asajj ventress sith

Asajj ventress sith

Asajj Ventress was initially a one-off character from the Clone Wars miniseries.

But after Dooku was ordered to dispose of Asajj and left her for dead, Ventress returned to her Nightsister clan to exact her revenge. In time, Ventress reinvented herself as a bounty hunter and reclaimed her identity, neither a Sith nor a Jedi. Asajj Ventress was born on Dathomir, home of the Nightsisters, but her clan was forced to give her up to a pirate named Hal'Sted when she was still a baby. But he, too, was killed, and Asajj was consumed with fury — raw emotion that led her to the dark side. In time, she became the apprentice of Count Dooku and one of his most valuable servants. Throughout the Clone Wars she acted as a Separatist assassin.

Asajj ventress sith

Many may not be aware that the events of the Star Wars prequel trilogy included a hidden Sith character as an agent of the dark side: Asajj Ventress. Through these shows, more of the characters, storylines, plots, and lingering threads of the prequel trilogy will continue to be explored. One of these characters is set to be Asajj Ventress based on The Bad Batch season 3's trailer , a character who is likely not common knowledge for those unfamiliar with Star Wars' TV past. From the earliest days of Star Wars: The Clone Wars to the most recent animated installment of the franchise's TV shows, Asajj Ventress has had a sprawling story that spans tales of death, destruction, and dark-sided deceit. This journey has led Asajj to become a fan-favorite character of the prequel era, something that may seem surprising given her hidden Sith nature in the prequels. Firstly, it is worth exploring Asajj Ventress' origins before going onto her importance in the Clone Wars. Ventress was born on the planet of Dathomir into the race of witches that hail from the planet : the Nightsisters. Ventress' mother was a Nightsister who trained under the tribe's leader, Mother Talzin. Interestingly, little about Ventress' life as a child on Dathomir has been released as her life underwent a traumatic change that saw her fall under the watchful eyes of the Jedi Order. When Asajj Ventress was young, the planet of Dathomir came under threat from a criminal warlord named Hal'Sted. As part of a bargain for the Nightsisters' safety, Talzin ordered Ventress' mother to give up the young girl to Hal'Sted.

In a key campaign of the war, Ventress and General Grievous infiltrated Kamino — the main production center for clone troopers — with Trident ships.

Interestingly, this early version of Asajj was dropped from the film in favor of Count Dooku, a character who would go on to play a major role in Asajj's journey from becoming a Jedi Padawan to Sith Disciple in the canon Clone Wars TV show. Asajj was born on the planet Dathomir to a member of the Nightsisters, a Dark Side group who generated magic by tapping into the dark energies surrounding their world. At a young age, Asajj was given to the pirate Hal'Sted, a member of the hyper-intelligent species the Sinteen, to protect her coven. In the years that followed, she served as his slave on the planet Rattatak, until Hal'Sted was killed by Weequay pirates and Asajj was found by a Jedi Knight named Ky Narec. Narec subsequently became her guardian, teaching Asajj how to draw from the Light Side of the Force and protect Rattatak's civilians from outside forces. Tragically, some ten years later, Narec was killed in a battle with pirates, which pushed Asajj to embrace her darker impulses and take control of Rattatak for herself.

Many may not be aware that the events of the Star Wars prequel trilogy included a hidden Sith character as an agent of the dark side: Asajj Ventress. Through these shows, more of the characters, storylines, plots, and lingering threads of the prequel trilogy will continue to be explored. One of these characters is set to be Asajj Ventress based on The Bad Batch season 3's trailer , a character who is likely not common knowledge for those unfamiliar with Star Wars' TV past. From the earliest days of Star Wars: The Clone Wars to the most recent animated installment of the franchise's TV shows, Asajj Ventress has had a sprawling story that spans tales of death, destruction, and dark-sided deceit. This journey has led Asajj to become a fan-favorite character of the prequel era, something that may seem surprising given her hidden Sith nature in the prequels.

Asajj ventress sith

But after Dooku was ordered to dispose of Asajj and left her for dead, Ventress returned to her Nightsister clan to exact her revenge. In time, Ventress reinvented herself as a bounty hunter and reclaimed her identity, neither a Sith nor a Jedi. Asajj Ventress was born on Dathomir, home of the Nightsisters, but her clan was forced to give her up to a pirate named Hal'Sted when she was still a baby. But he, too, was killed, and Asajj was consumed with fury — raw emotion that led her to the dark side. In time, she became the apprentice of Count Dooku and one of his most valuable servants. Throughout the Clone Wars she acted as a Separatist assassin. Time and again Ventress battled notable Force-wielders including Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan Kenobi , proving to be adept at lightsaber combat and utterly ruthless. In a key campaign of the war, Ventress and General Grievous infiltrated Kamino — the main production center for clone troopers — with Trident ships.

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This stance also has an Active Ability at the 4 success mark. She is super good alongside her Dathomirian friends, but she also makes a really solid second Primary in droid-centric lists. Retrieved September 10, Opress was the last warrior standing, but she knocked him out with a swift punch after he chose to rush to Feral's aid instead of continuing the attack. Ventress took a moment to mourn before rushing into the fray against the first wave of droids, leading her sisters in an offensive against the invading army. Through these shows, more of the characters, storylines, plots, and lingering threads of the prequel trilogy will continue to be explored. While drinking, Vos prodded Ventress for information on her training, but she remained tight-lipped. Ventress joined the escort detail to fly the Banshee alongside five other fighter pilots, but was additionally tasked with ensuring a specific piece of cargo reached Valaad. Ventress was disarmed by the Jedi and nearly taken down when a damaged Hyena -class Droid Bomber performed a suicide run on the dreadnought hangar. Retrieved January 22, Rescued by scavengers, Ventress killed the crew and piloted their ship to Dathomir where she was reunited with Mother Talzin and her Nightsister clan.

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I would play her slow, and go after Supports, Secondaries, and Weaker Primaries. Dooku and Sidious, eager to exploit their advantage and weaken the Jedi's position, hatched a plot to turn Jabba the Hutt , [25] leader of the Grand Hutt Council and the crime families of the Hutt Clan , [26] against the Jedi and the Republic. Despite having an agenda of her own with Opress—specifically, the recovery of her son, Maul—Talzin welcomed Ventress back without hesitation and offered to make her an official member of the coven by performing the baptismal ritual. Ventress redeems Vos but is seemingly killed by Dooku at the end of Dark Disciple 's story. Vos partnered with Ventress under the guise of a fellow bounty hunter but ultimately revealed his identity and purpose after the two fell in love. In season one, Ventress travels to the moon of Rugosa as Dooku's emissary to form an alliance between the planet Toydaria and the Separatists. Ventress recalled having killed Tholme early in the war, but instead told Vos that it had been Dooku that ended his Master's life. During the ceremony, the dark magicks caused Ventress to experience vivid and painful visions of her past—her transfer to Hal'Sted and his eventual murder, her training under Ky Narec and his eventual murder, and ultimately her tutelage under Dooku and his attempted murder of Ventress herself. She released the sarlacc, which proceeded to eat Meysor. Her pod rendezvoused with Gunray and Argyus' stolen frigate a short distance from the Tranquility , where she found the Senate Captain boasting about his success and claiming credit for the mission. As soon as her escort led her out of the grand hall, she broke free of her restraints and knocked them each unconscious before shooting them with stun bolts for extra assurance. Ventress later helps Anakin to find out that Barriss Offee , who stole her lightsabers, framed Ahsoka. She ultimately helps Ahsoka escape on the condition that she would be exonerated. The character is featured in several Star Wars games that were released after Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm:.

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