censored for betas

Censored for betas

If you're a current Beta Safety user, your first thought on seeing this was probably "Isn't this what Beta Safety already does? For many Beta Safety users, your current experience is probably fine, and if that's the case then feel free to stick censored for betas it!

Beta Censoring is a simple ish app for on-demand detection and censoring of NSFW images, designed especially for betas. Beta Censoring itself is something of a middleman. Under all the covers, Beta Censoring uses the NudeNet AI model to classify images on demand then returns censored versions of the same images. Essentially, something requests an image to be censored more on the something below , Beta Censoring will load the image, run some prep work then run it through the open-source NudeNet model to detect specific body parts or features. Then, it will censor the image according to the results from the AI and the supplied preferences and return a censored version of the original image.

Censored for betas


If you request a GIF to be censored, the server will censor the first frame and return it as a static image.


In it's current form, you don't really use Beta Censoring in the traditional sense. You leave it running and other apps we call them 'clients' can interact with it, requesting images to be censored. That does mean that you need to leave it running though, as clients will need to contact the running server to request censoring. If you're a more advanced user, Beta Censoring can be configured as a Windows Service or Systemd service to have the server running, but not visible. There is a simple web interface available to check on the status of a running Beta Censoring server though.

Censored for betas

If you are currently using the Beta Safety Chrome extension, disable it first. Do not attempt to run both Beta Safety and Beta Protection extensions at once. Bad things will happen. Beta Protection currently supports Chrome and Edge and should work on any other Chrome derivatives like Vivaldi.

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Beta Censoring offers very fine-grained control of censoring so that clients can offer the most options. If you're interested in a comparison of the extension, see this page open in new window from the Beta Protection docs. Performance Due to completely different stacks and some pretty significant changes in how they work, Beta Safety and Beta Censoring have extremely different performance impacts. In this author's opinion, that sucks. Additionally, there's a few features that got put in the "get-back-to-that" bucket that need to be finished like improvements to sticker support, and some much-needed refactoring. If you're okay with slower censoring times for less performance impact, you can turn down the workers and caching options. Combine this with a more fine-grained control over censoring and you can tune the server to match how you want it to work. Based on my own admittedly minimal testing, Beta Safety will usually be slightly faster in pure censoring time, but at the cost of dramatically more memory usage and often more CPU usage. That means it does not accept community contributions, the underlying code is not publically available and there is no way for users to inspect, modify or otherwise change the app. FAQ What can use it?

This site includes the documentation required to get started with the extension as well as some more background information on the extension and how it's built. To get started with Beta Protection, read through the documentation and guides using the links on the top and left to navigate.

For many Beta Safety users, your current experience is probably fine, and if that's the case then feel free to stick with it! How is this different from Beta Safety? Performance Due to completely different stacks and some pretty significant changes in how they work, Beta Safety and Beta Censoring have extremely different performance impacts. In this author's opinion, that sucks. For most users, this one is probably not hugely important, but it is to me, so here we are. There are some features from Beta Safety that Beta Censoring doesn't include, either a case of "not yet" or deliberate choice. The list below usually reflects the current state of that feature gap. Beta Censoring offers very fine-grained control of censoring so that clients can offer the most options. It will definitely work and I wouldn't call it unstable, but there's no way around the fact this is an early preview version of Beta Censoring so there's a good chance you might spot a few bugs. As such, Beta Censoring chooses to only support static images. If you're a current Beta Safety user, your first thought on seeing this was probably "Isn't this what Beta Safety already does? Beta Protection is designed from the ground up to be a flexible bells-and-whistles-included solution for classifying and censoring images from anywhere. Due to completely different stacks and some pretty significant changes in how they work, Beta Safety and Beta Censoring have extremely different performance impacts. If anyone can test and contribute support for acceleration to Beta Censoring or CensorCore , I'll happily include it. Additionally, Beta Censoring makes less assumptions about clients, and is even designed to support any client apps, not just its own!

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