beast boy phoenix

Beast boy phoenix

Many comic book characters are known for their shape-shifting abilities, but few have the beast boy phoenix creativity as Beast Boy of the Teen Titans, beast boy phoenix. Throughout the character's history, Beast Boy has utilized his animal transformations in jaw-dropping fashion, regularly showcasing his power. Introduced in Doom Patrol 99 by Arnold Drake and Bob Brown, over the years different creators have taken the character and his skill set to incredible heights — sometimes literally.

When it comes to DC Comics , there are many heroes and characters who are very underrated thanks to the popularity of big name heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman. One such hero has to be Garfield Logan, aka Beast Boy. Everyone knows the teenager who has green eyes, skin and hair and can morph into any animal he chooses, but there is so much more to his story. For someone who comes across as carefree and charismatic, Garfield hides a painful past and history that led to his heroic transformation. Here are ten things fans often forget about Beast Boy. Growing up with two scientists for parents, Garfield often felt alone and reclusive. Living in West Africa, his parents often neglected Garfield while working to create a reverse evolution serum that would bring back extinct species of the animal kingdom.

Beast boy phoenix

Garfield Logan , known primarily as Beast Boy but for a time as Changeling , is a green-skinned superhero who has the power to transform into any animal. Originally a member of the Doom Patrol , he joined the Teen Titans after the death of the other Patrollers. As a child, Garfield Logan contracted a rare illness called Sakutia and was cured by a serum from a green monkey. This serum had the unintended effect of turning his skin and hair green and gave him the ability to change into any animal form. Upon joining the latter, took the name Changeling. He remained with various incarnations of the team, forming a close friendship with Cyborg. He later began using the name Beast Boy again. Following a failed attempt to recreate Titans West as " Titans L. He had also worked as an actor, playing the role of the alien Tork in the TV series Space Trek: The series was abruptly canceled when it was sued for plagiarizing other science fiction shows. Whatever team he is part of, he likes to joke around with people and make jokes of the situations the team get themselves into. However, this is only a facade. In reality, Beast Boy has suffered many hardships in his life.

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This is a renewal of a topic I'd recently came across from three years ago regarding the extent of Garfield Logans' abilities. I've posted links to support my argument, feel free to say otherwise. I noticed that a lot of people have asked this question: "Does Beast Boy have the ability to assume the identity of another human being? It would be the equivalent of cosmetic alterations.. It has never been mentioned anywhere that I have read that Beast Boy is incapable of transforming other human beings.

Garfield Logan , known primarily as Beast Boy but for a time as Changeling , is a green-skinned superhero who has the power to transform into any animal. Originally a member of the Doom Patrol , he joined the Teen Titans after the death of the other Patrollers. As a child, Garfield Logan contracted a rare illness called Sakutia and was cured by a serum from a green monkey. This serum had the unintended effect of turning his skin and hair green and gave him the ability to change into any animal form. Upon joining the latter, took the name Changeling. He remained with various incarnations of the team, forming a close friendship with Cyborg. He later began using the name Beast Boy again. Following a failed attempt to recreate Titans West as " Titans L.

Beast boy phoenix

Spoilers ahead for Tales of the Titans 4! An upgraded transformation of Beast Boy's has officially unlocked Superman-level strength for the Titan. But a long-forgotten villain and an insidious trap help Beast Boy achieve a form that rivals the raw power of the Man of Steel. Beast Boy has been fighting alongside his Titans pals for years, but his career as a hero nearly ended for good in DC's most recent Crisis. Deathstroke and his Secret Society went to war with Earth's remaining heroes after the Justice League was killed by Pariah. And as a warning shot to the rest of the world, Deathstroke shot Garfield point-blank. Beast Boy survived, but he was haunted by the experience. Even as the Titans stepped up to be the Earth's leading superhero team after the Justice League's disbandment, Garfield continued to show signs of lingering trauma that his allies, including his girlfriend Raven, have all noticed. Lupus holds the hero in a cell that's strong enough to contain anything short of Superman-level strength.

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Archived from the original on January 19, He and Kid Flash are caught in the explosion. TV and Movies. The seed had a rather intense effect on Gar, who found himself transforming into demonic creatures. When Psimon kills the police reinforcements, Beast Boy sees it and squeezes him, resulting the both of them to cancel out each other's powers and rendering them unconscious. With every new realm of the underworld they pass through, Beast Boy's body adapts to the demon species that occupies it; at one point he forcibly morphs into the very demon the team is battling. He turns into an insect and flies inside a Gorilla's head, before turning back into a human, tearing the Gorilla's head apart. If there is a dragon in The DC Universe that is non magical, he can turn into it, but there's a reason he usually sticks to Earth animals. In the DC-Marvel crossover with the X-Men, his attempt to infiltrate Darkseid's forces and stop him from recreating Dark Phoenix, was frustrated by the fact that Darkseid's minions are not green In the early comics, his coloration would change to that appropriate to the animal form he had taken, with only his head remaining green. You can help Warner Bros. In the end, it may all just boil down to tastes and when you started reading, but I think his earlier origins were far more interesting and also something that was completely unique to him. Read Edit View history. Retrieved June 17, Titans member This character is or was primarily a member of the superhero team known as the Titans , in any of its various incarnations. As part of the deal Harvest gives Rose and Terra to Deathstroke.

As Titans ' Beast World event approaches, fans just got a first look at Beast Boy 's terrifying new transformation, pushing his powers to their limits - and beyond. In the event, the Titans - who recently replaced the Justice League as DC's premier team - will face an alien being known as the Necrostar. This alien attacker is a Star Conqueror - the same species as the Justice League's very first villain , Starro - and so can presumably use its many flying drones to mind-control its victims in an attempt to take over the planet.

The show ran for 2 seasons from Logan has suffered many hardships in his life, some described previously. Gar's powers in that show were martian. My belief is that he can morph his physiology more than he let's on, but it's more taxing when he does things like just make his arms extra big likr a gorilla's for a powered punch, because then he'd have to morph so much of himself to just have gorilla arms, so he usually goes full gorilla, since he has an understanding of how gorillas work, it requires less thought and is just a time saver. The fact that they indicate that this creature is a legendary race with an inhabitance of its own indicates that they were a species Like dinosaurs at one point who's inherent abilities were to breath fire. His power enables him to completely alter his body mass, being able to take the shape of animals far larger and heavier than himself, such as an elephant , a hippopotamus , or a Tyrannosaurus rex though until recent stories, such larger forms would physically exhaust him , or smaller and lighter animals such as mice , arachnids and insects. Teen Titans". Now portrayed by Ryan Potter in Titans , he has become a fan favorite. As a young child, Garfield Logan lived with his scientist parents in Africa, who were developing "reverse evolution" to bring back extinct creatures. Though he often grapples with being taken seriously and an inferiority complex, Garfield loves and trusts his former teammates completely. Yet, how does the association of being bit by a green monkey even correlate with his ability to change into other animals? Until DC goes on record on the biology of their universes dragons and by extension, all mythic creatures such an argument will always be a stalemate. He wears his black and purple Doom Patrol uniform, but abandons the mask after Raven points out that Beast Boy's green skin effectively precludes any chance of maintaining a secret identity. As an almost dead Beast Boy is left on the remains of the facility he is approached by Raven. Due to his connection with The Red, Beast Boy was the only one who could sense the evil intents of Brother Blood and therefore the key Blood was looking for.

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