

Euskararen tresnak. Kultura eta Hizkuntza Politika Saila.

The translation has been generated automatically elia. Elhuyar dictionary Become an Elhuyar member Who we are Services Artificial intelligence and language technologies Equality, participation and transformation Language services and Basque plans Scientific Outreach and Education. We apply state-of-the-art knowledge in Basque society Elhuyar ezagutuz aldatzea play See video. Teknopolis TV programme turns 25 March The colloquium cycle "In the light of women scientists" will address Alzheimer's, the philosophy of science and ecology March



Hiztegian azpisarrera hori zein sarreratan dagoen eta horretarako esteka ere agertuko da goialdean, alhuyar. Elhuyar presents his work in the European Alhuyar on language technologies and artificial intelligence February


Euskararen tresnak. Kultura eta Hizkuntza Politika Saila. Elhuyar Hiztegia ren bertsio hau hiztegi berritua duzu, Euskaltzaindiaren Hiztegi Batuaren eta gomendioen arabera moldatua. Hauxe da edukia:. Lehenik, hiztegiaren zein ataletan bilatu nahi den aukeratu behar da, euskara - gaztelania eu - es edo gaztelania - euskara es - eu. Ondoren, sarrera osoa, karaktere bat edo karaktere-multzo bat idatzi horretarako dagoen laukian.


The translation has been generated automatically elia. From today, the free multilingual automatic translator for computers and mobile is available in Elhuyar: itzultzailea. Based on state-of-the-art technology based on artificial intelligence and neural networks, Elhuyar has developed an automatic translator who knows the three main languages of Euskal Herria Euskera, Spanish and French and Catalan and Galician and has made it available to society free of charge. The Elhuyar translator can be used on the web itzultzailea. Translations between Euskera, Spanish, French, Catalan and Galician can be made both in one and the other. In the case of the mobile PPP, moreover, it is not necessary to insert the text in the application itself. When we're reading anything, we select the text, we press the copy button and we get the icon of the Elhuyar translator. By clicking on it, he brings us directly to the application and the text we have copied appears written in the corresponding text table.

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Horrez gain, sarrera horrek dituen azpisarrerak ere ematen dira. Elhuyar dictionary Become an Elhuyar member Who we are Services Artificial intelligence and language technologies Equality, participation and transformation Language services and Basque plans Scientific Outreach and Education. Hau da adiera bakoitzean ematen den informazioa:. Azpisarreretako adiera bakoitzean informazio hau ematen da:. Ordainetan Ik. Bilaketa-baldintzak betetzen dituzten sarrerez edo azpisarrerez osatutako zerrenda da bilaketaren emaitza. Azpisarrera horietako edozeinetan klik eginez gero, haren azalpenak eta adibideak ikusteko aukera izango duzu. The colloquium cycle "In the light of women scientists" will address Alzheimer's, the philosophy of science and ecology March Euskararen tresnak Elhuyar hiztegia. Elhuyar presents his work in the European Parliament on language technologies and artificial intelligence February September March

Elia Elhuyar Hizkuntza eta Teknologia. Everyone info.

Horrez gain, sarrera horrek dituen azpisarrerak ere ematen dira. The Elhuyar Dictionary exceeds 60 million consultations February Hau da adiera bakoitzean ematen den informazioa:. Ondoren, sarrera osoa, karaktere bat edo karaktere-multzo bat idatzi horretarako dagoen laukian. June We apply state-of-the-art knowledge in Basque society Elhuyar ezagutuz aldatzea play See video. Teknopolis TV programme turns 25 March March Orai, an artificial intelligence technology centre. Idatzitako karaktereekin hasten diren sarrerak edo azpisarrerak izango dira bilaketaren emaitza. Lehenik, hiztegiaren zein ataletan bilatu nahi den aukeratu behar da, euskara - gaztelania eu - es edo gaztelania - euskara es - eu. Azpisarreren ordainetan Ik. Hauxe da edukia:.

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