american dragon

American dragon

Since Dr. If you are called to do so, we would welcome donations to help these expenses, american dragon. Abdominal Blockage. Karposi's Sarcoma.

Diente Captain Gantu formerly Reuben formerly Dr. Jake lives with his parents, Jonathan and Susan , and his younger sister Haley. A descendant of a family of magical dragons , his two best friends are the feisty Trixie Carter and seemingly dim-witted Arthur "Spud" Spudinski. Before his thirteenth birthday, Jake started getting glimpses of his dragon heritage. For example, while younger, during a race with Brad at Camp Mugwomp for the Mugwomp Cup, he unintentionally breathed fire, startling himself into tripping over a log to fall face first into mud, losing the race [5].

American dragon

A teenage slacker is given the ability to turn into the American Dragon and defends all mythical creatures that secretly reside in the human world. Jake Long : [Repeated line] Oh man! Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Animation Action Adventure. See production info at IMDbPro. Episodes

Allergic Rhinitis.

American Dragon: Jake Long is a featured article , which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. It also aired on Disney Channel in Australia. The series was scheduled to have a third and fourth season at one point even a live-action film , but Disney Channel decided to end its run with only 2 seasons. The final episode aired on September 1 , The fictional character was inspired by Victor Tiba, who fought in the Vietnam War. The story was set in the New York City borough of Manhattan.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode list. Seasons Years Top-rated. Torn between fun and duties.

American dragon

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Neurosis, Gastrointestinal. Lao Shi trains Jake in the magical, mystical ways of the dragons. She had already been asked to go by Brad at the time, which prompted Jake to go with someone else , but when Brad "stole" Jake's date and left Rose to sit alone, Jake immediately went over to comfort her and the two of them shared a dance instead [12]. If you are called to do so, we would welcome donations to help these expenses. Jonathan Jeff Bennett , a businessman dad originally from the Midwest, is unaware that he is married into a family of dragons from his Chinese wife Susan Lauren Tom who lacks any dragon abilities, which skipped her generation. It may seem Jake is a bit superficial, but in truth, he does put some stock in a person general personality more than he does their appearance. Abdominal Cold. Karposi's Sarcoma. Cervical Lymphadenitis. Hydrocele, Scrotal. Paraplegia, Traumatic.

It premiered on Disney Channel on January 21, , and ended on September 1,

Matt Nolan Brad. Start a Wiki. Episode guide. This is frequently proven by his tendency to keep up with the newest developments and styles, or personal interests such as video games, popular music, extreme sports and hot girls. Laryngitis, Acute. Older and more experienced dragons can be appointed as "Dragon Masters", coaches to younger and less experienced generations of dragons, their "Dragon Student. However, following Disney Channel's renewal of Kim Possible for a fourth season, Loter would resume his role as the director but still serve as an executive producer of Jake Long. Cancer, Esophageal. Neuritis , Brachial. Lochia Prolonged. In this test, the student must make their way through an obstacle course set up around Draco Island and must fly through three rings. Rhinitis , Atrophic.

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