carleton university grading system

Carleton university grading system

These deadlines are crucial; faculty must contact the Registrar in advance if they believe they will have difficulty meeting them. Faculty are required to enter their grades on the Carleton university grading system. These forms are crucial for end of term Academic Review decisionsso please give them your thoughtful consideration. An approved EX1 or EX3 must be on file in order for work received after the last day of finals to be counted toward the final course grade, carleton university grading system.

Academic policies are published in the handbook "Academic Regulations and Procedures" which is included in student registration packets every September. Extra copies are available in the Registrar's Office. This is the publication of record in matters regarding academic policies. Course Load : Carleton's academic year is comprised of three week-long terms. Students normally carry 18 credits per term. They may take as few as 12 and, on occasion, as many as 22, or, with special permission, 24, although such heavy course loads are discouraged. Students usually carry three courses each term.

Carleton university grading system

This is a non-punitive notation; it does not reflect poorly on your coursework for that course. The Academic Standing Committee ASC regards the DRP as a valid elective option for a student in cases where a course cannot be completed for a variety of reasons as well as in cases where students have simply missed the registration deadline. Petitions to remove a DRP notation from the transcript are not usually granted. At the end of any course, you may request a written evaluation from your instructor. As long as the course has an enrollment of 20 or fewer students, your instructor must provide you with one. The GPA is calculated by dividing total grade points by the number of graded credits attempted. You can change your address by sending an email to: addresses carleton. Certain information Directory information is publicly available unless you request otherwise. For instance, if someone an insurer, an old friend, a current or potential employer, or anyone who might be curious calls up and asks if Johan Smith is a student at Carleton, we can either confirm or deny that, as well as provide whatever information is available on the college directory. This may include your e-mail address and telephone number. If you request a directory suppress , you will not show up on the online directory and we will not release any information regarding your status at Carleton. During your sixth term at Carleton you will be asked to declare a major on the Hub.

Students who have outstanding records in all course work will earn the Bachelor of Arts degree with honors. Standing in a course is determined by the course instructor, subject to the approval carleton university grading system the faculty Dean. Courses offering meaningful opportunities for this exposure will be designated as quantitative reasoning encounters.

To receive a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton, a student must earn at least credits and a cumulative grade point average of C 2. A student is normally expected to satisfy the college-level graduation requirements published in the catalog in the academic year of their initial matriculation. A good liberal arts education requires not only rigor and depth, but also sufficient breadth to expose students to a wide range of subjects and methods of studying them. The college seeks to ensure that its students study one field in depth by requiring a major and an integrative exercise within the major. It encourages students to acquaint themselves with the major divisions of knowledge and modes of inquiry by requiring them to complete six credits with grades of S or C- or better from each of six curricular exploration areas. Students must also complete an Argument and Inquiry seminar and fulfill requirements in writing, quantitative reasoning, global citizenship international studies, intercultural domestic studies, and demonstrate proficiency in a second language , and complete four terms of physical education.

The University uses the following letter grade scale, and percentage equivalents, which should be used to calculate final course grades:. PLEASE NOTE: If you calculate grades in a way that deviates from the University grading system, such as by curving the grades a practice that is discouraged , the alternative grading scheme must be carefully detailed in the course outline and clearly communicated to students at the beginning of the course. GNA Grade not available. This notation is replaced with the appropriate grade for the course as soon as it is available. Note that this notation is not to be used as a temporary mark as a result of informal deferrals.

Carleton university grading system

Your course instructors determine how your course work — including assignments, tests, exams, labs, attendance, et cetera — is evaluated. Normally, your course outline will indicate how you will be graded. Once you have successfully completed your course work, you will be assigned a letter grade for your work. The letter grade, in turn, carries a grade point value. For a comprehensive breakdown of how to interpret your grades, see Section 5. TIP: The grade point values in the undergraduate calendar are based on 1. You earn one half of the points displayed for a 0. If you have transfer credits from another post-secondary institution, however, these grades will not be displayed. TIP: Check your grades online in Carleton Central , and once your grades are in, run an audit to review your progress towards graduation. If you have any questions or concerns about the grade assigned to any piece of work you submitted for a course, it is within your right to request clarification by speaking with the instructor directly.

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Any required time commitments occurring outside of the formally scheduled lectures, tutorials, labs and discussion groups. For more information, refer to the individual departmental listing or speak to the department chair. ABS is assigned only when the student is absent from the required final examination and has achieved satisfactory performance during the term as specified in the course outline. Undergraduate Calendar Toggle Undergraduate Calendar. Students may withdraw on or before the academic withdrawal deadline noted in the Academic Year section of the Calendar. If the grade conversion deviates from the percentage conversion presented above, the faculty member must notify the class in the course outline. P Pass. No academic credit or impact on the CGPA calculation. This honor is recognized at Opening Convocation in September of the following year. If faculty deviate from section 5. The four basic language skills for most modern languages reading, speaking, aural comprehension, and writing are mutually reinforcing as well as individually valuable, although the emphasis will vary among different language sections and individual teaching styles. Entering students may fulfill the requirement by satisfactory performance on a College Board Advanced Placement or Achievement test, International Baccalaureate Higher Level examination or on another placement examination most appropriate for the particular language. Ordinarily, this work is not on the introductory level. Global Citizenship Language Requirement : Language is the way that members of a culture organize and encode their thoughts, allowing them to communicate with each other. College credits completed elsewhere after matriculation at Carleton will be considered for transfer to Carleton only after prior approval by the Registrar or if they were completed as part of an approved off-campus study program.

To obtain credit in a course, students must satisfy the course requirements as published in the course outline. The instructor is required to provide a formal statement to students called the Course Outline. The course outline must be made available to all Carleton students registered in that course, on or before the required date found in the schedule for The Academic Year, normally one week prior to the start of a term.

The number of credits required of students in major fields varies by department. If students did not officially drop the course but never attended, they earned an F. In Progress — a notation IP assigned to a course by a faculty member when: At the undergraduate level, an undergraduate thesis or course has not been completed by the end of the period of registration. Failure without access to a supplemental examination because of incomplete term work or unacceptably low standing. In addition, students may elect to complete a minor as part of their academic program. This is a non-punitive notation; it does not reflect poorly on your coursework for that course. Students usually carry three courses each term. The Physical Education program includes a variety of activity courses, designed to appeal to students. Standing in courses will be shown by alphabetical grades. If the student attended the entire class, enter the date of your final exam or last day of class. The course outline must be made available to all Carleton students registered in that course, on or before the required date found in the schedule for The Academic Year, normally one week prior to the start of a term. For purposes of transfer evaluation, six credits are comparable to three and one-third semester hours.

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