Canadian opera company

It is the largest opera company in Canada and one of the largest producers of opera in North America, canadian opera company. Geiger-Torel became the COC's artistic director in and its general director in Geiger-Torel retired from the general directorship in Lotfi Mansouri was the COC's general director from to

Original productions, crowd-pleasing favourites, and a new commission await! Subscribe today to join us for our new season. This spring, enjoy the feel-good show of the season with Donizetti's classic comedy! Never before seen in Toronto, don't miss Cherubini's timeless tale of mythic vengeance! Donizetti's fizzy comedy makes its first COC appearance in 30 years in a vibrant new production set in mid-century Rome. The Free Concert Series in the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre brings artists from around the world to share their talent and passion in one of Toronto's most breathtaking and intimate spaces.

Canadian opera company


Learn more. Retrieved January 8, This spring, enjoy the feel-good show of the season with Donizetti's classic comedy!


On the musical side, despite some minor glitches on stage and in the pit, opening night showed this revival is distinguished by the strongest ensemble the production has enjoyed in its hometown history. Revisiting the show a dozen years later, he set it up dramatically with a vigorous account of the famous overture, and then led the orchestra through a richly detailed reading full of colour and dynamic contrasts. In this production, the chorus characterizes a closed society that neither welcomes outsiders nor readily tolerates difference or dissent. In the title role, Danish baritone Johan Reuter is a looming presence both physically and vocally. Soprano Marjorie Owens , though she spends much time in a static trance gazing either at a picture of the Dutchman or the character himself, is a sympathetic Senta, her instrument easily accommodating the full range of the role and notably deploying a fast vibrato that tends to sweeten and enrich her tonal colouring. The duet in which she pledges to save the Dutchman was movingly handled by both singers; it starts out coolly as a hesitant exchange between strangers but builds to a passionately intimate bonding. Selig, however, did not benefit from the decision to split the performance into two acts separated by an intermission. In notes on the production of this opera, Wagner explicitly raised red flags about treating Senta and her would-be local lover, the huntsman Erik, in too sentimental a manner. Wagner saw both as strong characters in their own way. In the case of Erik, the danger is to portray him as a whining, lovelorn victim.

Canadian opera company

Photo: Ken Howard. Photo: Michael Cooper. The two female leads are double cast. Canadian bass Alain Coulombe has been cast in all four stagings of this production, this time returning as Zuniga. Both bring strong creative voices to their work, Guth regarded as something of a master of plumbing psychological depths and filmmaker Egoyan no slouch in exploring the darker sides of human behaviour. Bartolo and Doug MacNaughton , baritone, as Antonio. This latest revival has an interesting lineup, with Ambur Braid , another former Ensemble Studio member, in the title role. All in all, this is a safe, middle of the road season that to some extent picks up pieces and contracts left hanging by COVID cancellations over the past three years. We are still in uncertain times, so a degree of caution is understandably in play. Who is on stage is more interesting than what is on stage in this lineup since all the productions except Macbeth have been seen before, and in some cases not so long before.

Sbu brightspace

This event is sold out. Learn More. June 25, Retrieved January 8, Donizetti's fizzy comedy makes its first COC appearance in 30 years in a vibrant new production set in mid-century Rome. Subscribe today to join us for our new season. Opera company based in Toronto, Ontario. Performances Select a date to purchase tickets Could not retrieve performances at this time. Geiger-Torel retired from the general directorship in The COC Chorus is made up of professional singers, some of whom have worked with the company for more than 20 years.

Although the singers and most of the technical and musical staff were from the Opera School, this festival marked the true beginning of the COC. In November the Opera Festival Association was incorporated to sponsor the annual presentations of the company and, by assuming all administrative and financial responsibility for the productions, to absolve the Royal Conservatory of Music of direct costs while providing an opportunity for the school's students and staff to exercise their talents.

Could not retrieve tickets at this time. Lotfi Mansouri was the COC's general director from to It is the largest opera company in Canada and one of the largest producers of opera in North America. Categories : Musical groups established in Canadian opera companies Musical groups from Toronto establishments in Ontario. CBC News. In , Bradshaw was named general director. Never before seen in Toronto, don't miss Cherubini's timeless tale of mythic vengeance! Our proud opera house located in the heart of the city, the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing arts offers a wide range of rental opportunities, from intimate meetings to large-scale on-stage productions. Performances Select a date to purchase tickets Could not retrieve performances at this time. June 25,

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