blue bloods actor

Blue bloods actor

It's time to gather around for dinner in the Reagan household with beloved Blue Bloods characters.

Revolves around a family of New York cops. Frank Reagan : I'm the Commissioner. I know everything. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Blue bloods actor

Melissa episodes, Laura Trent 7 episodes, Craig Esterbrook 3 episodes, Sign In. Donnie Wahlberg Danny Reagan episodes, Will Estes Jamie Reagan episodes, Len Cariou Henry Reagan episodes, Tom Selleck Frank Reagan episodes, Andrew Terraciano Sean Reagan episodes, Gregory Jbara Garrett Moore episodes, Robert Clohessy Sid Gormley episodes,

Randy Gonzalez. Devin Ratray Matthew Kindler 1 episode,

While television is full of cop dramas, Blue Bloods is in a league of its own. The long-running CBS series follows the lives and trials of a police commissioner Tom Selleck and his family of cops, lawyers, and assorted do-gooders. The network announced later that year that the upcoming season, which is set to air on Feb. In honor of the show coming to a close, EW is looking back on the Blue Bloods cast, then and now. What have the actors been up to behind the scenes for the last 14 years?

Sign In. Edit Blue Bloods — Danny Reagan episodes, Jamie Reagan episodes, Henry Reagan episodes, Frank Reagan episodes, Sean Reagan episodes, Garrett Moore episodes, Sid Gormley episodes,

Blue bloods actor

Revolves around a family of New York cops. Frank Reagan : I'm the Commissioner. I know everything. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer

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Eddie Porter. Derrick Williams Robert Davis 1 episode, Julia Goldani Telles Morgan 1 episode, After four weeks, it returned to its original Friday p. The lowest viewer total through the first seven seasons was 8. It's a different vibe. David Zayas Governor Martin Mendez 6 episodes, Marcus Lorenzo Rico Ramirez 1 episode, He later wed Jillie Mack in , and they share one daughter. Kirk Connor 1 episode, Jim McConkey. Marc Menchaca Marty Brock 1 episode, Gloria Votsis Sabrina 1 episode, Currie Graham Liam Norris 1 episode,

Blue Bloods is an American police procedural drama television series that has been airing on CBS since September 24, Its main characters are members of the fictional Reagan family, an American, Irish Catholic family in New York City with a history of work in law enforcement.

Kimmy Suzuki. Holt McCallany. Surviving: A Family in Crisis. May 11, Selenis Leyva M. Moore Jackeline Tejada. Release date September 24, United States. Lev Vronsky 1 episode, Sami Gayle Nicky Reagan-Boyle …. Bernadette Quigley Judge Cameron Miller 2 episodes,

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