cast miami csi

Cast miami csi

Director: Karen Gaviola. Director: Duane Clark. Director: Matt Earl Beesley. All text information on this page is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons License.

During CSI: Miami ' s opening credits, several actors' names morph in and out of equations. CSI: Miami ran for ten seasons between and , and featured a cast of thirteen regulars. David Caruso , as Lieutenant Horatio Caine, was afforded the starring credit, while Emily Procter was credited second to him. Kim Delaney , the female lead in the episodes she appeared, was credited as and , while Rory Cochrane was afforded this credit following his departure, despite being previously credited as with. Also holding and positions were Adam Rodriguez , during seasons 9 and 10 he was previously credited directly following Procter , and Eddie Cibrian during season 8. CSI: Miami hosted several crossover episodes during its ten seasons on air.

Cast miami csi

After more than episodes, audiences around the world were devastated to see their favorite show come to an end. The head of the team was Lieutenant Horatio Caine, a forensic analyst and one-time officer on a bomb squad. Caine was joined by quite a few beloved characters, and it's only natural that many fans of the show have wondered whatever everyone is up to — and what they look like — today. Whether or not you watched the show faithfully, here's a glimpse into where many of its stars including Emily Procter, Rex Linn, and Khanthi Alexander ended up after leaving the show or riding out the series to its tenth season. Emily Procter played ballistics expert Calleigh Duquesne on "CSI: Miami" for the duration of the show, and she was reportedly the first hire the show's team made. We created a Southern belle, a beautiful former prom queen, and the very next day we heard Emily was available. She came in to talk to us, and she really was the character. However, Procter was quick to point out a few things that she felt were major differences between herself and Duquesne. Chiefly, Procter described herself as much more scattered than the woman she portrayed from September to April As she explained, "Calleigh has a very intense, focused energy. I'm surprised they haven't strapped me down and made me take Ritalin yet. Since the show's ending, Procter has moved on to philanthropy.

Lochlyn Munro Rick Adams 1 episode, Lamont Thompson Charles Hayward 1 episode, Matthew Marsden Morgan Coleman 1 episode,

An elite unit, led by an ex-homicide cop, which is linked to the Miami-Dade Police Department, uses all possible resources and skills at their disposal to solve complex crimes in cross-cultu Read all An elite unit, led by an ex-homicide cop, which is linked to the Miami-Dade Police Department, uses all possible resources and skills at their disposal to solve complex crimes in cross-cultural Miami. An elite unit, led by an ex-homicide cop, which is linked to the Miami-Dade Police Department, uses all possible resources and skills at their disposal to solve complex crimes in cross-cultural Miami. Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Sign In. Edit CSI: Miami — Natalia Boa Vista episodes, Maxine Valera 75 episodes, Tom Loman 52 episodes,

Cast miami csi

This CSI: Miami cast list includes photos of the actors when available. This list includes all of the CSI: Miami main actors and actresses, so if they are an integral part of the show, you'll find them below. You can also find various bits of trivia about these CSI: Miami stars, such as where the actor was born and when. This cast list of actors from CSI: Miami focuses primarily on the main characters, but there may be a few actors who played smaller roles on CSI: Miami that are on here as well.

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Beach areas of Marina Green Park and Rainbow Lagoon Park in downtown Long Beach were often used for other outdoor scenes, as the newly constructed high-rise condos there gave the appearance of being in Miami. Following the series finale, Nina Tassler credited CSI: Miami with being a "key player in CBS's rise to the top", stating that the series "leaves an amazing television legacy—a signature look and style [and] global popularity". Maggie Grace Amy Gorman 1 episode, She wears a lot of boot-cut corduroy pants and turquoise necklaces and looks like a hippie. Retrieved May 31, Shanna Collins Jessica Davis 1 episode, Garcelle Beauvais Katrina Iverson 1 episode, Derek Webster Dr. Reitman Bob Norwood 1 episode, Tom Loman 52 episodes, Booker T.

During CSI: Miami ' s opening credits, several actors' names morph in and out of equations.

December 4, June 2, September 21, Lynn Griffith Mrs. They were very close, looking at them forensically, they were very close. Archived from the original on December 4, Alexx Woods. Alana De La Garza. John F. Erika Alexander Tanya Thorpe 1 episode, Gretchen Egolf Ellen Sheffield 1 episode, Christopher Perez Pedro De Soto 1 episode, Mark Harrington. Jay Kenneth Johnson Jason Hollings 1 episode,

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