cardinal robert sarah quotes

Cardinal robert sarah quotes

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I have read all his books and try to follow his talks. And also use his quotes to ask or answer many themes in my correspondence with my Spiritual Director. Hey, my name is Scott Smith. I'm a Catholic attorney, author, and theologian. I live in southern Louisiana with my beautiful wife and six wild-eyed children. We live between two rivers in our hometown of New Roads Read more.

Cardinal robert sarah quotes

Goodreads helps you follow your favorite authors. Be the first to learn about new releases! Follow Author. Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. Learn more. Modernity is talkative because it is proud, unless the converse is true. Is our incessant talking perhaps what makes us proud? Then, during his public life, he withdrew to the desert to listen to and speak with his Father. The world vitally needs those who go off into the desert. Because God speaks in silence. The task becomes more complex inasmuch as it arbitrarily serves as a sort of charter for a way of communal life. Relativism attempts to complete the process of the social disappearance of God.

The religion that ought to connect heaven and earth then runs the risk of becoming a purely narcissistic space. Words bring with them the temptation of the golden calf!


The interview appears exclusively here in English by kind permission of Cardinal Sarah. The translation is by Michael J. La Nef: This book that you are offering to your readers is a veritable spiritual meditation on silence: why have you launched into such a profound reflection, which is not usually expected of a Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, who is in charge of dossiers that deal very concretely with the life of the Church? In order to understand this language, we must learn to be silent and to rest in God. It is time to rediscover the true order of priorities. It is time to put God back at the center of our concerns, at the center of our actions and of our life: the only place that He should occupy. Thus, our Christian journey will be able to gravitate around this Rock, take shape in the light of the faith and be nourished in prayer, which is a moment of silent, intimate encounter in which a human being stands face to face with God to adore Him and to express his filial love for Him. Let us not fool ourselves.

Cardinal robert sarah quotes

Goodreads helps you follow your favorite authors. Be the first to learn about new releases! Follow Author.

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Recent Posts. Is our incessant talking perhaps what makes us proud? Powerful Novena to St. These believers tell us nevertheless: "We do not want to gather with men around a man! In this theater of shadows, nothing is left but a purulent wound of mechanical words, without perspective, without truth, and without foundation. It holds forth in an unending monologue. In this hell of noise, man disintegrates and is lost; he is broken up into countless worries, fantasies, and fears. Goodreads helps you follow your favorite authors. Despite the gnashing of teeth, it will happen, for the future of the Church is at stake. Learn more. God is the eternal Word, the Logos. The moon, the stars, the sun, the sea, the firmament are the visible proof of the existence and omnipotence of God, who created them out of sheer love. Then, during his public life, he withdrew to the desert to listen to and speak with his Father. Thanks for telling us about the problem.

I have read all his books and try to follow his talks. And also use his quotes to ask or answer many themes in my correspondence with my Spiritual Director. Hey, my name is Scott Smith.

But if we no longer tremble with a joyful, reverential fear before the greatness of God, how could man be for us a mystery worthy of respect? Why so much profanation and superficiality, given the extraordinary priestly grace that renders us able to make the Body and Blood of Christ substantially present by the invocation of the Spirit? If he does not answer prayer, they abandon him. Noise is a deceptive, addictive, and false tranquilizer. Postmodern society rejects the past and looks at the present as a cheap consumer object; it pictures the future in terms of an almost obsessive progress. God is love, and love cannot compel, force, or oppress in order to be loved in return. Even in the schools, silence has disappeared. Powerful Novena to St. Is God being silent, or are we not hearing him because our interior ear and our intellect are not accustomed to his language? Modern civilization does not know how to be quiet. These three mysteries are to be contemplated in silence. Show him to us in the silence and humility of your prayer! Please comment below with any additional Cardinal Sarah quotes - thanks! Is our incessant talking perhaps what makes us proud? The noise of our memory, which draws us toward the past, that of our recollections or of our sins.

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