asking for a spanking stories

Asking for a spanking stories

The majority of my stories on this blog are works of fiction.

When I was bad, my mom would make me strip and bend over the couch. That happened for the first time when he was My Mom always spanked me when I did bad things, and I often did them to irritate her so she would. So I went into the kitchen and dropped a plate, broke it, and then I said some swear words that always got me spanked. Both of them were giggling at that, I wanted to do something really bad so they would do it some more. Now I am starting college, and will be staying at her sister's place, I can hardly wait! Is Clarissa a friend of the family?

Asking for a spanking stories

This is an original spanking story written by me. It was written for a fan of my work that contacted me directly asking me to write a spanking story for him. I was more than happy to do so, and I thought I would now share it with all of you!! Disclaimer: This story involves the spanking of a 12 year old girl. It is purely fiction and does not represent reality, nor does it reflect my views on the spanking of children. There are other ways to raise children without using spanking and I do encourage people to check out resources about raising without spanking when it comes to raising real kids. That being said, this is fiction and likely more representative of a time now past. Please enjoy this as the spanking fictional story it is meant to be. If however, you do not enjoy reading stories that involve the spanking of children, it is probably best if you skip over this one. Synopsis: This is a story about a 12 year old girl that gets in trouble at school and is suspended for breaking a window while playing baseball indoors. Her father is called by the principal at work and is very upset by the news.

I'm Gary and I've been posting here

I was reading through your website and I feel guilty so I felt compelled to send a message. I am 17 years old and have been stealing money from my aunt's house. I have been babysitting her kids and she has trusted me. I have taken a lot of money over a period of 6 months. I want to tell her what I did but I just can't bring myself to do it. I also believe I need to be punished for what I did.

Sorting through fantasies can be a tricky business and it's sound to think about whether what we fantasize about is something we actually want to try. Our sexual fantasies, just like other kinds of fantasy, often aren't things we want to put into real-life practice or action, but are just interesting or pleasurable escapes from reality we hang out in in our heads. But at other times, fantasies are things we want to try to make real. In sex , too, as in the rest of life, not everything we think will be fun ends up being so once we do it. Sorting out those fantasies is made even trickier if we have grown up -- as many of us have -- hearing a lot of messages about what are, and are not, "normal" or "good" things to want during sex. The messages many of us have heard often tell us that something must be wrong with people who like sexual practices that don't fit narrow or common cultural expectations or conventions about sex.

Asking for a spanking stories

And so you know, I usually picture myself on the receiving end. My mother never spanked me as a child, although she threatened a time or two. And I never had the courage to call her bluff those few times when she did seem on the edge of granting my secret wish. I also never had a babysitter who spanked, or an aunt who spanked. In fact, during my formative years, no one ever grabbed me, pulled down my pants, flung me over their knee, and went to work on my deserving little backside. You might wonder whence this fascination came? Beats the hell out of me. So, have I ever taken a chance? And what happened next?

Crossword clue unctuous

If so, how do I approach her with the topic? I was reading through your website and I feel guilty so I felt compelled to send a message. I especially write about how Steph spanked me for my misbehaviour… School Roleplay: June Previous post Where it all Began — Spanking Letter. Screen Name shown to the public. A first person story-format-like account of a school roleplay scene I did with my good friend Rosie. I have taken a lot of money over a period of 6 months. Yes No. A call to a parent during the day was serious and only happened for more serious offenses. It was written for a fan of my work that contacted me directly asking me to write a spanking story for him. I also believe I need to be punished for what I did. This is an original spanking story written by me. Already have a WordPress. And what about the Eucharist being the real body and blood?

My thirtieth birthday was approaching, and I was finally going to do it. I developed this plan three years ago, but was too chicken to see it through. This year I was determined.

If however, you do not enjoy reading stories that involve the spanking of children, it is probably best if you skip over this one. This was unfortunately a day that it was going to be put into good use. I mean, have you seen my blog? Both of them were giggling at that, I wanted to do something really bad so they would do it some more. Jim had decided along with his wife Martha, that they would use corporal punishment when necessary. A story about myself 3rd person and a dynamic I was in at the time that lasted around 7 months. Already have a WordPress. Categories All Confessions. And while I may have taken some artistic license in the descriptions and dialogue these are stories, not transcriptions! A story about getting into trouble with my friend, Dr Morrow RubyAmaryllis Archive of Our Own , alongside a group of mischievous friends at a spanking party. When I was bad, my mom would make me strip and bend over the couch. School Roleplay: June Your mom's friend?

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