ark give all explorer notes

Ark give all explorer notes

This command unlocks all Explorer Notes and Fjordur Runes across all arks for the player executing the command.

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Ark give all explorer notes

By Vincenta13 , January 24, in General Discussion. Yo, there is a cheat code for open only dino and note explorer from 1 map? A cheat for the island, scorched earth? Because of WC i lose all my note explorer already open and dont want to search around the map. But i dont want to open note from extinction, so if you know a cheat code for open note explorer from 1 map.. I don't know of any unlock commands. There is no command that unlock the notes of a specific map. There is only a command to unlock a specific one:. I've never added the first command to the wiki because I couldn't care less about building and maintaining a list by indexes. Giveexplorerenote what do you mean by index via number or name of it or is it both? Oh by the way it's unlockallexplorernotes not giveallexplorernotes.

Just to clarify though: When I talk about getting the note again, I am not speaking of getting it twice or more on the same character. It'd put you at a disadvantage to other people on the server who didn't already unlock those notes.


This command unlocks all Explorer Notes and Fjordur Runes across all arks for the player executing the command. Be aware, executing this command might cause your client to temporarily freeze. These notes are small nodes hidden throughout the different modules that provide a background story for the game, often also containing valuable information helpful for players. For example, some Explorer Notes are dossiers that contain detailed information about different species of creatures found in the game. Others are tough-to-find notes that explain the lore of Ark, often from the perspective of previous survivors. All these can immensely help in enhancing a players' understanding of the game's environment and backstory.

Ark give all explorer notes

Notes about creatures and past events, left behind by previous survivors. The Explorer Notes are collected just by walking or flying near it. It is advisable to collect them while on a dino because your dino gets the XP and the effect as well. So the reward for finding these are doubled. If you find two Notes within a short time the effect time is added to the current one and not reset.

Darapper king

Anyone else have a similar issue? Ah okay i just realised that mistake my bad but can you be able to give me an example of one of those index's so i can figure out the rest? Note explorer Yo, there is a cheat code for open only dino and note explorer from 1 map? Odd that it requires standing next to a box for a note, but not a dossier Ark Cheat. I have admin access when I need it but I rarely use it, but this is a case where I'm completely willing to use a cheatcode to give dossier credit where it's due despite the game screwing with us in this way. AcexHellhound21 Posted February 5, OutlawFirebird Posted July 7, Date Posted: 4 Sep, pm. Cheat Console compatible Target Self Version added Change language. How are you typing it in? Posts: It'd put you at a disadvantage to other people on the server who didn't already unlock those notes.


If you are playing on your own server, you could always install the mod map called TCC Event Map, its a very small map with a big Arena. The answer to your question is a few posts before yours. I tried looking for a backup of the file and it since there was not any versions to reset to. View mobile website. Anyone else have a similar issue? OutlawFirebird Posted July 7, Posted February 3, Executing this command will unlock all Explorer Notes and Fjordur Runes. Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. How are you typing it in? Posts: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Posted July 7, IgnisCanere Posted July 19, Not fair.

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