Brittany york playboy

Enter offer code at check-out. It measures approx. You might also like: Playboy Magazine-October TIAS Mall.

Alison Armitage born February 26, is a former swimmer, actress and Playboy Playmate. She is of mixed German, French, and English descent. Armitage has been a swimmer since the age of four, and qualified for the Hong Kong Olympic team. However, she abandoned the sport during her teens. She eventually started a career as a model. As a result, she appeared in many Playboy videos and promotions. Armitage also appeared in a pictorial in Maxim magazine in

Brittany york playboy

When brittany york was three years old, her mother threw her into a pool. She swam. In fact, the free-style and butterfly strokes she developed in rigorous daily training sessions might have won her a spot on the Olympic team in Hong Kong, where she grew up. Might have—if she hadn't broken her leg skiing in Switzerland. Around that time, young Brittany's attention turned to boys. She was 14 years old, living in a Hong Kong high-rise with her English parents, her two brothers and the family's Chinese maid. Here's what Brittany did: "My parents went to bed at ten o'clock, and I was out the door at ten-thirty. You don't go out with just one guy, the way you would on a date in America. There were certain night clubs we all went to, so I could go out alone and know where to find my friends. Only 25 years old now, this world-traveling beauty with world-class looks has already seen more of the globe than most people dream of. There were the annual pilgrimages to London and the English countryside when she was growing up. There were tours of Europe, trips to Kenya and Brazil and three world cruises before she was old enough to vote. When she could, she voted with her feet—leaving her subtropical homeland for a distant shore. Sink or swim, she bought a one-way ticket to California and enrolled at the University of San Diego. Indoors: Some days I like to stay inside, take a bubble bath and pop a cork — wine, champagne, I don't care.

Alison Armitage born February 26, is a former swimmer, actress and Playboy Playmate. Like what you see? Political Cartoons.


Brittany York. She swam. In fact, the free-style and butterfly strokes she developed in rigorous daily training sessions might have won her a spot on the Olympic team in Hong Kong, where she g Might have - if she hadn't broken her leg skiing in Switzerland. Around that time, young Brittany's attention turned to boys. She was 14 years old, living in a Hong Kong high-rise with her English parents, her two brothers and the family's Chinese maid.

Brittany york playboy

When Brittany York was three years old, her mother threw her into a pool. She swam. In fact, the free-style and butterfly strokes she developed in rigorous daily training sessions might have won her a spot on the Olympic team in Hong Kong, where she grew up. Might have -- if she hadn't broken her leg skiing in Switzerland.

The raft torrent

Bus Lines. Here's what Brittany did: "My parents went to bed at ten o'clock, and I was out the door at ten-thirty. You don't go out with just one guy, the way you would on a date in America. Movie Memorabilia. Hang-gliding, scuba-diving, race-car driving or sitting in the sun watching the blue angels. You might also like: Playboy Magazine-October Like what you see? Occupied Japan. Rare Books. Episode: " A Model for Murder ". Click here for records required pursuant to 18 U.

When brittany york was three years old, her mother threw her into a pool. She swam. In fact, the free-style and butterfly strokes she developed in rigorous daily training sessions might have won her a spot on the Olympic team in Hong Kong, where she grew up.

Articles from the Playboy archive are only available to Playboy Members. Korean War. Our Mailing List. Upgrade your access to finish reading. Retrieved 27 January Episode: " Bad Reputation ". Literary Digest. Enter offer code at check-out. Black Americana. Paper Dolls. The New Yorker. Armitage was also featured in TV commercials for brands like Reebok Sportswear, West cigarettes, Budweiser , Trac mobile phones, among others.

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