braided indian hairstyles

Braided indian hairstyles

BY Chandni Kumar 30 Jul, views 4 min read. While writing this piece today and stalking tons of pictures on the WedMeGood galleryI wondered that how lucky and blessed I am to have long hair since, braided indian hairstyles, my childhood days. Experimenting and playing with braided indian hairstyles locks is something not just me, but we all love doing, right?

Indian braid hairstyles are something we all have tried and flaunted at some point in our lives. No one wears braids as beautifully as Indians, and from formal wear to ethnic, they know how to wear braids confidently and with style. Long hair Indian braids have never gone out of fashion, and through the generations, they have only kept adding a unique style statement to any outfit. Even celebrities have worn braids on the red carpet and ramp alike, and we love how versatile the hairdo is. Furthermore, it keeps the whole length of the hair intact without having to clip it off.

Braided indian hairstyles


This hairstyle is proof that your hair can look messy yet elegant at the same time. Another way braided indian hairstyles style your hair this wedding season is to do a French braid across the top of your head to create a headband. Her background in teaching in high schools coupled with her passion for storytelling has


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Braided indian hairstyles

As an Indian bride, your wedding hairstyle might be lower on your potentially vast list of preparations. Since each of those ceremonies comes with outfit and jewelry changes, your brain might be burnt out on finding inspiration once the time comes to figure out your beauty look. Thakur, who worked with Bollywood actor Kiara Advani for her recent wedding, advises that you move your wedding hairstyle to the bottom of your to-do list. He tells his clients to choose their outfits, jewelry, and makeup first. For evening welcome parties and sangeets — ceremonies where friends and family come together to give speeches and celebrate — Thakur recommends a more glamorous hairstyle like Old Hollywood-inspired waves. On the actual wedding day, Indian brides typically wear vibrant and intricately-embroidered veils called dupattas. This last tip is crucial for the success of any bridal hairstyle, including ones worn to Indian ceremonies. He recommends choosing flowers that have petals that are well rooted in the bud, like roses, carnations, or orchids. To attach the flowers, he suggests using long, U-shaped hairpins. For a look that is more ornate, combine the florals with your hair jewelry.

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Image via: Dhanika Choksi Photography. The following two tabs change content below. You can wear it to a class or any sports practice. Submit Wedding. This is one of the go-to hairstyles for brides. Many ancient sculptures and artifacts have depicted Indian women wearing intricate braids, confirming that braids have been part of ancient Indian culture. The one-sided fishtail braid has been very popular as well. With various models revamping the braid look, you can experiment and develop your unique braided look. The top braid hairstyle seamlessly blends practicality with timeless elegance. Download Infographic. Style it with ethnic or Western outfits — either way, you are gonna look beautiful. BY Chandni Kumar 30 Jul, views 4 min read.

BY Palak 01 Nov, views 19 min read. Picture this: the bride, resplendent in her lehenga and makeup, ready to step into a new chapter of life.

This braid may sound overly simplistic, but trust us when we say that it has an elegance all its own. This style has been appearing more and more on Indian brides in recent years due to the volume it adds and its intricate appearance. View More Ideas Take me to Gallery. Flowers and accessories are a must to finish off this look with aplomb. Fishtail braids are completely the style of the season. Curl the remaining hair to complete the hairdo. This is one of the go-to hairstyles for brides. Twist both sections individually in a clockwise fashion. Infographic: 5 Stunning Indian Braid Hairstyles For Long Hair While Western hairstyles have their own charm and way around with short haircuts, Indian hairstyles are undisputedly winning the game when it comes to braided hairdos. It began with the Himba community of Namibia. Keep repeating these steps until you are left with all your hair tied in a beautiful braid. Here is a detailed Fishtail braid tutorial. Secure the end of the twisted braid with a hair elastic. Start by picking up two sections of hair from the back of your head and tying them together in a ponytail.

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