ben 10 way bad

Ben 10 way bad

Way Bads have the basic structure of any other To'kustar, ben 10 way bad their skin colors are either a combination of gray and red, or gray and purple with black markings on their lower arms. Way Bads also have red eyes.

After a failed attempt to conquer Earth, the species was banished to the Null Void. One Way Bad debuted in Chapter 1: Alienated. Way Bads are colossal purple and gray aliens with white bone and red marking. They vary widely in appearances. The Way Bad featured in Chapter 1 has a larger right arm, a jaw that is always opened, and red claws on its right arm, with gray fingers on his left. It has white bone protruding from his crest, shoulders, elbows, and it's calves. Its skin is a hard callus armor turned purple from old age.

Ben 10 way bad

Author: It took me a while to think up a way for the reader and Way bad to meet and intereact. Further more Im desapointed how many people ignore the other two female Way bads. All Way bads act as wild beasts,even the one that looks less mutated than others. He and many other plumbers we on their way to the Null void. Dimensional prison for worst of the worsts. Even there things have gotten too dangerous. How is that possible,you ask? Hundreds of plumbers were floating around in space in a giant spaceship. Following scene plays out in the cargo bay where Magistratas giant hologram hovered in the middle of the room. Magistrata:Todays mission is that of most vitile importance. The mutated To'kustars have been reeking havoc in the Null void. First thinker Azmuth suplied us with specialized devices that should reconfigure their bodies on a molecular level and shrink them. The energy source was limited so there are only 10 weapons. We will split into groups of 20 and searched for induvidual Tokustars.

Todd's Female Pig x Male Reader. Sign In Register. Yetta x Male Reader.


Way Bads have the basic structure of any other To'kustar, but their skin colors are either a combination of gray and red, or gray and purple with black markings on their lower arms. Way Bads also have red eyes. They wear outfits and armor that vary almost entirely from Way Bad to Way Bad, and unlike a pure To'kustar such as Way Big, the random nature Psychobos' mutation means that some have more reptilian appearances, blades in varying places, and some of them are skeletal, have bones showing, or have bizarre scars. One of them had large red bulbs over most of its body. Unlike normal To'kustars , who are normally benevolent and calm, Way Bads are feral without Dr. Psychobos ' control, destroying everything in their sight. Way Bads were created by Dr.

Ben 10 way bad

Bad Ben is an alternate and evil version of Ben Tennyson. Bad Ben bears a very strong resemblance to Ben Prime, except he has black hair instead of brunette hair, which is natural. Plus his cargo pants are of a darker brown color and his shoes are black instead of green. Technically, Bad Ben's personality is almost the same as Albedo 's. He doesn't consider himself a nice guy and claims that evil is relative. Bad Ben enjoys being bad and evil in as many ways as he possibly can; from small things such as intentionally withholding an explanation about the multiple Bens from No Watch Ben to maintain the latter's terror, to bigger things such as sadistically attacking and tormenting the good Bens. Bad Ben also speaks slower and with a higher vocabulary than Ben Prime. Bad Ben has a twisted sense of humor, as he exclaimed to a crowd of shoppers upon suddenly poking his head out of a wall at them as Ghostfreak , "Clean up on Aisle Ten!

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Female Transylian x Male Reader. K8-E x Male Rader. Current Wiki. Serena x Male Reader. Attea x male reader. Female Ultimate Panuncian x Male Reader. Conductoid:Get ready rookies. Princess Looma Red Wind x male reader. Female Geochelone Aerio x Male Reader. Looma Redwind x Male Reader part 3. Kraken x male reader. The spaceship had opened up a portal to the Null void and passed through it. Mad Pakmar. Female Mutant Crab x Male Reader.

Thumbskull attacks the Rustbucket, but is shocked by it. The windows on the Rustbucket shut and it becomes protected by an electric field.

Gwen Tennyson. Camille Mann x Male Reader. I once defeated an entire gang of Gimlinipithecuses by myself with my tail and right antennae behind my back. Social Networks Twitter Feed Discord. Monkey Gwen x Male reader. They vary widely in appearances. Young Ma Vreedle x Male Reader. Even there things have gotten too dangerous. Way Bads lack much of a personality. Female Vulpimancer x Male Reader part 2. You'll also like. Female Polymorph x Male Reader. Tiny's mother x Male Reader.

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