best follower fallout 4

Best follower fallout 4

Fallout 4 was released to mixed reception, best follower fallout 4, as for every aspect the game improved, there was one it completely butchered. Even the many characters inhabiting the Commonwealth suffered from this mediocrity. While the game introduced many memorable characters, the streamlined design still took its toll on them.

Exploring the Commonwealth alone is foolish. Unless the player has the Lone Wanderer perk, there are absolutely no downsides to taking a companion. At the very least, it's someone else to take a few potshots. In the direst situations, a companion could make the difference between life and death. The question is, which companion should you pick? It's mostly a matter of preference. There are a few key mechanical differences between companions, but most players will likely ignore these and just pick a companion they personally like.

Best follower fallout 4

The wastelands of Fallout 4 are a dangerous and lonely place to wander in. If players don't opt for the Lone Wanderer perk and get terrified at night by lurking ghouls and other critters, having a companion tag along might be a good option. It's a great way for players to enjoy some much-needed companionship during the game's lengthy run time and also form a great bond with the many followers the Sole Survivor can recruit. As a player's relationship with their companion of choice evolves, they unlock special Affinity Perks that give them awesome bonuses during their journey. Some of them are even available as romance options, and some are just kind of fun to bring along when players feel a bit lonely. Let's take a look at the best companions, ranked from okay to the absolute best. Updated January 4, , by Ritwik Mitra : Fallout 4 had its fair share of detractors when it launched. Some people found that the dumbed-down RPG elements of the game worked against the title. While the complaints regarding the game's dialogue and quest design are certainly valid, the launch of Starfield is making more people realize just how detailed, vast, and breathtaking the Commonwealth was to explore. Players who want to make this journey even more memorable can take a companion with them to enjoy the game's environments, engaging in some memorable banter and tough encounters along the way. If none of the human companions in Fallout 4 seem worth the effort, the Automatron DLC gives players the chance to create their very own ideal robotic companion. To start building one, the Sole Survivor simply needs to head to a settlement with enough materials gathered and start building their Automatron on a robotics workstation. With the right perks, it's not too difficult to create an absolute slaughtering machine with a Nuka launcher. The Automatron has no affinity perk, but it does give the Sole Survivor junk whenever spoken to and held as a companion.

A man from the Brotherhood of Steel and a capable fighter always seen in his power armor, Paladin Danse is by far the best Fallout 4 companion when it comes to combat. Dogmeat will stun enemies in combat, at which point players can have increased VATS accuracy against these enemies with the right perk. He is a man of justice, best follower fallout 4, the kind that the savage wasteland of the Fallout universe needs to act as a savior to the unfortunate.

There are many different companions that players can recruit in the base game of Fallout 4 as well as a few from the expansions, and players should be aware of the benefits they provide. Certain companions are capable of much more than just dealing damage, giving them a clear advantage over the competition. Curie : Curie is initially a Mrs. Nanny robot, who will generate Stimpaks for the player and can be modified if the Automatron expansion is installed. Curie will also heal the player once a day upon reaching below a certain health threshold, making them the best healer-type companion in Fallout 4. Danse is also one of the few companions that can equip Power Armor in Fallout 4 , making them an absolute tank in any combat situation.

As the Sole Survivor emerging from Vault , rounding up a rag-tag crew of companions can make your journey through the Commonwealth less lonely and more successful. Stealth snipers pair well with long range support allies, while melee tanks thrive with bullet sponge companions soaking damage. Charismatic negotiators bring companions with social skills to unlock new paths. While companions contribute firepower and skills to your adventures, their true value lies in the affinity perks unlocked when reaching maximum fondness for your character. Actions going forward will cause affinity to rise or fall — so choose wisely if you wish to unlock their special perks! You can only bring one human companion at a time, so pick someone who fits your gameplay style. His small quiet frame suits stealth playstyles, allowing sneak attack bonuses and evasion. While lacking punch himself, Dogmeat distracts foes allowing you to line up accurate deadly shots.

Best follower fallout 4

Having the right person by your side to roam the desolated American landscape of Fallout 4 is fundamental to your success as a Vault survivor. He lost his parents when he was just a very young kid, and was then raised by ghourillas in the Nuka World. As such, Cito developed into quite a strong and likable character. Cito, who is known by the full name of Marcosito, aids you during the Safari Adventure quest by murdering a whole bunch of gators that are running around the place. The robot was originally designed as a Miss Nanny with the sole purpose in life to take care of the wealthiest residents that lived in the Vault. If you decide to confirm, then Pearl will become a companion and start a quest called Brain Dead. She will stop following you around once the quest is completed.

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Nick is an incredible living fusion of genres. X, as an ally or enemy, won't go down without a fight. A Synth prototype and private investigator based in Diamond City, any interactions or storylines involving Valentine immediately become more interesting. Related 10 Most Disturbing Fallout Vaults, Ranked Fallout players dive into many vaults, but some are genuinely entrenched in depravity and wickedness. It's decent coverage for three fairly common types of enemies. While this weapon has somewhat limited use, his strength and agility make him more than capable in battle. Even when viewed with suspicion as a synth in Fallout 4 , he strives to do good. Because of this experience, Gage boasts impressive battle traits, making him an ideal partner for almost any type of Fallout 4 adventure. Dogmeat's one redeeming quality is that he doesn't technically take a companion slot. With Fallout 4 's Commonwealth being so vast , Nick will rarely lack an interesting comment. Players who keep him around to do all the hacking won't get much use out of his unique perk.

Companions have always been a crucial aspect of the Fallout series. Continuing that aspect, Fallout 4 also has numerous companions that players can choose to pursue in the game. These in-game characters make the storyline more appealing, add details, and assist in all kinds of missions.

Strong feels like a missed opportunity. The Sole Survivor might hit it off with him since he was technically around when the bombs fell, but he's not the best to have in battle. That's how Gage seems to us—a clever guy, much smarter and saner than most of the Nuka World raiders. Dogmeat will stun enemies in combat, at which point players can have increased VATS accuracy against these enemies with the right perk. For those who want him as a companion, he'll be extremely easy to find, waiting at our old home, our eternally faithful butler. In Fallout 4 , one of the best things about adventuring in the Wasteland is who comes along for the journey. While the complaints regarding the game's dialogue and quest design are certainly valid, the launch of Starfield is making more people realize just how detailed, vast, and breathtaking the Commonwealth was to explore. The Automatron has no affinity perk, but it does give the Sole Survivor junk whenever spoken to and held as a companion. The last reason to travel with Nick Valentine in Fallout 4 is more shallow than the others, but by no means valid. Some companions in Fallout 4 are available as romance options, while others are just fun to bring along on adventures. Like the regular Automatron that needs to be built, Ada has no Affinity Perk. After giving her an interview, she'll be available as a companion. Related The 10 Best Quests In The Fallout Series Fans argue how one hasn't truly experienced the Fallout universe without immersing themselves in all the best side quests they can find.

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