careers for enfp

Careers for enfp

Updated January 13, All products and services featured are independently selected by WikiJob. When you register or purchase through careers for enfp on this page, we may earn a commission. The Myers Briggs assessment test seeks to fit personalities into 16 categories, each with defining characteristics and preferred modes of expression and social conduct.

ENFPs are happiest in their careers when they can deploy their vivacious, person-centered nature to express themselves and help others. ENFPs can be found in a wide variety of careers and industries, but the most satisfied ENFPs have found a way to bring creativity and originality into their daily work. It is important to note that any personality type can be successful in any occupation. However, some occupations are well suited to the natural talents and preferred work style of the ENFP, while other occupations demand modes of thinking and behavior that do not come as naturally to the ENFP. Occupations that require the ENFP to operate outside their natural preferences may prove stressful or draining, and often sound unappealing to ENFPs who are choosing a career. The following occupations have been found to be unpopular among ENFPs, based on data gathered from surveys of the general population.

Careers for enfp

By Dr. ENFPs are intelligent, creative, versatile, good with people, and can have a knack for entrepreneurship and leadership. The ENFP wants to find a career he or she is passionate about. Settling for a mediocre career choice seems unacceptable to this personality type. Most would rather live frugally doing what they love than get rich performing unsatisfying work. ENFP college students may struggle to identify a college major that can satisfy their broad interests and versatile abilities. Both of these types like to explore a variety of options before making any permanent decisions about their career path. They often require plenty of experimentation and life experience in order to discover their deepest passion. Despite the challenge of zeroing-in on the right career, job, or college major, ENFPs can find satisfaction in a number of different career areas. This can help individuals identify their best career choice. Individuals with Realistic interests enjoy physical, hands-on work. It is therefore not surprising that this interest domain is correlated with a preference for Thinking over Feeling.

This can help individuals identify their best career choice, careers for enfp. Although engineering does allow for creativity, problem-solving and the application of innovative ideas, engineers are required to work to rigid timescales and within a fairly structured process.


ENFPs are enthusiastic and vivacious individuals who love to support others in discovering their creative potential. They enjoy being creative themselves and the best ENFP careers usually lie in the creative field. Another field where ENFPs succeed is media and communications because they possess excellent communication skills. ENFPs are driven by new ideas, possibilities, experiencing something fresh, and getting to know and spend time with people. Since they are people-oriented individuals, media and communications would be an ideal ENFP career path. People with the ENFP personality are enthusiastic individuals who light up any room they walk into. They are creative thinkers and may not be able to perform at their full potential if their enthusiasm is curbed. They should go for a job where they can use their enthusiasm to their advantage. Working as a teacher is potentially one of the best careers for ENFPs.

Careers for enfp

If you find that you are an ENFP personality type, you should know you have many great career paths to choose. Great careers for ENFP personality types include human resources , real estate, and childcare. ENFP types are curious and are excellent communicators. Open-minded, creative, and friendly, ENFPs tend to improve any workplace they find themselves in. For their own happiness, though, workplaces that allow them to test new ideas and be around other people who are ideally also enthusiastic and full of good ideas tend to be the best choices for ENFPs. But, to help you get an idea of the types of roles that are likely a good match for your personality, here are some of the career paths most popular with ENFPs:. Human Resource Specialist. As an HR specialist , you get to work with people and solve problems all day, making it an ideal position for an ENFP. Depending on the company, this position might also come with opportunities to implement some of your great ideas. Plus, you get to spend your time making work a better place for all of your coworkers and get to know them while you do it.

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Working as a designer, whether in fashion, graphic design, interior design or multimedia to name a few possible pathways , provides ENFPs with a creative role that has a direct impact on the people who use their products or spaces. They are good advocates and campaigners due to a strong sense of morals and a determination to enact social change. Like Investigatives, those with Artistic interests often have an intellectual or cultural-orientation. They thrive with challenges and uncertainty, so are good in roles that evolve and demand a variety of flexible skills. Small Businesses. The INTP. In leadership positions, ENFPs convey enthusiasm and excitement for their ideas. Social Scientist ENFPs can find themselves drawn to the social science disciplines as they are fascinated by the dynamics of human interaction. Type Two. Our Free Test. Investigative types enjoy working with ideas, theories, facts, or data. Confidence in pitching and presenting, coupled with their charm, makes ENFPs excellent at closing sales and sealing new deals. Our Free Personality Test. She began working with personality assessments in , and in founded Truity with the goal of making robust, scientifically validated assessments more accessible and user-friendly. ENFP leaders motivate with their passion for their ideas and beliefs, and they are often insightful in their assessments of people problems.

We're here to answer that question and help you understand more about who you are and how you best express yourself on the job and otherwise.

They are often motivated by their beliefs in humanitarian causes and seek to find work that is consistent with their system of beliefs. Take The Career Match Quiz. Sign-Up for Our Newsletter! Marketing is an important element of entrepreneurship, one which ENFPs may actually come to enjoy. Typical Enterprising careers include sales and marketing, business and management, law, politics, journalism, insurance, and stock trading. ENFPs prefer to be in a challenging, dynamic environment and their penchant for the imaginative and creative means they feel stifled when working within rigid structures. What is the Pisces Personality Type? Like Investigatives, those with Artistic interests often have an intellectual or cultural-orientation. Engineers must adhere rigidly to safety standards and design specifications. They prefer to set their own schedule and chafe when saddled with excessive regulations or mundane details. They are adept communicators and seek to create an energised and motivational environment within their teams. As managers they are confident in their abilities, enthusiastic and assertive. Although engineering does allow for creativity, problem-solving and the application of innovative ideas, engineers are required to work to rigid timescales and within a fairly structured process. When you register or purchase through links on this page, we may earn a commission. ENFP Socials gravitate toward healthcare, ministry, counseling, or education.

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