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Hey null, would you like to subscribe to our awesome weekly local deals newsletter? Of course, you can easily unsubscribe whenever you want. The Advanced Search Page allows you to search for a listing using specific first and last name and address field values. The following search fields are available; the more info you provide, the more precise the results will be. Search Tips: If no results are found The address information may be too specific.


The Popular name directory page allows to find a popular Last Name in a Canadian location. If the address is incomplete or missing, it is because the listing appears this way in the local printed phone book,


Canada App is your 1 Canadian people finder and business directory. A simple and quick way to find any person across Canada or find great local businesses that offer deals, products and services closest to you. Ever tried looking up a number in the printed version of the yellow pages? I have recieved nothing but errors trying to use reverse search in this app. This app is useless.

Until the early s, — and the related number — were free to call in most jurisdictions. In the United States, the service is commonly known as "information", although its official name is "directory assistance". The number has been used since at least [1] in New York City , [2] San Francisco , [3] and other large cities where panel and crossbar switching equipment installed by the Bell System was prevalent. However, in smaller Bell System cities as well as almost all areas served by GTE and other companies where step-by-step equipment was the norm such as Los Angeles , [4] was used until at least the s, and in some cases the Pacific Northwest , for example until the mids. In Canada and the United States, directory assistance was historically a local function, and most companies updated listings at their directory assistance centers frequently, sometimes daily. When long-distance numbers were needed, prior to the full introduction of direct-dialed long-distance service, callers would call either or "0" Operator and request a free long-distance connection to the directory assistance center in the distant city.

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Please fill the form below to submit your request. The Advanced Search Page allows you to search for a listing using specific first and last name and address field values. Of course, you can easily unsubscribe whenever you want. The newest dictionaries incorporating common technology slang describe "cookies" as small text files a Web server stores on a user's computer in order to keep track of user patterns and preferences. Monthly fees may be applicable. Please see the Canada If the listed address is valid but the Plan view map is missing, please use the online form that can be found in the Contact Us section to notify us. How do I get the map removed from my listing? Of course, you can easily unsubscribe whenever you want. The Reverse Phone Number Page allows you to perform a reverse phone number lookup. In the same way, the data published on Canada Listed phone number.


Please consult your browser's help file for specific instructions on adjusting text size. If the address is incomplete or missing, it is because the listing appears this way in the local printed phone book. If there is an error in your address, please contact your local telephone provider to have your listing updated. Residential listing information acquired from participating providers is between days old, and the information is updated monthly on Canada In the same way, the data published on Canada Try removing the street type e. To improve your search success, please consult the Help Center for search tips. The modification should appear on the Canada Other Canada Searches Advanced Search The Advanced Search Page allows you to search for a listing using specific first and last name and address field values. The following search fields are available; the more info you provide, the more precise the results will be.

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