Bbc radio 4 extra

Agony aunt Sarah solves problems, including the dangers of dating outside of your class. Novelist Walter Streeter is unsettled by a mysterious admirer. Keeping His Promise by Algernon Blackwood.

The digital station Radio 4 Extra is the principal outlet for the BBC's archive of speech entertainment, including comedy, drama and readings. Radio 4 Extra offers various programmes for production by suppliers during commissioning rounds. For more information, please see the Radio 4 Extra style guide. Radio 4 Extra is a commissioner and broadcaster of programmes, not a production department, and we are therefore unable to accept unsolicited scripts or programme ideas. For guidelines on submitting scripts and details of occasional writing competitions, please visit the BBC Writersroom website.

Bbc radio 4 extra

Radio 4 Extra is an archive entertainment network broadcasting classic comedy, drama and features. For information on listening on these platforms - BBC Sounds help. If the audio is not available, it may be for the following reasons: programmes can take up to a few hours to be available to listen to; many programmes, such as drama or comedy are only available, for rights reasons, for 7 days after broadcast. Sometimes audio is unavailable due to high demand causing network congestion. In this case if you try again later you will often find that the programme is available. The BBC does not control the technology that runs the internet. We cannot help with problems relating to audio, browsers, interruptions to audio streams etc. I'm having problems listening to a Radio 4 Extra programme on my computer. They are funded by the UK licence fee and the BBC is not permitted to re-broadcast them from other countries. Contact You can follow Radio 4 and Radio 4 Extra on these social media platforms to get the latest updates and to join in conversations about programmes:. You may also find the answer to your question at our Frequently Asked Questions site. It can take around 3 months to research, gain permission from contributors, clear copyright and digitally remaster every programme before it can be scheduled. Therefore to make it economically viable, we buy rights for 6 broadcast days over 3 years excluding the 24 hour repeat.

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Listeners take the helm at Radio 4 and 4 Extra with listener-led programming across the network in August. It was a thriller and I believe that the body was buried under the gazebo. Unfortunately just as it was getting to the denouement someone came up stairs and I had to turn the radio off and never heard who dunnit! If you could play it one day that would be really great and then after 45 years I will finally know what happened. It will broadcast four special editions of its Saturday programme on 5, 12, 19, and 26 August, guest edited by communities of listeners from across the UK. A bonus guest edit from Wales will also air later this year.

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Bbc radio 4 extra

A festive season of Bond begins on Radio 4 Extra with this dramatisation, starring Toby Stephens as the British Secret Service agent pictured above. A major sex scandal will leave his reputation, and that of MI6, in tatters. Science journalist Richard Hollingham explores whether the reality of space exploration is catching up with the Dan Dare universe. Dan Dare is the British military test pilot turned astronaut who made his first appearance on the front of Eagle in April The comic went on to sell more than one million copies per week. Richard meets Alan Bond, a real-life rocket scientist, who owes his career to the pilot of the future. Richard speaks to writer Richard Kurti about re-inventing Dan Dare for 21st century audio adventures, with further contributions from the cast. Dan Dare and his crew finally return to Earth. Landing in central London, they find the city deserted - or that's how it seems at first.

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It will be supplanted by BBC Sounds. Falco The Iron Hand of Mars 1. Kent Surrey Sussex. Much of the channels schedule is formed of repeats from classic comedy and drama. Radio 4 Extra is an archive entertainment network broadcasting classic comedy, drama and features. BBC Radio 4. Radio 4 Extra is a commissioner and broadcaster of programmes, not a production department, and we are therefore unable to accept unsolicited scripts or programme ideas. Humberside Lincolnshire. Comedy review show Neverwhere Neil Gaiman 's fantasy, first episode aired on Radio 4 with subsequent episodes on Radio 4 Extra [22]. BBC Trust. Two schoolfriends take a blood oath. Radio 4 Extra's Comedy Club presenters offer their funny podcast recommendations. BBC News.

Listeners take the helm at Radio 4 and 4 Extra with listener-led programming across the network in August. It was a thriller and I believe that the body was buried under the gazebo. Unfortunately just as it was getting to the denouement someone came up stairs and I had to turn the radio off and never heard who dunnit!

With Christopher Cazenove. Agony aunt Sarah solves problems, including the dangers of dating outside of your class. Tiny Living Toonattik wknd stv Scotland only. Bitesize Listening Fri 5 Aug Arielle Free discusses her new Radio 1 documentary, plus we recommend more short podcasts. Falco The Iron Hand of Mars 1. For information on listening on these platforms - BBC Sounds help. Gwyneth Williams , controller of Radio 4 and Radio 4 Extra [8]. For guidelines on submitting scripts and details of occasional writing competitions, please visit the BBC Writersroom website. For more information, please see the Radio 4 Extra style guide. You may also find the answer to your question at our Frequently Asked Questions site. Links to related articles.

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