american psycho 2 reparto

American psycho 2 reparto

A girl named Rachael Newman has developed a taste for murder and will stop at nothing to become a college professor's assistant. Rachael Newman : [after strangling Brian with a condom] Ribbed, for her pleasure, american psycho 2 reparto. Sign In Sign In.

Mila Kunis Rachael Newman. William Shatner Robert Starkman. Geraint Wyn Davies Eric Daniels. Lindy Booth Cassandra Blaire. Charles Officer Keith Lawson.

American psycho 2 reparto

Rachel is a criminology student hoping to land a position as a teacher's assistant for professor Robert Starkman. She's sure this position will pave the way to an FBI career, and she's willing to do anything to obtain it -- including killing her classmates. The school psychiatrist, Dr. Daniels, becomes aware that Rachel is insane, but Rachel is skilled at her dangerous game of death and identity theft. View More. Love this movie. I like it better then the first. Just because she's cunning and secretive and you would never see her coming. Like it more then the 1st one. Read All Reviews. Looks like we're missing the following data in en-US or en-US View Edit History. Login to edit. Keyboard Shortcuts. Login to report an issue.

Goofs at around 38 mins The second scene in Professor Starkman's class takes place two days after the first one yet everyone is wearing the same clothing and the word "Nicknames! Rachael's Dad.

Sign In. Directed by Morgan J. Freeman Writing Credits Alex Sanger Characters created by Cast in credits order complete, awaiting verification Mila Kunis Rachael Newman William Shatner Starkman Geraint Wyn Davies Brian Lindy Booth

Sign In. Edit American Psycho Patrick Bateman Justin Theroux Timothy Bryce Josh Lucas Craig McDermott Bill Sage

American psycho 2 reparto

El productor Edward R. Patrick Bateman Christian Bale es un ejemplo claro del yuppie neoyorquino y su vida no parece excitarlo demasiado hasta que descubre su gusto por la sangre. Bateman consigue emborrachar a Paul y lo lleva de regreso a su apartamento. Bateman, sin que ella lo sepa, sostiene una pistola de clavos en la parte posterior de la cabeza mientras los dos conversan. Huyendo a su oficina, Bateman entra en el edificio de oficinas equivocado, donde asesina a un guardia de seguridad y un conserje. Mientras Bateman va a almorzar con sus colegas y su abogado, Jean, horrorizada, encuentra dibujos detallados de asesinatos, mutilaciones y violaciones en el diario de la oficina de Bateman.

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Scott Hamilton Settings Enable Keyboard Shortcuts. Jenna Perry Young Rachael. Daniels' Mom Neil Crone Juli Saragosa Dialogue Editor. Harvey Boyd Banks Neil Crone Harvey. Garrett Kerr Sound Designer. Director — Morgan J. Featured review. Goofs at around 38 mins The second scene in Professor Starkman's class takes place two days after the first one yet everyone is wearing the same clothing and the word "Nicknames! Kim Schraner Elizabeth McGuire.

Freeman from a screenplay by Alex Sanger and Karen Craig. It was also denounced by Bret Easton Ellis , the author of the original novel , and Kunis later expressed regret for the film.

Settings Enable Keyboard Shortcuts. Lindy Booth Cassandra Blaire. Jenna Perry Young Rachael. Keyboard Shortcuts. Gill Andrew Scorer Featured review. Crew Director — Morgan J. American Psycho was an underrated modern classic, a psycho film with a minatory black comic undertow that quite took one aback. George Aywaz Key Hair Stylist. Lindy Booth Cassandra. American Psycho 2.

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