australian shepherd photos

Australian shepherd photos

Old brown, black and white border collie standing in the grass. Beautiful young Australian Shepherd keeps the red ball.

Best match. Most popular. RF and RM. Australian Shepherd dog portrait on picnic table. What's going on out there? Australian Shepherd puppy lying on grass.

Australian shepherd photos

If you lead an active lifestyle, the energetic Australian Shepherd breed might just be your ideal canine companion. As the jock of the dog park, an Aussie dog is always up for hiking, Frisbee and fetch. Together, you two could take on the world… or at least conquer your next workout, yoga or SUP session. Intelligent and energetic dogs, Australian Shepherds excel with active pet parents who can dedicate time to train them and teach them a few tricks. And they thrive in environments with plenty of room to run, exercise and engage in mental and physical activities, such as obedience training or agility. These traits are rated on a scale of with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. Remember: Dogs are individuals, and not all dogs, even those of the same breed, will exhibit all the same qualities. The Australian Shepherd has a striking appearance, characterized by a shrewd gaze, a fluffy double coat that covers a lean body, and a bobbed or docked tail. Although Australian Shepherds can have eyes of any color, they are often recognized for their expressive, occasionally mismatched, light blue eyes. However, there is a separate breed called the Miniature American Shepherd, which is a smaller version with its own distinct breed standard. It is important to avoid crossing these two breeds if you want a dog that can be registered with the AKC. Australian Shepherds embody what they were bred to do: herd.

Australian Shepherd, 4 months old, sitting in front of white A miniature Australian shepherd lounges on his owner's bed.


The Australian Shepherd is a medium-sized dog known for their moderately long, double coat, which can be straight or wavy. They are renowned for their intelligence, energy, and loyalty. Aussies are generally eager to please and easy to train , making them excellent companions for families with children and other pets. Due to their high activity levels, Aussies require ample exercise and thrive in various activities such as agility, obedience, and herding. Although the breed originated in the United States, their name reflects their ancestral roots traced back to Europe via Australia. Initially utilized as herding dogs, they still possess strong herding instincts today. American ranchers favored Aussies for their exceptional herding capabilities, and their popularity soared when they began appearing in rodeos. Apart from their adeptness in guiding livestock, these Aussies dazzled audiences with their versatility, effortlessly executing an array of tricks and maneuvers.

Australian shepherd photos

Australian Shepherd dog portrait on picnic table. What's going on out there? Portrait of australian shepherd running on field,Luxemburg,Luxembourg. Giving him a home of love. Australian Shepherd puppy lying on grass. Learning Tricks. Close-up of australian shepherd sitting on wood.

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Poodle Similar: Likelihood to bite. Close-up of australian shepherd sitting on wood. Old brown, black and white border collie standing in the grass. Border Collies make a great companion for an active, experienced dog parent. Get Answers. No, Australian Shepherds are not hypoallergenic. Shop Savvy. One of the primary Australian Shepherd traits is their intelligence. Playtime is another way to engage Aussies—and blow off some of that energy! Be sure your pup receives adequate nutrition to support their extensive energy levels. Grooming Here are Do Australian Shepherds shed? Australian Shepherd sitting against white background. Headshot of a Australian Shepherd 7 months old. Australian Shepherd sitting, isolated on white, 1 year old. As such, providing training and outlets for all their energy are a must.

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Australian Shepherd dog running between grass outdoors in rural landscape. Aim to engage with your dog for at least an hour or two every day. Vector illustration. A thorough, weekly brushing will help distribute the natural oils and keep their coat glossy from nose to tail. Shot of a young woman spending quality time with her dog at home. There is genetic testing, which can detect if your dog has this mutation. Beautiful young Australian Shepherd keeps the red ball. Throw a Frisbee for your pet at the park and onlookers are sure to be amazed at what your Aussie can do. The Australian Shepherd has a striking appearance, characterized by a shrewd gaze, a fluffy double coat that covers a lean body, and a bobbed or docked tail. Their colors include black, blue merle, red or red merle with tan or white markings. Learn more about this loving breed and get expert advice on how best to care Dog holds a frisbee. Goldens make great family dogs. Just about any game you invent will be enthusiastically enjoyed by your pup.

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