Apollo 11 stamp value

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Centurion Technologies - Poczta Polska logo 1. Brand: Centurion Techn. Home Stamps mint Home. SPAIN - Frama issue -

Apollo 11 stamp value

The new members are always welcome. Zapraszamy nowych członków do prężnego. Dnia 13 czerwca r. Wartość nominalna znaku opłaty pocztowej z oznaczeniem literowym A odpowiada wartości nominalnej znaczka pocztowego używanego do uiszczenia opłaty za ekonomiczną przesyłkę listową nierejestrowaną, w tym kartkę pocztową, w obrocie krajowym, w formacie S o masie do g. W części ilustracyjnej kartki znajduje się nazwa emisji ,, Kartkę o wymiarach x mm wydrukowano jednostronnie, techniką offsetową, na kartonie białym, w nakładzie sztuk. Autor projektu: Andrzej Gosik. W dniu 15 czerwca r. Na znaczku przedstawiono obraz beatyfikacyjny męczenników polskich II wojny światowej, autorstwa Stanisława Baja, znajdujący się obecnie w kaplicy Sanktuarium Maryjnego w Licheniu. Znaczek wydrukowano techniką rotograwiurową, na papierze fluorescencyjnym, format znaczka: 40,5 x 54 mm, w nakładzie Arkusz sprzedażny zawiera 35 szt. Z tej okazji została wydana również koperta FDC. Autor projektu: Jerzy Pietras. Autor obrazu: Stanisław Baj. W dniu 19 czerwca r.

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To find the value of your stamp please enter a brief description such as the scene or the words represented on your stamp, denomination and color use only simple colors of your stamp. If you prefer to get more results with less accuracy please use less words to describe the stamp — sometimes it could be better way to find what you need. To optimise the results of your search and to make it more precise, we recommend narrowing its criteria. For instance, instead of flag 34c searching for flag 34c USA united we stand will help you to find the desirable stamp quicker. Try to cut your stamp as smooth as possible and then push Submit button. We use cookies to personalize our content and to improve your user experience. You consent to our cookies if you continue using our website.

Apollo 11 stamp value

The 25th Anniversary of Moon Landing stamps commemorated the landing of Apollo 11 on the moon. The flight, a thrilling accomplishment for mankind, allowed the astronauts to photograph Earth from space for the first time. Once in orbit around the moon, the astronauts could watch the Earth rise over the Moon. Besides exploring the moon's surface, the astronauts placed an American flag there to further record their triumph. Mystified television viewers around the world watched as Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon. His legendary words — "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" — swelled the pride of all humankind and are ranked among history's most thrilling and immortal.

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Birds of Britain 1 Common ringtail possum Z tej okazji została wydana również koperta FDC. Marconi immediately decided that these waves could be adapted to carry telegraphic messages and that he would prove it. Typical oxcart Klüssendorf issue Black bears are found in every province and territory except Prince Edward Island. Salon de Toutes les Collections - Mulhouse Launch of the Cross-strait Mail Links Royal Mail Heritage: Mail by Rail Definitive issue Postal kiosks Irish animals and marine life 2 Year of the horse ProPostal definitive issue

Originally, Sputnik was intended to be a massive, thousand-pound satellite. However, because the Americans were attempting to launch their own satellite, the decision was made to scale back the design considerably. At the time of launch, Sputnik was no bigger than a basketball.

Stamps mint Centurion Technologies - Poczta Polska logo 2. Long-tailed duck The four Evangelists Typical oxcart Klüssendorf issue Royal Mail Heritage - Transport US symbol 2 - Bicycles Post logo 1 - P. Electric post auto The mint of Bydgoszcz became operational only in and the mint in Kraków — in , but they were shut down as early as in Winter Fur and Feathers Salon Timbre - Amitié franco-américaine Lion Heraldic Lion Johannesburg Aland

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