Backrooms entity 1

Forum: Introduce Yourself. Originally written by extasis and translated by Dr Hectopia does not match any existing user name. Special thanks to those backrooms entity 1 contributed to suggestions and ideas: CementSandwichC-GraphMctoranand Praetor

New here? Be sure to read the FAQ for useful and commonly asked wiki information. Entity 1, dubbed by those who believe in it as " The Night ", is more based on rumors and hypotheticals than solid information. It is theorized that this entity is more abstract than most organisms in the Backrooms, potentially taking the form of a living location accessible from or able to move between different levels. It moreso exists in this database as a potential explanation to a piece of as-of-yet indecipherable phenomena concerning the whereabouts of countless unlocated wanderers. According to the theories of many a wanderer, the Night is impossible to enter intentionally, rather believed to pick and choose specifically who it abducts as though it were sentient.

Backrooms entity 1

Book by: MrMysterious. Reads: Likes: 11 Shelves: 1 Comments: 0. More Details. Start Reading. Add to Read List. Science Fiction horror. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6.

My pause to absorb the totality of the chaos around me was only broken by a roaring crash coming eclise a nearby pillar, grabbing my attention just in time to see it come crumbling down and fall entirely into the nothing, along with everyone unfortunate enough to be on it when it collapsed.

Forum: Introduce Yourself. In universe… …the term "entity" covers a wide variety of beings, from friendly inhabitants with human-like intelligence, to mindless beasts, to creatures whose motivations and abilities are beyond our understanding. Each entity has unique behaviors, habitats, and physiological needs. When in doubt, a good rule of thumb for interacting with entities is to leave them be, for your sake and theirs. As always in the Backrooms, trusting your gut is always the best way to survive. Out of universe… …an entity can be described as "anything that lives in the Backrooms.

Contained herein is an inventory of multifarious entities that inhabit the Backrooms, each meticulously labeled with an individual catalog number. The spectrum of these entities extends from the intriguingly odd to the starkly lethal. As our exploration into the intricate labyrinths of the Backrooms deepens, it is reasonable to expect this catalog to expand with fresh additions. Consider these catalog numbers as a practical tool for classification and documentation. Given the boundless complexity and vastness of the Backrooms—a universe teeming with countless anomalous creatures and phenomena—the use of these numerical identifiers helps impose a semblance of order amidst the chaos, bringing together and giving definition to these otherwise disparate elements. It is pertinent to point out that within the diverse community of Backrooms explorers and storytellers, there exists no agreed-upon or official rostrum of these entity numbers. Varied interpretations and narrative requirements lead different users to assign different numbers to entities. Some might employ a system based on the chronological order of entity discovery or documentation, while others may prioritize factors like perceived threat level or another nuanced criterion. Ultimately, these numbers serve as aids in our collective quest to explore, discuss, and understand the sprawling, labyrinthine universe of the Backrooms. They do not, as one might assume, hold any inherent meaning or hint about the characteristics of their assigned entity—they simply act as unique identifiers, labels to aid our comprehension and communication.

Backrooms entity 1

New here? Be sure to read the FAQ for useful and commonly asked wiki information. Entity 1, dubbed by those who believe in it as " The Night ", is more based on rumors and hypotheticals than solid information. It is theorized that this entity is more abstract than most organisms in the Backrooms, potentially taking the form of a living location accessible from or able to move between different levels. It moreso exists in this database as a potential explanation to a piece of as-of-yet indecipherable phenomena concerning the whereabouts of countless unlocated wanderers. According to the theories of many a wanderer, the Night is impossible to enter intentionally, rather believed to pick and choose specifically who it abducts as though it were sentient.

James darren this ones from the heart

Guide Hub Greenlight Policy Templates. Upon climbing to my feet I came to the realization that my head had been resting on the lap of the same ethereal girl who had saved my life, her kind and calm gaze almost shimmering in the sunlight around us. Humans are just a speck, one entity out of over one thousand, and their grand achievements do nothing to change that. The air was still, the only movement coming from my fogged breath, yet she seemed to sway like she was caught in a gust of wind, the curtain of hair running from her head down behind her back getting picked up by her personal gale and rippling in the sky. By far the most important factor of choice, however, is the structure of time inside of a location. I had to have been somewhere else before I started climbing around this place. I tried to reach out to her and slipped. I keep going up and up and up and up and no matter what the sky shows no sign of brightening, the stars keep growing in number, the night never lifts, and I never see any single sign of the top of these pillars. How can you not see me? For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List. Each group, in varying spaces of time, follows a similar cycle of events from their inception which inevitably leads to their downfall.

The Backrooms are a fictional concept originating from a creepypasta posted on a 4chan thread.

Originally written by extasis and translated by Dr Hectopia does not match any existing user name. How is nobody else hearing this? Special thanks to those who contributed to suggestions and ideas: CementSandwich , C-Graph , Mctoran , and Praetor More Science Fiction Books. Honestly, I was pretty pissed at him for interrupting my rest, but then I noticed the lamp nearby had been starting to flicker alight. Change the name also URL address, possibly the category of the page. How to Boost your writing. Are you blind? Entities Enigmatic Entities. Description Ah, you're here! If a place has no daylight but still has a plethora of materials, humans may opt to use their own created light sources, which is something they have been doing for generations. The blue shades and tints now naught but a gray undercurrent. No clue how to turn them on or off…. Insert Cancel. The other people here all seem either depressed, apathetic, or scared, none of them really sure where to go.

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