cartoon pee desperation

Cartoon pee desperation

Let's hope there's toilet paper in there!

Nontan: Pee Wee-wee: Okay, before I start talking about the actual episode, since the Nontan shorts aren't subbed in English and the names I found on the Wikipedia page are kind of bland, I'm just gonna try to infer what is happening in the short and also use the names I came up with for the characters. Nontan is still Nontan, of course, but I have different names for the other characters. Pig-Applejack because he likes apples.. The short starts with Nontan trying to catch a frog. Suddenly, the female narrator says in Japanese "Shii, Shii, Shii, what's that sound? Next part!

Cartoon pee desperation

On Arthur, "Jenna's Bedtime Blues" tells of a girl who occasionally wets the bed. When she attends a sleepover at Muffy Crosswire's house, she tries to stay up late and hide the fact that she wears pull-ups to bed. She both dreams and sees television scenarios of water-effects and images suggestive of urination. She and Muffy awake to a wet bed, but that turns out to be a puncture to the waterbed by Muffy's brooch. About halfway in the episode, Roger is viewing the feed on his laptop. We see her sitting on the toilet for a few seconds. Dave the barbarian - Candy dinky and cheesette are at the popular hangout clutching themselves desperately because the bathroom costs too much. They remark on the fact that they should not constantly have to hold it every time they go out on the town. Dave has been spending the whole episode building things with a magic saw and so they get him to construct three bathroom stalls. He does and they all go in and sigh in relief. Dinky ends up clogging the toilet so Dave has to build a toilet plunger too. Well done troll.

The Bagel and B Do the scene, DJ!


Let's hope there's toilet paper in there! A comedy routine which involves a character really having to go to the bathroom, and being prevented from doing so by various plot contrivances. This often climaxes in a frenetic scene where the character darts desperately from location to location, clutching their groin , searching for someplace, anyplace where they can empty their bladder. The search will usually prove unfruitful — and the visited places progressively more embarrassing — as the routine wears on. For example: the routine may start with the character finding some very obvious way of filling up his bladder, such as by chugging a Klatchian Coffee or a Gigantic Gulp. He makes a mad dash to the men's restroom, only to see a sign on the door: Closed for Cleaning. He tries to sneak into the women's restroom instead, and we hear screams coming from inside followed by a couple of irate women chasing him out.

Cartoon pee desperation

On Arthur, "Jenna's Bedtime Blues" tells of a girl who occasionally wets the bed. When she attends a sleepover at Muffy Crosswire's house, she tries to stay up late and hide the fact that she wears pull-ups to bed. She both dreams and sees television scenarios of water-effects and images suggestive of urination. She and Muffy awake to a wet bed, but that turns out to be a puncture to the waterbed by Muffy's brooch. About halfway in the episode, Roger is viewing the feed on his laptop. We see her sitting on the toilet for a few seconds.

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The Simpsons Cape Feare Patti claims she wants to kill Selma beacuse 'she's always leaving the toilet seat up'. Thank you all for reading, see you later! When he seeks seclusion, he is prevented from relieving himself by the Nightmare that was following the group. He goes quickly to the restroom for an evacuation. We are then given that there's a zombie in the bathroom, as Clementine is attacked by the zombie but she is saved. Chama says that he's gonna wet himself. He's scared of the nearest public toilet, so instead he shits in a narrow alleyway and wipes himself with a soggy newspaper Adam finds. Web Animation. So long, suckers. Soon enough, Clementine gets the keys to the bathroom. While on a plane, much to her horror the bathroom's walls are covered in vomit, but this time she does make it after cleaning up the restroom. In the last panel, he's in class, sweating heavily, thinking to himself, "If the boy's bathroom is a thousand feet away and I run at a rate of a hundred feet per second Being arrived there, he asks his friend: "Did I miss something? In "Hothead", Courage needs to whiz while in the waiting room. Pig-Applejack because he likes apples..


They eventually resort to stealing the porta potty and attaching it to their car with Luther in it to avoid making other stops. He is shown full of fluid and to chose between a hydrant and a litter box That's mostly what I can remember right now, If I think of more I'll post them. Since it was autumn,the cold was making her bladder shiver. But she has to guard Aunt Lydia's coffin for an hour. It's suggested that Jen ends up peeing herself. She ends up having an accident Annayya from Pawn , no thanks to spoiled rations. Family Guy Peter' s Got Woods scene in which references star trek the next generation [deleted scene - 'The Cutting Room Floor' dvd] Captian Picard asks Counseller Troi to use her telepathy to investigate from a spacial anomaly, however she begins to pick up Picard 'Im sensing The song "Arlo Barlow" by storytellers Andy Offutt Irwin and Bil Lepp focuses on a guy who doesn't mind giving rides to neighborhood kids, but who demands that they use the bathroom before getting in his car because he absolutely won't stop along the way for any reason. Over the Hedge : Hammy, the squirrel, has one at the beginning of the movie when he and the other animals of the forest wake up from hibernation. Mario and Co. After getting off the train he got stopped many times on his way to the toilet. In Migration , duckling Gwen has one during her first-ever migration with her family. In the 10th episode, one of the baby Dinosaurs don't ask, it's a long story has one of these, but it's eventually put aside for the rest of the story.

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