armdrag wrestling

Armdrag wrestling

The arm drag takedown is one of the best and most basic in wrestling. Key elements to the arm drag series are controlling wrists, establishing head position, and armdrag wrestling your opponent to pressure into you, armdrag wrestling. Once these elements are in place, you are in position to score a takedown with essentially no risk!

Bath Haverling. Le Roy. Webster Schroeder. Gates Chili. Honeoye Falls-Lima. North Rose-Wolcott. South Seneca.

Armdrag wrestling

Professional wrestling throws are the application of professional wrestling techniques that involve lifting the opponent up and throwing or slamming them down. They are sometimes also called "power" maneuvers, as they are meant to emphasize a wrestler's strength. Many of these moves are used as finishers by various wrestlers, who refer to them by several different names that reflect their gimmick. Moves are listed under general categories whenever possible. An armbreaker is any move in which the wrestler slams the opponent's arm against a part of the wrestler's body, usually a knee or shoulder. The wrestler grabs one of the opponent's arms, jumps and connects both their knees against the opponent's stretched arm. As the wrestler falls onto their back, this forces the opponent's arm down into both knees, thus damaging it. A move in which the wrestler uses their opponent's momentum to the opponent's disadvantage. The wrestler hooks the opponent's arm and flips them over on to the mat. The wrestler may roll on to their side to give the move extra momentum. This move is performed when an opponent runs towards the wrestler facing them. When the opponent is in range, the wrestler hooks the opponent's near arm with both hands and falls backwards, forcing the wrestler's own momentum to cause them to flip forwards over the head of the wrestler and on to their back. Despite its name, it actually originates from Mexican lucha libre , not Japanese puroresu.

The wrestler then lifts their opponent up until they are parallel with the wrestler's chest, then throws themselves forward, driving the back of the opponent into the ground with the weight of the armdrag wrestling atop them. In other projects, armdrag wrestling.


Sign in. Forgot your password? Get help. Password recovery. BJJ Spot. Arm drags work both offensively and defensively. They function as a wrestling move in itself or a set up to a leg attack, which makes it unique in its flexibility. Properly executed arm drag is also very difficult to counter because it creates an angle in which the opponent cannot respond unless the opponent circles back around to a neutral position. Because of this, basic setups involve wrist control.

Armdrag wrestling

In my training, I have noticed the prevalence of the armdrag in bjj, wrestling or mma used in setting up various techniques. Rarely, though, have I received detailed instruction on the armdrag or arm drag itself. I got curious about its details and did some research. After that, I decided to share it with you, the reader, here because I figure other people may have similar questions. Remember: This creates a wide variety of options for you to use as follow up. Key Takeaway: Balance is vital. In order to strike you, your opponent must orient to you with good structure. If you get behind your opponent, you have a significant positional advantage. You have a wealth of good targets, any of which might quickly shut down your opponent.


Canisius Crusaders. Red Creek Rams. The wrestler grabs their opponent's arm, then turns to face the other direction and pulls the opponent over their shoulder. The wrestler grabs one of the opponent's arms, jumps and connects both their knees against the opponent's stretched arm. A hotshot is referred to when a flapjack is performed so that the opponent falls across the ring ropes. Williamson Marauders. Midlakes Screaming Eagles. An arm drag which sees the wrestler being spun in front of the opponent's body in a tilt-a-whirl , and then ending it with an arm drag. Once these elements are in place, you are in position to score a takedown with essentially no risk! Charter School for Applied Tech. Retrieved May 19, Then after grabbing the opponents nearest leg, the wrestler lifts the opponent's leg outward before swinging forward using the opponent's momentum and slamming them down back-first. Victor Blue Devils. Usually, the opponent grabs the attacking wrestler as if he were performing a sidewalk slam , the attacking counters and swings their body upwards, then scissors their legs around the opponent's head, spins around the opponent's body, and swings their legs downwards, resulting in the headscissors takedown. Facing their opponent, the wrestler reaches between their opponent's legs with their right arm and reaches around the opponent's neck from the same side with their left arm.

Bath Haverling.

Ben Davis and Titus Carell use the pumphandle slam as finishers, Davis uses an implant slam calling it the Plantation Punk Slam while Carell uses a spinning slam calling it the Spinerella Slam. Greece Storm. At the same time as your footwork starts, grab right above tricep, then step and punch with same side hip. This move sees the attacking wrestler lift the opponent in a standing guillotine choke and drop the opponent to the mat, lower spine first. This move is an STO where the wrestler would first apply a chokehold with one hand before sweeping their opponent's leg. The wrestler then lifts their opponent up so they are horizontal across the wrestler's body. Ruby Soho and Kalisto use this move in some of their matches. Alexa Bliss uses this as a signature move, normally followed by her rope-assisted repeated stomps. Kevin Nash used this move as a finisher during his time as his character Oz and called it the Oz Twister. The wrestler would then throw the opponent forward while falling to a seated position, flipping the opponent over in midair, and slamming them down to the mat back first.

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