Aol latino mail

AOL Latino is designed to offer the same features and benefits as the English version but is directed toward the Spanish-speaking population. The new AOL 9.

America Online launched a service Wednesday for the burgeoning market of U. In addition to the familiar "You've got mail! The U. Hispanic population, the country's largest minority group, has grown over the past two years at nearly four times the rate of the overall population. Latinos are also catching up to whites and Asians online. En Espanol" site with news, maps and even greeting cards in Spanish, while Microsoft Corp. Both companies also offer instant-messaging software and Web-based e-mail in Spanish.

Aol latino mail

America Online Inc. The ad onslaught will be delivered via television, radio, print media and outdoor advertising to promote the AOL Latino 9. AOL, in Dulles, Va. A television spot that will run on the Univision and Telemundo Spanish-language networks in 10 large Hispanic markets will show the AOL Running Man icon in a classroom and close with the voice-over in Spanish: "America Online learned Spanish Introducing the new AOL Latino. Hispanics who prefer to use Spanish on the Internet. The AOL Latino interface and menu items are in Spanish, and it features Spanish-language news and content about sports, entertainment, music and lifestyle issues. AOL has about 2. There are about 38 million Hispanics in the U. This ad campaign runs through January and will be followed by a nontraditional grass-roots effort designed to communicate more directly with Hispanic communities, said David Wellisch, AOL Latino's vice president and general manager, who declined to disclose initiative details. He also declined to say how many subscribers AOL Latino expects to attract through this current ad campaign. Along with the ad campaign, AOL later this month will distribute installation CDs to Hispanic households through direct mailings, retail outlet displays and ad inserts, he said. AOL estimates that in the next four to five years about 5 million new Internet service accounts will be created in the U. Hispanic Internet accounts, Wellisch said.

Other new Spanish features for general online use include a welcome screen with audio in Spanish, Spanish installation, registration and setup procedures.


Add two-step verification for added security, get world-class spam protection and easily identify safe emails with official AOL badges. Manage your AOL Calendar, create and use folders, use keyboard shortcuts to get through your mailbox faster. Update your settings to make AOL Mail look and feel exactly how you need it—from how you write emails to managing your incoming messages. Never worry about where or when you can access your AOL Mail. Make writing an email fun and personal with an updated emoji picker, a myriad of gifs, new stationery options and more. Keep your inbox clutter-free with automated tools. See all emails based on topic e. Or, use advanced filters to sort incoming emails to any folder. Add a splash of color or image to your inbox, streamline your inbox to see just a list of emails or a message preview pane, adjust the space you see between each email and choose to open your messages in different tabs based on your preference.

Aol latino mail

Hispanic audience. The group now accounts for Census figures. More importantly, both for AOL and for advertisers, this group is fairly new to the Internet and usage is growing quickly.

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In addition to the familiar "You've got mail! The AOL Latino interface and menu items are in Spanish, and it features Spanish-language news and content about sports, entertainment, music and lifestyle issues. A more recent study from Pew Internet and American Life Project has Latinos just a few percentage points behind whites; that survey, however, was conducted in English. En Espanol" site with news, maps and even greeting cards in Spanish, while Microsoft Corp. He would not be more specific, other than to say a few are located in Miami, San Jose, Calif. Spanish-language products from Microsoft and other companies are typically difficult or impossible to obtain in the United States. The new AOL 9. It brings the power of the Internet to the home and the choice to have it in Spanish or English or both, while guaranteeing a safe online experience for the entire family. Both companies also offer instant-messaging software and Web-based e-mail in Spanish. More from CBS News. Juliana Deeks, an analyst with Jupiter Research, said AOL's first priority is simply software that lets users get online in Spanish: "We're still in kind of the first phase of this mad-dash land grab for the Latino audience and their purchasing power.

AOL's Spanish-language portal is now available for free as the company completes its plans to give away most of its services to boost traffic to its ad-supported Web sites. Following years of decline in AOL's core Internet access business, the company began two years ago to break down its walled gardens of exclusive content.

Hispanic population, the country's largest minority group, has grown over the past two years at nearly four times the rate of the overall population. Along with the ad campaign, AOL later this month will distribute installation CDs to Hispanic households through direct mailings, retail outlet displays and ad inserts, he said. Menu The Lantern. The Commerce study shows Hispanics still trailing whites and Asians online, though their growth rate is higher. Baseball: Buckeyes drop to. Both companies also offer instant-messaging software and Web-based e-mail in Spanish. Be the first to know. Nieves Pujalte, an international graduate student from Spain, who is teaching Spanish at Ohio State, said she would be excited to read the Latin American newspapers that she cannot normally find. Juliana Deeks, an analyst with Jupiter Research, said AOL's first priority is simply software that lets users get online in Spanish: "We're still in kind of the first phase of this mad-dash land grab for the Latino audience and their purchasing power. According to a U. En Espanol" site with news, maps and even greeting cards in Spanish, while Microsoft Corp. AOL's service goes further, offering a complete package - including software to connect, send e-mail and browse the Web in Spanish and a toll-free number for Spanish customer support. For Pujalte, this service may be useful, but English-speaking students taking Spanish classes may not be inclined to use this service. More from the Foundry Network.

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