breast expansion literotica

Breast expansion literotica

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Breast expansion literotica

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. If you like horny teen girls growing huge tits, this story is for you. No actual breast expansion yet, but it's coming. Plenty of other treats for you tit-lovers until then. Audra Mitchell bit into a french fry, barely registering the sting of salt and oil on her tongue. She was too busy watching Steve Jefferson flirt with Natalie Price three tables over. It had become a morbid part of her lunch hour in the last year or so, watching the boy she'd been madly in love with since the third grade flirt with this other girl. She could pretend she didn't understand—Steve was a senior like her; Natalie was only a sophomore! Shouldn't he have been flirting with someone more age-appropriate like, say, Audra? She understood in the way that all women understand when they're being usurped. Because while Audra was Steve's age—each of them two weeks past eighteen, their birthdays three days apart—she was definitely not Steve's type.

Her stomach seized and her hands began to falter as the first shock waves hit her, and within seconds, she was fully lost in her orgasm—back arching, breast expansion literotica, thighs quivering, pussy clenching painfully around nothingness. Swipe to see more cams! Bimbo Stories: Miss Jameson Deadbeat student bimbifies his strict teacher.

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Breast expansion literotica

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Against the warnings of his colleagues at Harvard University, Rod Johnson, a brilliant theoretical biologist, had invested all of his efforts in finding methods to naturally enhance the size of women's breasts. He had secured a grant to study the formation of tumors in rats, but in fact had used the money for his secret passion: the application of chemicals and physical stimulation to increase bust size. Harvard quickly became suspicious of Johnson - not merely due to his obsession with breasts. They had first been tipped off by Johnson's request for graduate assistants. First, he had specified that only female assistants need apply - and secondly, several feminist students had complained that the graduate assistant interviews had been inappropriate, with Johnson asking intimate questions about their breast measurements, their interest in increasing their breast size to outlandish levels, and their willingness to undergo various therapies.

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Inflation by Arousal Girl born with skin condition turns 18, discovers abilities. Fertility Clinic: Milktec No. Bimbo Dust - Dirty Grandpa Ch. Swipe to see who's online now! Fun With Fanciful Fungi Improper puffshroom picking leads to expansion and sex. A Spell Arwy A couple in an open relationship have a growing problem. Mary the Milkmaid A young college girl becomes a hucow. Ethan the Expander - Prologue Ethan is blessed by a goddess. Swipe to see more cams! Eggs were Hatched A woman is filled with eggs by tentacle monster. Gift of the Old Lisa wants a new life, and that's what she will get.

A selected assortment of ten of my stories, written over the past five or so years, not previously available on OFB.

Active tags. Category All Categories. Crunch Time - Wednesday Working in an office isn't easy when the sexpocalypse begins. Pleasant Moo Farms Ch. Hell of a First Time A rookie succubus gets much more than she bargained for. Magic Madness A young sorcerer has taken a break from his adventures. Axina and Burk Ch. Category All Categories. Crimson Reborn Ch. Collabs With Other Artists.

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