allison argent

Allison argent

Someone could be falling in love with your smile. Gerard is not my fault.

Allison Argent is a main character and the former female lead of the Teen Wolf series. Despite being descended from a long line of prolific French Werewolf Hunters , Allison was unaware of her legacy as a member of the Argent Family until shortly after her seventeenth birthday , when her aunt Kate introduced her to the world of the supernatural. Though she was originally resistant to her heritage, Allison finally began to seriously train in combat and the use of a multitude of weapons during her sophomore and junior year at Beacon Hills High School , where she found that she had a natural affinity for the craft. After the death of her mother Victoria, Allison, as the sole remaining woman in the family, became the head of the Argent Hunter clan due to their family's tradition of matriarchal leadership. However, unlike the female Argent leaders who came before her, Allison belonged to a Werewolf pack , and encouraged her father to join her in changing their Code by abandoning the concept of hunting all supernaturals and instead protecting all innocents, whether human or supernatural, from anyone of any species who mean to do them harm.

Allison argent

Her family life was difficult. Her mother was given to fits of rage, and her father was over-protective while Allison had a bit of a rebellious streak. Allison was an accomplished archer and gymnast and knew nothing of her family's secret hunting of supernatural creatures. Allison struggled with her self-confidence and berated herself every time she felt helpless and weak. Her aunt, Kate Argent had revealed the family secret and she learned of her boyfriend's werewolf nature. She was left at a crossroads between her family obligations and her friends, particularly Scott. After dealing with grief from her mother's death, Allison decides to break-up with Scott and spend the summer in France with her dad. When they returned to Beacon Hills, they tried to put their hunting days behind them. However, the emergence of The Alpha Pack and the Darach had them fight once more. Allison then instilled a new code; "We protect those who cannot protect themselves. Following her sacrifice to ignite the Nemeton and save her dad, she suffered hallucinations of Kate before closing the door to her mind by embracing her confidence. When a Nogitsune possessed Stiles, she helped find a way to save him. During a skirmish with Oni , Allison is mortally wounded and, in Scott's arms, confesses that she still loved him before dying. Allison moves to Beacon Hills and gets caught up in family secrets and the supernatural.

Katashi as she enters his office.

That news has plenty of fans remembering just how much they loved her character - from her romance with Scott McCall to her journey to become a protector of supernatural beings. Born into a family of hunters, Allison had just as much to learn about the supernatural as Scott did when he was first bitten by a werewolf. Although her journey was very different from his, Allison had a lot of wise words during her time on the show, and plenty of one-liners to entertain the audience as well. When the Argent family first moves to Beacon Hills, the first person she makes friends with is Lydia Martin. Lydia, at the time, is preoccupied with cultivating the perfect image, and that includes not allowing anyone to see how smart she is, including her boyfriend Jackson. A bowling date that Jackson and Lydia bring Allison and Scott on leads to Allison realizing that Lydia is much better at bowling than she lets on just as she's more knowledgeable about just about anything than she lets people know. Allison sees that, no matter how much of an ego boost Lydia thinks she's giving Jackson, Lydia might not be all that happy.

Reed's character, Allison Argent, died at the end of Teen Wolf season 3, as Crystal Reed had decided to leave the show to pursue other creative endeavors. While Crystal Reed was known to be returning, it was unclear whether she would return as Allison herself. Now that Teen Wolf: The Movie has finally been released, Crystal Reed's return can be properly explained and examined. It should be no surprise that the Nemeton played a large part in Teen Wolf: The Movie , and it was integral in Crystal Reed once again playing a resurrected Allison Argent. The Nemeton ritual that brought Allison back from the dead involved using earth from the spot where she was killed in Teen Wolf season 3, as well as the sword that killed her, and bringing it to the Nemeton on a specific night. Presumably, the Nogitsune had prepared everything beforehand, only needing Scott and his friends to be the emotional link that brought Allison back for good. Though the exact circumstances of Allison's Teen Wolf return are a bit hazy, it is clear that the Nogitsune instigated her resurrection, and as such, likely had a hand in altering the state she returned in and what she would and would not remember. If she believed that Scott, Derek, and the rest of the pack were responsible for killing most of her family, including her mother and aunt, it would be enough to convince her that she was still a full-fledged werewolf hunter and force her to kill them.

Allison argent

Teen Wolf still lives on as one of MTV 's most popular shows, as it created a cast of beloved characters that made fans laugh, swoon and ultimately reach for the tissue box. One of the show's most heartbreaking character departures was the tragic death of Beacon Hill's resident archery-enthusiast, Allison Argent. Played by actress Crystal Reed, who left Teen Wolf at the end of Season 3, Allison was given the heroic ending of a hunter and a final moment to reconnect with her one true love, Scott McCall. While this was sad, Reed spoke to the showrunners about her departure, giving them enough time to properly write her off the show. Season 3 saw Scott and his pack facing off against an ancient Japanese fox spirit known as the Nogitsune, who possessed the body of Scott's best friend, Stiles. In the penultimate episode of Season 3, "Insatiable," during a confrontation with the Nogitsune Stiles, Scott and Allison fight off the Oni warrior spirits that the Nogitsune controlled. Allison fired a silver tipped arrow into an Oni as he ripped into her current werewolf boyfriend, Isaac's, chest. Suddenly, she turns around and runs into the blade of another Oni. It's a devastating and shocking moment that sent ripples throughout the fandom. Scott ran over and cradled the quickly fading Allison in his arms.

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She meets up with Scott the next day at school to tell him that she told her father. They decide to get to him through his betas and set up a trap for Boyd and Erica. Born into a family of hunters, Allison had just as much to learn about the supernatural as Scott did when he was first bitten by a werewolf. This article is missing an appearances section. Allison believed that silver was the key to defeating an Oni but that Chris's bullet had continued to fly which was what had saved the Oni but that an arrow would remain in the body, poisoning the demon and killing it. Allison watched anxiously as Scott assessed the canine, breathing a sigh of relief when he determined that he only had a broken leg and that he was capable of giving him some pain medicine and splint the affected leg. She then witnessed the Nogitsune be overpowered and incinerated to death along with Derek, who sacrificed himself to ensure the creature was slayed once and for all. In an effort to feel more confident and less afraid, Allison has Kate teach her to use a taser. Retrieved January 7, Sighing as she thought about the question for a moment, Allison replied that Scott was just "different," pointing out that her initial plan was to just not date at all until she went to college, because her family moved around too much and it was too hard to stay with anyone long-term, but Scott was so different from the other guys she had met, before ending the story by stating that she just couldn't explain it.

Someone could be falling in love with your smile. Gerard is not my fault.

Lydia's party is basically empty, and Allison catches up with Scott and Stiles. June 28, Allison keeps mulling over Scott at the formal, him telling her he loves her, but snapping to the fact he is also a werewolf. Scott doesn't care and starts fighting with him despite Allison's protest that she's okay. Scott doesn't see anything until she holds the black light over it. Lydia tears the canvas off and orders Allison to start over. And I think there was a reason why. She takes aim but starts to shake. At school the next day, Gerard questions Allison about Jackson's disappearance. She exits the bus, collapses into her father's arms devastated as Scott flees. Allison smiled bashfully as she admitted that she made up "family night" as an excuse and accepted his invitation to attend the party with him. She again tries to play the kiss off as no big deal. Allison's relationship with Scott becomes a tentpole in the show. They attack Derek and Scott. She sits next to Lydia.

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