bb sex club bordeaux

Bb sex club bordeaux

When it comes to counting cruising bar, bb sex club bordeaux, sex club or gay sauna Bordeaux is not left behind in the list of the hottest gay cities in France! Bordeaux also has two popular cruising bars: the Buster is an all-male and very cruisy place; dessertcart Traxx offers sqm of gay sex club and sex shop.

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Bb sex club bordeaux

Our concept is unprecedented. Respect for others and to their desires. Couples, single women and single men are accepted. Correct dress is requested, with the management reserving the right to refuse customers whose dress is not sufficient. The Different, in Bordeaux region, offers you a well-kept and cosy frame in a serene and warm atmosphere on m2 to satisfy all your naughty and loose desires and devote to the carnal pleasures in a matchless mutual respect. Of a simple envy for curiosity until the fulfilment of your craziest desires, where never anything will be imposed on you, our priorities are your property to be, your serenity and the conquest of your confidence to you let go in your loose fantasies and your sensual desires to live unique and unforgettable moments. Whatever are your tendencies; heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual… you can find the atmosphere for you. At your disposal numerous equipment of balneo therapy : Jacuzzi, hammam, sauna and multiple cabins in the variety design. Whether you are Bi, Gay, Lesbian or Hetero you will find your happiness in our establishment. The Black Diamond is open in high and low season from April to October. A place of meeting for all swingers and open minded people; straight, gay, transvestite, transsexuals. We have an open and accepting club with a warm and ethical establishment. A night in HQ is one to remember. You will discover a place of pleasure in two parts. The discotheque with its warm and enchanting music, the cage, the pole dance or on the track let your feelings or fantasies free.

At your disposal numerous equipment of balneo therapy : Jacuzzi, hammam, sauna and multiple cabins in the variety design.


Bordeaux is a port city on the Garonnein the Gironde department in southwestern France, it is the sixth-largest in France, after Paris , Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, and Lille. Being at the center of a major wine-growing and wine-producing region, Bordeaux remains a prominent powerhouse and exercises significant influence on the world wine industry although no wine production is conducted within the city limits. After Paris, Bordeaux has the highest number of preserved historical buildings of any city in France. Well, it surely suffices to mention here that, you will not be disappointed at all during your trip, as the city features an abundance of nightlife options to suit any taste. You will be amazed walking aside the docks of Bordeaux in the late evening. After a beautiful day out in the historic heart of Bordeaux, it is time to walk on the docks.

Bb sex club bordeaux

Located near the city center, next to Bordeaux train station, you can discover the Gaslight Striptease Bar Club of Bordeaux. In this temple dedicated to sensuality and intense pleasure, we can make you discover a selection of prestigious dancers. We welcome you in total discretion in this unique location where you will be lost in lounge and sexy ambiance. Let yourself be transported by the stripper of your dreams during a private show. The Gaslight is also a place where you can organize a party between friends. Cross the door of this glamorous club between 3PM and 2AM every day except on Sundays to embark on a trip to glamour in total discretion. The Gaslight offers you to organize personal events or exceptional parties, like birthdays or bachelor parties.


Please refer to our Help Center. Rating Best scores from members. The Bar is the meeting place for a drink, a cup or a cocktail. Each of these libertine clubs in Bordeaux will have something to offer you, whether you are looking for a naughty evening with friends or a meeting with new people. Bordeaux Gay Pride. A place of meeting for all swingers and open minded people; straight, gay, transvestite, transsexuals. As featured in:. See more. Soft bar, cabins, maze, backroom, prison, sling, yoke, St Andrew cross, gynecological chair, darkroom an Show results Reset all filters. Alphabetical order A Z. So don't hesitate, take the time to discover the Bordeaux libertine scene and let yourself be tempted by a unique and sensual experience.

Open Fridays from pm to 2 am; Saturdays from pm to 3 am. Thematic evenings on the last Saturday of the month. Drinks offered.

Recommended Small Smart. Rating Best scores from members. A place of meeting for all swingers and open minded people; straight, gay, transvestite, transsexuals. To help you find the libertine club that will best meet your expectations, The Little Witty has put together a selection of the best clubs in Bordeaux. Bordeaux Gay Sex-clubs Sex-clubs. Our guide will give you all the practical information on addresses, opening hours, services offered and customer reviews so that you can make an informed choice. The Container. Soft bar, cabins, maze, backroom, prison, sling, yoke, St Andrew cross, gynecological chair, darkroom an Kinky massage. The best swingers and libertine clubs Bordeaux Bordeaux is a city in France that does not lack charm.

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