boil star wars

Boil star wars

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Boil was the name of a clone trooper who served in the th Attack Battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic and was boil star wars member of Ghost Company. After the company reached the city, Boil, boil star wars, along with fellow trooper Waxerwas assigned to scout ahead.

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Boil star wars


Come with me. While Ghost Company distracted the droidsBoil, Waxer, and Kenobi went through a secret passage shown by Numa, liberated the Twi'leks, and destroyed the boil star wars. Featured article reviews Good article reviews Comprehensive article reviews.


This page requires a cleanup to perform a higher standard of quality. This may include fixing photos, sections, templates, and overall content. When the page matches the guidelines set in the regulations and format , this template may be removed. ARF trooper Scout. Boil was a clone trooper who served within Ghost Company of the th Attack Battalion. He and his friend Waxer were the company's best scouts, and often remarked on how they got the "fun missions": their assigned tasks were often the hardest. During a campaign to free the planet Ryloth Boil befriended a young girl named Numa, who showed him the importance of humanity, a trait he had previously dismissed. The Ghost Company sent a campaign over Ryloth to liberate the citizens from the Separatists occupation.

Boil star wars

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Members of the th Attack Battalion, Boil fought alongside his squadmate Waxer as both searched the outskirts of Nabal for enemy units. Along the search Waxer found a lost Twi'lek girl named Numa that Boil wanted no part of looking after because he was a soldier he said. But reluctantly, he helped Numa find her family and she taught him the value of humanity in war. Danger was never far away for clone troopers assigned to scout missions: they always find themselves out ahead of the main army and under Separatist fire. Getting to the crash site was difficult because of the enemy fire, but the duo managed to retrieve Kenobi.

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With the cannons' menacing fire disabled, Windu and the transports were able to land. Boil, along with Waxer, accompanied the strike force led by Kenobi and Commander Cody. On Ryloth, Boil wore Phase I clone trooper armor decorated with his unit's orange colors. Star Wars. Shortly after, they attacked the Separatist base on the planet. TX's tank targeted her and Kenobi, but the now-freed Twi'leks attacked the tactical droid and destroyed him. While Ghost Company distracted the droids , Boil, Waxer, and Kenobi went through a secret passage shown by Numa, liberated the Twi'leks, and destroyed the cannons. Explore all of Wookieepedia's audio files for this article subject. After tasting the bar , Numa called the clones "nerra," a Twi'leki word unknown to the two. After reaching the planet's surface, Ghost Company took out several B1-Series battle droids in a bunker on the outskirts of Nabat and entered the city. With help from Boil and Waxer, who loaded the weapon with shells, the Jedi was able to destroy the other cannons. The character of Boil was created for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and first appeared in the series' first season episode " Innocents of Ryloth ," [3] first aired on March 6 , Edit source View history Talk

Once the article contains more information, this template will be removed. Boil wore customized Phase I clone trooper armor with orange-yellow markings throughout.

Boil was against such a decision, believing that the girl would only slow them down, and the two started to argue. Cancel Save. Boil then received a transmission from Cody and realized that they were late. The girl, however, soon ran in the direction of the recon droid, and Waxer chose to follow her there, much to Boil's dismay. Having endured the most trying of ordeals during the war, Boil and Waxer became friends and brothers in arms. After the company reached the city, Boil, along with fellow trooper Waxer , was assigned to scout ahead. Aboard one of the transports , Jedi Master Mace Windu contacted Kenobi via a holoprojector and tasked him and Ghost Company with eliminating the cannons so the transports could land. A clone of bounty hunter Jango Fett , [4] the clone trooper who adopted the name Boil [1] was born on the planet Kamino and bred to fight in the Grand Army of the Republic. As time progressed, however, [3] and Boil witnessed the girl's bravery and tenacity, [2] he developed compassion and grew to care for Numa, [3] coming to deeply respect and appreciate her. Numa led the two clones to her shattered home , [3] and Waxer noticed her tooka doll lying on the floor. Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano were able to destroy the Separatist blockade surrounding the planet, allowing the ground invasion forces to land. They successfully completed their mission, avoiding enemy fire and retrieving the Jedi General along with another survivor, the clone trooper known as " Trapper. Sign In Register. No one gets out without a fight.

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