american pie the naked mile

American pie the naked mile

Going from theatrical release to straight to video typically shows the decline of a franchise in a big way and that happens to be the case for the American Pie franchise.

A high school virgin, who is eager to have sex, gets a guilt free pass from his girlfriend to lose his virginity while attending college parties for a whole weekend. Tracy : [] You took a crap in my dryer! Erik Stifler : Your dad scared the shit out of me! Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account.

American pie the naked mile

Contact us. Netflix Home. Eager to have sex before graduation, high school senior Erik Stifler joins his cousin in college for a wild weekend of parties and a naked run on campus. Watch all you want. More Details. Watch offline. Download and watch everywhere you go. Comedy Movies , Teen Movies. This movie is Raunchy, Irreverent. More Like This. Coming Soon. The Influencer. Numerous influencers in Korea compete to determine who has the utmost influence on social media. Who will reach the pinnacle of power and status?

DTS Dolby Digital. Archived from the original on Italian dubbing Tracy Fedak

Sign In. Erik Stifler Maria Ricossa Stifler Christopher McDonald Stifler Joe Bostick Williams Alyssa Nicole Pallett Porn Star Jessica Booker

Hunting down a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or watch the Joe Nussbaum-directed movie via subscription can be a challenge, so we here at Moviefone want to take the pressure off. We've listed a number of streaming and cable services - including rental, purchase, and subscription alternatives - along with the availability of 'American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile' on each platform when they are available. What, so now you want to know what the movie's about? Here's the plot: "When Erik Stifler realizes that he's the only Stifler family member who might graduate high school a virgin, he decides to live up to his legacy. After some well-meaning advice from Jim's dad, Erik's ready to take his chances at the annual and infamous Naked Mile race, where his devoted friends and some uninhibited sorority girls will create the most outrageous weekend ever.

American pie the naked mile

It is the second installment in the American Pie Presents film series , a spin-off of the American Pie franchise. John White stars as Erik Stifler, a high school senior given a hall pass from his girlfriend Jessy Schram who visits his cousin Steve Talley to run a mile naked. It received generally negative reviews from film critics. It was followed by Beta House Erik Stifler, Steve and Matt Stifler 's cousin, fails to live up to the family name as he is about to graduate from high school as a virgin. As the film opens, Erik feigns an illness so that he can stay home and masturbate.

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Erik Stifler. OK so I thought the fourth one was probably going to be last one, personally I felt they had milked the franchise for all its worth and the previous one only rose above the ordinary on the basis of some great DVD extras Drinking Contestant. Coming Soon. Little Person 2. She suddenly decides she's now ready, inviting Erik to her house later to have sex for the first time. At first they are reluctant to run, but when Brandi, Jill, and Alexis strip down stark naked, they are finally prompted to strip down as well. It received generally negative reviews from film critics. Did you know Edit. The rest is pretty deadly. Naked Mile Runner uncredited Andrew Paradis See all related lists ยป. Jessy Schram Tracy. Official site. Watch offline.

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The characters feel a bit more real and much more likable. The guys then ask him if he "sealed the deal" with Brandi that night, and when Erik tells them no, Ryan pays up on the bet to Cooze. See the gallery. More Like This. Woman in Bar uncredited. Clear your history. Top credits Director Joe Nussbaum. Edit page. Sign In Sign In. The film built up the possibility of there being a discussion of what it means to be a Stifler when someone refuses to call Erik by his last name as they do with his cousins but it never amounts to much. Jake Siegel Cooze. The rest is pretty deadly. They are interrupted when her father comes downstairs for a nightcap. A nugget of something that could have interesting but never really explored.

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