Catnip plant indian name

Images are for reference purposes only. Actual product may vary in shape or appearance based on climate, age, height, etc.

Start Shopping. Please note, comments need to be approved before they are published. Item added to your cart. Home Bloggijuana The History of Catnip. The History of Catnip. Catnip, also known as Nepeta cataria, is a plant that is part of the mint family.

Catnip plant indian name

Botanical name: Nepeta cataria Family: Lamiaceae mint family. Catnip and catmints are mainly known for, and named after, the effects they have on cats, particularly domestic cats. Catnip contains nepetalactone, a terpene, that is thought to mimic feline sex pheromones. Cats detect it through their vomeronasal organs. When cats sense the bruised leaves or stems of catnip, they will rub in it, roll over it, paw at it, chew it, lick it, leap about and purr. Catnip is a 50— cm tall herb resembling mint in appearance, with hairy green leaves; the flowers are white, with purple markings. They have sturdy stems with opposite heart-shaped, green to greyish-green leaves. The flowers are white and occur in several clusters toward the tip of the stems. Before the introduction of Chinese tea, catmint was used to make tea by the British. Medicinal uses: Due to the fact that catnip promotes sweating when used as an herbal tea, it was used for the treatment of nervousness, colds, influenza, and fevers during the Middle Ages. Catnip has also been alleged to aid with flatulence, diarrhea, colic, and other childhood diseases, as well as preventing miscarriages, premature births, and morning sickness. Your name: Your email: Your comments The flower labeled Catnip is

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Nepeta cataria L. Syn: Calamintha albiflora Vaniot ; Cataria tomentosa Gilib. Kuntze ; Glechoma macrura Ledeb. Vitman ; Nepeta vulgaris Lam. Catnip, Catmint;.

Catnip is a member of the mint family. There are several types of catnip, each easy to grow, vigorous, and attractive. Yes, if you wondered, these plants will attract your local felines. When the leaves are bruised, they release nepetalactone, the compound that makes cats euphoric. The most common of the catnip plant varieties is Nepeta cataria , also known as true catnip. There are many other species of Nepeta , many of which have several colors of flowers and even specialized scents. These different catnip plants are native to Europe and Asia but have naturalized easily in parts of North America. Catnip and its cousin catmint have hybridized to create several offshoots of the original variety.

Catnip plant indian name

Nepeta cataria , commonly known as catnip , catswort , catwort , and catmint , is a species of the genus Nepeta in the family Lamiaceae , native to southern and eastern Europe , the Middle East , Central Asia , and parts of China. The names catnip and catmint are derived from the intense attraction about two-thirds of cats have toward it alternatives exist, such as valerian root and leaves. Nepeta cataria is a short-lived perennial , herbaceous plant that grows to be 50— cm 20—40 in tall and wide, and that blooms from late spring to autumn. In appearance, N. Nepeta cataria was one of the many species described by Linnaeus in in his landmark work Species Plantarum. The plant terpenoid nepetalactone is the main chemical constituent of the essential oil of Nepeta cataria. Nepetalactone can be extracted from catnip by steam distillation. Nepeta cataria is cultivated as an ornamental plant for use in gardens. It is also grown for its attractant qualities to house cats and butterflies.

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Shabdkosh Premium. Retrieved 27 August US Government Printing Office. Bengal Chausie Highlander Savannah Serengeti. Consuming much of the plant is followed by drooling, sleepiness, anxiety, leaping about, and purring. The names catnip and catmint are derived from the intense attraction about two-thirds of cats have toward it alternatives exist, such as valerian root and leaves. American Chemical Society. If so, pl. Login to get your liked words. Retrieved 3 May Nepetalactone in catnip causes a hallucinogenic effect. With domestic cats, N. Sentences with the word catnip Words that rhyme with catnip English Hindi Translator Words starting with c ca cat catn catni. And more

Plant Care Today. It is commonly known as the Catnip plant or Catswort, Nepeta cataria, one of the top mosquito repellant plants and a member of the Lamiaceae or mint family. Cats find its scent addictive, so if you grow catnip in your herb garden, expect many cats in your neighborhood to stay and play around with this plant.

Shabdkosh Premium. Major contributors 6. It can be a repellent for certain insects, including aphids and squash bugs. Word Guess. Sentences with the word catnip. How much water does a Catnip need? How often should I fertilize my Catnip? Support About. Catnip contains the feline attractant nepetalactone. Retrieved 15 February A Catnip prefers 60 to 70F. Actual product may vary in shape or appearance based on climate, age, height, etc.

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