed a hot roast lamb with some of his fellow campmates. Reactions: Maximilian22 , ElioL , fatheadsf and 31 others. Orfeo13 Feb 12, Models and Celebrities. I know it well, AJ. Reactions: Lwt , bigboaster , JGay and 2 others.

Viewers were left collecting their jaws from the floor after ex-Strictly pro dancer AJ Pritchard went au-natural for his first shower on I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here!

Arsenal FC. It's not a gay club though is it? YES NO. Piers Morgan. He went on to add: "On Strictly you don't at all realistically, so I am excited. See Our Privacy Notice. Page 3's Apollonia Llewellyn thrills in teeny bikini — and fans fancy her 'too much'. Advert The year-old former Strictly Come Dancing star - who was one of 12 stars to head to north Wales this year - explained that the celebrities were able to sleep under heat lamps for a few hours every night. Invalid email Something went wrong, please try again later. The camp looks particularly eery, with mattress-less rusty beds set in what looks like a dingy old dungeon. Unfortunately Beverley had trouble manipulating the stars through so a backlog built up - but they managed to get seven meals for their dinners on their first night. He was trying to teach a guy to do the cha cha by the looks of it and was then just generally getting very close to guys. Replies 0 Views 1K. Reactions: Lwt and jusright.

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