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Anthea turner nude

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Anthea turner nude


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We have more newsletters. As the star attempted to show everyone how to pick up small items from carpets using a pair of tights and a hoover hose. In a hilarious moment, she revealed that the Loose Women star was expecting her fourth child, when in fact it was Coleen Rooney who was pregnant. By Laura Donaldson. Video Loading Video Unavailable. Click to play Tap to play. The video will auto-play soon 8 Cancel Play now. Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox More Newsletters.

Anthea turner nude

Anthea Turner shared some stunning bikini throwback snaps on Wednesday, as she prepares for an operation on her fibroids. The star, 61, looked incredible in a tiny blue two-piece which displayed her toned frame as she holidayed in Cyprus last month. The snaps showed the presenter enjoying a refreshing swim and climbing out of the sea. Throwback: Anthea Turner shared some stunning bikini throwback snaps on Wednesday, as she prepares for an operation on her fibroids. Anthea, who revealed last week she had fractured her foot after tripping on a curb, wrote: 'Hi, sitting here looking at bruises on my foot and rain dripping down the window while isolating for a minor op tomorrow on my fibroids. Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the womb. Wow: The star, 61, looked incredible in a tiny blue two-piece which displayed her toned frame as she holidayed in Cyprus last month. Swim: The snaps showed the presenter enjoying a refreshing swim and climbing out of the sea. Caption: Anthea, who revealed last week she had fractured her foot after tripping on a curb, wrote: 'Hi, sitting here looking at bruises on my foot and rain dripping down the window while isolating for a minor op tomorrow on my fibroids'.

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The veteran TV presenter looked in great spirits as she frolicked in the sea in Greece - despite having her wedding cancelled. Anthea Turner looked incredible as she slipped into a revealing yellow bikini on her sun-soaked Greek getaway.

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