Avant garde france red flood

After their failure avant garde france red flood the Great War, France was thrown into chaos as its unstable Liberal Democracy collapsed in on itself. Riots and street battles became commonplace and crushed any sense of peace. The masses demanded justice for the dead and the post war youth rejected reactionary traditions.

Street battles became commonplace and crushed any sense of peace. The masses demanded justice for the dead and the post war youth rejected reactionary traditions. Now France is led by a radical new ideology, driven on by two needs: Speed and Revenge. In Medias Res : At game start, some focuses in France's initial tree are already completed, representing the work done by Artaud's government from , breaking the ground and pushing through some of the early reforms. The idea is that Le Soleil is the sun of the world, the centre of the Artistic State, the light of France. Rightful King Returns : Attempted and subverted. The backlash against this was so great that AF ended up nearly causing a civil war, with an abortive socialist uprising in Paris being quelled by the actions of the FNAG.

Avant garde france red flood


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Both his parents were natives of Smyrna, and he was greatly affected by his Greek ancestry. Antoine-Roi Artaud was a shipowner. Euphrasie gave birth to nine children, but four were stillborn and two others died in childhood. Artaud was diagnosed with meningitis at age five, a disease which had no cure at the time. After a long struggle including a comatose period, a severely weakened Antonin survived. Artaud's parents arranged a series of sanatorium stays for their temperamental son, which were both prolonged and expensive. This lasted five years, until , when Artaud was conscripted into the French Army. After the humiliating separate peace treaty with Germany, many soldiers returned home. Artaud, however, moved to Paris and tried to pursue a career of writing, and later acting, but was ultimately rejected.

Avant garde france red flood

After their failure in the Great War, France was thrown into chaos as its unstable Liberal Democracy collapsed in on itself. Riots and street battles became commonplace and crushed any sense of peace. The masses demanded justice for the dead and the post war youth rejected reactionary traditions. This sparked immense rioting and almost plunged France into a civil war, as the entire French nation had grown tired and sick of politicians, statesmen and gentlemen and seeing the old values fail yet again. However in , when the reins of the national government changed hands again, Artaud and his clique rallied the people and initiated an all out assault on the Republic to overthrow the government and seize power, which culminated in Artaud famously tearing apart the constitution of the French Fourth Republic, throwing it into the Seine, and proclaiming the renaming of Paris to Le Soleil in Now the country is focused on two values: speed and revenge. The Escadron , which translates to Squadron, are a type of military faction lead by Charles Nungesser whose main goal is revenge. Unlike other nations, AI France is automatically set to go through the Escadron path in the custom settings instead of being allowed to choose whatever path it wants.

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Born from Smyrniote parents in Marseille, he had a difficult upbringing as an artist and continued to focus on development of his artistic spirit, eventually getting into politics as various right-wing movements and futurist-surrealist movements rise into importance by effect of the Fiume Endeavor and subsequent communist insurgency years later after the French Civil War, where France fell into conflict from Socialists against the Reactionary government, which is overthrown by the futurist militias across France. Solar and Lunar : The main anti-accelerationist group in France named themselves Lunaires, in opposition to the solar motif used by the Artistic State. Red Flood Mod Wiki Explore. To rectify these errors, Le Patron and Augier will have to take some harsh measures to return humanity to a pre-civilization state by seeking to destroy civilization itself and to make people live purely like animals, purely on instinct with no logic or rationality. After the latter's triumph in in he enthusiastically joined the Mouvement Carnaliste of Augier. In-Game Biography Click to Show Marc Augier is thought of by many in the avant-garde as a "reactionary in disguise", as his seemingly traditionalist views fly in the face of what many among the new elite see as proper, as ironic as that is. Driven to Suicide : In one event titled "Un Cadavre" A Corpse , Breton is informed by Artaud, his good friend, that he is being replaced by Georges Bataille, which drives him to despair and ends with him jumping out of the building. Ideology: National Rejuvenatism note Accelerationism. Marc Augier Role: Leader of the Carnalist Movement Ideology: Neo-Folkism note Accelerationism In-Game Biography Click to Show Marc Augier is thought of by many in the avant-garde as a "reactionary in disguise", as his seemingly traditionalist views fly in the face of what many among the new elite see as proper, as ironic as that is. Buildings will be burned to the ground, factories will be obliterated, which results in in-game factories being destroyed, and even the farms themselves will be revoked in favor of a hunter-gatherer existence. The Escadron , which translates to Squadron, are a type of military faction lead by Charles Nungesser whose main goal is revenge. Influenced by Pan-European positions, Schweizer envisions a continent-wide society of nomads and travelers who live off the land in a deep spiritual connection to both nature and their ancestral roots, leaving behind the "petty nationalism" he accuses the Puristes of harboring. Schweizer, much like Augier as well, is also a supporter of paganism, wishing to cast off the yoke of Christianity along with the chains of nationalism, in order to liberate Europe once and for all. La Rochelle successfully appealed to the faction of the Mouvement that clamoured for a post-national ra Europe that combined the modernity of Futurism and the spirit of the old Roman Empire of Charlemagne. You can also decide to occupy Catalonia when the Spanish Civil War starts.

Street battles became commonplace and crushed any sense of peace. The masses demanded justice for the dead and the post war youth rejected reactionary traditions. Now France is led by a radical new ideology, driven on by two needs: Speed and Revenge.

Ideology: Futurism note Accelerationism. Western Terrorists : The Lunaires are an underground terrorist network who carry out terrorist attacks and strike fear into the hearts of the French people for the purpose of deposing Artaud's regime, which they see as illegitimate. Syndicat National. Plot-Triggering Death : France's storyline only picks up once Apollinaire is assassinated, throwing the government into panic. Street battles became commonplace and crushed any sense of peace. You can also decide to occupy Catalonia when the Spanish Civil War starts. Inspired by Augier, Degrelle soon started agitating in his homeland of Wallonia, attempting to tip the dominoes over and undo the disgrace of Preaching Augier 's doctrine of the " Carnal Fatherlands ", they see the idea of nation-states as a vile concept, one designed to tear apart and draw arbitrary lines among the European peoples. France shall return to the Celtic way of living, this implies living in a kind of tribal society where there is no private propriety and the cultural revival of the Celtic way of living and the replacement of the French language with Breton a Celtic-descended language. Every element of France is geared towards securing his vision, and it all functions much like a theatre with several elements at play. Red Flood Mod Wiki Explore. We ARE Struggling Together : The FNAG, France's ruling party, is composed of many different social, artistic and philosophical currents whose adherents may find themselves at odds with each other but are all nominally united under Artaud's leadership. Start a Wiki.

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