atlas obscura paris

Atlas obscura paris

Witch trial history, a town filled with pumpkins, and more. November 01,

January 19, A Gastro Obscura Guide to Paris. New Octopus Species. That Time Houdini Shamed Congress. Gastro Obscura.

Atlas obscura paris


These towers are the most haunted in the world. History Witch Trial History Across Scotland, atlas obscura paris, stones known as Carlin stones form a tangible link to witch folklore—and offer another lens into the Scottish witch trials.


Travel Association. As more and more people venture out to make up for the last few pandemic-ridden years, you might be looking to go a little farther off the beaten path to avoid the crowds. But it's not always easy to learn about lesser-known travel gems or figure out how to find them. Fortunately, Stacker did some digging and found a hidden travel gem for every state, using data from Atlas Obscura. Each state's top hidden wonders were based on their travel rarity ratio, which Stacker calculated by taking the number of "want to visit" votes for places on Atlas Obscura and dividing those by the number of "been here" votes as of April 11, This list includes each state's places with the highest-ranking ratio—that is, lots of people want to visit, but not many actually have—as long as they had at least "been here" votes at the time of tabulation. Here you'll find opportunities to explore offbeat history, admire ancient geological formations, witness unexplained phenomena, and reveal long-kept secrets—no matter what state your travels take you to. Because these locations aren't the most obvious and out-in-the-open tourist attractions that you'd find in your garden variety travel guide, some of these locations require making special arrangements to access them. In other cases, the hidden gem might be on private property and only visible from afar. In those cases, it is vital to respect property owners and avoid trespassing.

Atlas obscura paris

Like us on Facebook and Tumblr , or follow us on Twitter. A series of bronze medallions dots the streets of Paris in a pattern that would seem random to those who do not know their origin, but in fact they follow what was once one of the most important lines in the world. Unfortunately, his was not the only meridian in competition to be The One. At the International Meridian Conference, which was put together specifically to determine which line of longitude would become the one true king of global spacial measurement, it was decided that the meridian line running through Greenwich would become the prime. This unfortunately left Arago and the centuries-old Paris meridian out in the cold, to be largely forgotten by time and progress. Created by Dutch artist Jan Dibbets, the sprawling monument consists of bronze medallions that have been set into the Paris streets along the path of the Paris meridian from the northern tip of the city to the southern tip.

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Unusual Flours. Lima, Peru. Sponsored by Travel Nevada Nevada's Hidden Gem for Rockhounds Nestled in the arid landscape of central Nevada, Gemfield is a desert treasure trove for rockhounds and adventurers alike, due to its rich mineral diversity including the finest chalcedony. Atlas Obscura Courses. That Time Houdini Shamed Congress. Gastro Obscura Unusual Flours All around the world, there have been several kinds of flour invented to minimize modern industrial food waste, from grape-seed to coffee. Uncover Florida's artistic haven. Atlas Obscura Courses A Lockpicking Practicum In this 5-part seminar with Schuyler Towne, learn the basics of lockpicking, study more advanced concepts in researching attacks against locking systems, and design a lock from scratch. January courses are here! How to avoid scams, an immigrant's guide. First Americans Museum. An Invitation to Invest in Atlas Obscura. Gastro Obscura.

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Squash-Obsessed City. First Americans Museum. Meet the Penny Farthing. What surprises lie near these famous U. These towers are the most haunted in the world. Lima, Peru Gran Hotel Bolivar. Gran Hotel Bolivar. New York. These transportive landscapes are escapes from modern life—sometimes to what feel like other planets altogether. Exploring the Wanderlist 10 Otherworldly-Looking Natural Wonders With ice-blue caves, kaleidoscopic lakes, and confusing rock formations, Earth is capable of producing some over-the-top scenery. Must-see places in the Atlas and how to visit them. January courses are here! Witch Trial History. Sponsored by Travel Nevada.

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