Catalyst weightlifting

Greg Everett never planned on being an Olympic weightlifting coach.

This is a two-day course covering the performance and coaching of the two lifts that make up Olympic weightlifting competition: the snatch and the clean and jerk. The course was a great experience and I learned enough information to keep me busy for a few years practicing these very technical lifts. Prior to that I had only really performed the clean in my lifting routines, so the snatch and jerk are both very new to me. This is differentiated from forms of the snatch and the clean and jerk that you may find in other sports, like Crossfit. Many of those sports perform the lifts for time while sacrificing form, which is different.

Catalyst weightlifting

His training programs have been used by over , athletes around the world. Your training will be supervised by Greg to give you as much feedback as possible. Get demo videos and explanations of the exercises, full warm-up, prep and cool-down protocols, and all the accessory work you need to be as successful as possible. Jack knife crunch - 3 x max A3. Single leg glute bridge x 10 10 sec hold last rep A2. McGill Curl-up Crunches x max A3. Press in snatch x 10 A2. Box jump x 5 A3. Hanging leg raise x max. Side Plank Lift x max A2. Weighted side plank x sec A2. Mini band squatting abduction x 10 A3. Reverse Crunch x max A3.

Prep Circuit C 3 sets: A1. It includes only squats and related accessory work - it … See More.

Skip to main content. Greg Everett - Catalyst Athletics. Earns Commissions Contributors independently recommend products and may earn commissions on purchases. Learn more. Olympic weightlifting, related and otherwise. See more.

Instructional Content. See Related Articles. Update August 14 Levels have been adjusted to reflect more recent US competition performance and qualifying totals. This primarily affected levels , and most changes were minor. Update July 9 The IWF has released the new weight classes, none of which are repeats of any of the previous classes.

Catalyst weightlifting

Instructional Content. See Related Articles. The following is a 4-week training program that can be used to get started with the training program posted on this website. This is a good cycle to start with if you have not previously been doing the Olympic lifts frequently in your training. You can also get 2 levels of beginner programming through the Train Heroic App , which include complete warm-up, prep, accessory and mobility work. Level 1 Program Level 2 Program Additional technique work can be added at the start of each session that focuses on the primary lift of the day.

Part time no experience

We have lifters of all levels, from beginners to national championships competitors, including many masters. This is the third in the series of Learn the Lifts training programs - the first of 2 intermediate level cycles. Prep Circuit C 3 sets: A1. My second goal is professional: I am working on segueing back into the fitness training business more in the coming year or so. Yes, you can post videos from your training as often as you want, but you will not get feedback on every video from your coach. Idea list deleted. Blink Smart Security for Every Home. Day Two Day two was clean and jerk day. This is a beginner weightlifting program intended to be used following the Level 1 program by athletes who have re… See More. Thursday Week 2 Day 5. Olympic Lifting Tough Tier 1. Weightlifter Verified Athlete "This program is amazing. The equipment was well maintained and in good working order.

Instructional Content. See 3-day version of this program here. Have not retested my front squat yet but my old 1rm was kg and this week I hit kg for a double.

However, your coach can suggest minor modifications when appropriate. McGill Curl-up Crunches x max A3. Latest posts by Varg Freeborn see all. A coach and author I admired and followed for years was also a fan of my work. Friday Week 2 Day 6. We struck up some good conversations and I was eventually invited out to his seminar in Utah. He expertly weaved this into instruction on customizing the programming of an athlete or yourself around the issues that manifest in the performance of the lifts, and how to use the progression with addition and omission of variations and supporting exercises to correct the issues. They make lifting fun and life better. Traditionally, the lifts are extremely technical, and the form is critical for maximum, safe performance. The snatch is a very technical lift where you start with a barbell on the floor and explosively lift it up and receive it over your head in a deep squat position and with locked elbows in a wide grip. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. I peaked that cycle 1 week before the class with a 4 hour workout of explosive and functional movements. If you are looking for an edge in combat sports or fighting, Olympic lifting will provide it. He was very clear about the explanation of the use of words like catch and drop and explaining them with meaningful words and phrases like receive, and forcefully move ourselves under the bar push or pull , among others.

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