baldurs gate 3 phase spider matriarch

Baldurs gate 3 phase spider matriarch

Baldur's Gate 3 has some tough fights.

It is a boss encounter in the Whispering Depths and possesses several powerful abilities. The phase spider matriarch was once an arachnomancer named Eliette [text 1] and worshipper of Lolth. They wished to transform so as to "refashion myself in the Queen's image". Venomous Bite. Venomous Discharge.

Baldurs gate 3 phase spider matriarch

Bosses in BG3 are powerful enemies that have increased health and pose a bigger challenge for players. Phase Spider Matriarch lurks within its lair accompanied by two Phase Spider. Their movement range is massive since they can teleport, so be aware of that when facing them. The other thing you have to be aware of are the three groups of spider eggs lying around the lair. Try to destroy as many as possible before initiating combat with the Phase Spider Matriarch. Once you initiate combat, the Phase Spider Matriarch, will head to one of the three groups to hatch them instantaneously. This action will create 6 Phase Spiderling. They are not dangerous on their own, in groups they can hinder your chances of survival. Increasing its Strength by 2, but lowering its Armour Class by 1. Attitude: 0. Attack of Opportunity :. In a fight I pushed her into a few of the holes 3 times. Each time she teleported back up and healed for any damage dealt.

As for the destruction of those yellow egg clutches all over the place? Enter the Whispering Depths via this well, if you can.

You might have seen that Baldur's Gate 3 is bursting with things to do. The Whispering Depths located beneath the Blighted Village well are just one small part of all there is to discover. The Whispering Depths is a treacherous cave full of spiders, so arachnophobes may want to find a way around this one. Alas, if you can handle multiple beady-eyed beasts, this cave is well worth venturing into for its loot, and its easily-missed passage to the Underdark. This is also located in the Blighted Village, and can be found at coordinates X46, Y

Learn about the boss's moves, how to beat it, and its companions. List of Contents. To access the Whispering Depths, interact with the well and choose to go down to the depths. Blighted Village Map. Once inside the Whispering Depths , head east from the well entrance, battling any Phase Spiders in the way, until you find pillars with several spiderweb bridges.

Baldurs gate 3 phase spider matriarch

Bosses in BG3 are powerful enemies that have increased health and pose a bigger challenge for players. Phase Spider Matriarch lurks within its lair accompanied by two Phase Spider. Their movement range is massive since they can teleport, so be aware of that when facing them. The other thing you have to be aware of are the three groups of spider eggs lying around the lair. Try to destroy as many as possible before initiating combat with the Phase Spider Matriarch. Once you initiate combat, the Phase Spider Matriarch, will head to one of the three groups to hatch them instantaneously. This action will create 6 Phase Spiderling. They are not dangerous on their own, in groups they can hinder your chances of survival.

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So around dmg on the first round. On the lower level of this area, you can find a purple gem on the ground. Ochre Jelly Fetid Ooze. Attack of Opportunity :. This item gives immunity to the Status Effect Enwebbed, which immobilizes the character and also gives Disadvantage. Her position was on the second floor, near south island. The spider webs have 4 hp and if you knock down the webs when the matriarch is on it she will take a ton of fall damage. This will pull the Phase Spiders but not the Matriarch, as it just chills in the lower area. Don't long rest before looting her or there's a chance her body will despawn. Her corpse was kinda floating.

Baldur's Gate 3 has some tough fights. Every decision, whether in combat or in dialogue, is based on a virtual dice roll.

These boots make the wearer immune to being Enwebbed. Note that your IP address will be publicly logged unless you create an account. Read our editorial policy. There are two different ways to enter the Withering Depths. Also, shoving her down the central cavern hole now causes her lootable corpse to be found in the Underdark at the spot where you land if you featherfall down the hole. As of Patch 7 - Version Number: 4. Alas, if you can handle multiple beady-eyed beasts, this cave is well worth venturing into for its loot, and its easily-missed passage to the Underdark. If you shove the Phase Spider Matriarch in the center chasm, you will not be able to loot its body. How to defeat the Phase Spider Matriarch What we need to do next is avoid the upper levels of the cave, and go around destroying any egg clutches that we find from the lower level. You'll want to destroy any of these yellow Egg Clutches that you see around the Whispering Depths. Should You Side With Nere?

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