chanel oberlin quotes

Chanel oberlin quotes

Boone: [when the Red Devil enters his room] What am I supposed to be scared? Dean Cathy Munsch: This year, Kappa will be required, chanel oberlin quotes, to accept anyone who wishes to become a pledge.

Scream Queens fans, the mystery of the Red Devil is finally solved! ScreamQueens GIF. So go. We want our comments to be a lively and valuable part of our community - a place where readers can debate and engage with the most important local issues. The ability to comment on our stories is a privilege, not a right, however, and that privilege may be withdrawn if it is abused or misused. Please report any comments that break our rules.

Chanel oberlin quotes


I would love you a lot more if other people loved you too. Look, I still think she's most likely the killer but all the evidence against her is circumstantial.


Remember how we warned you that Scream Queens wasn't PC? We may have made a bit of an understatement, and you may have realized that right around the time Emma Roberts spat the words "Deaf Taylor Swift" in voiceover just minutes into the premiere. The show has a mouth on it, that's for sure. But regardless of which lines you laughed at and which ones you squirmed at, let's not lose sight of the thing that truly makes Scream Queens an agent of instant impact: twisty, insane, poetic dialogue for female characters. Re-reading the best Chanelisms from the premiere, it's official: Scream Queens ' first victim is the bland 2-D bestie. Spoilers ahead.

Chanel oberlin quotes

Boone: [when the Red Devil enters his room] What am I supposed to be scared? Dean Cathy Munsch: This year, Kappa will be required, to accept anyone who wishes to become a pledge. Chanel Oberlin: You have rough hands, and horrible shoes. Are you Amish or something? I'm 'bout to smack you so hard your tampon's gonna pop out. Chanel Oberlin: As soon as Chanel 2's parents found out that their daughter's dead body had been found, they went on a cruise to celebrate. Chanel Oberlin: So, have fun being dead, Number Two.

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Another girl was institutionalized. Neither can I, frankly. We ain't standing in line trying to get tickets to "Dr. Chanel Oberlin: I'm sorry, does your job description entail arguing with your customers, thereby delaying the moment at which they receive the irresistible nutmeggy sweetness of the extra hot, no foam, pumpkin spice latte they've been thinking about all day? Show more articles. Dean Cathy Munsch: As I can't destroy every phone on earth, that'll remain a possibility. Chad Radwell: That outfit, it would look even better just rolled up in a little ball in the corner of my bedroom. He is the predator and we are the prey. Chanel Oberlin: Are you kidding me, 3? Grace: Look at where being Kappa Queen has gotten you. And if I do murder someone Chanel, we all actually saw you kill Miss Bean, remember, so right now you're my prime suspect. I don't know, sometimes I just don't even feel like I'm living, you know. Chanel Oberlin: You're thinking of the movie Teen Wolf, you brainless gash, which is not, in fact, a documentary! Dean Cathy Munsch: Do you know what I find the most appalling thing about you?

Scream Queens fans, the mystery of the Red Devil is finally solved! ScreamQueens GIF. So go.

Which is why I always wear my earmuffs. Okay, I know you think sororities are some kind of, like, magical sisterhoods, but it's actually Game of Thrones once you pull back the veneer. Dean Cathy Munsch: Cover-ups like this only work if everyone has tiny bits of info. I keep tellin' ya'all, Zayday is the killer! Hester Ulrich: Look, I'm all for Zayday not being tortured or killed or whatever, but don't you think a girl who wants to be president of this house should be able to prove her abilities by escaping from the lair of a psychopath? Gigi Caldwell: I was just about to cook us up my mother's famous falafel enchiladas. Chanel Oberlin: I actually don't care that tonight's the last night of Kappa Kappa Tau because I have successfully used this sorority for its proper, god-given purpose. See, my mom is crazy and always thinks aliens are talking to her, and the year before I was born she started corresponding with this really bad man who's in prison because he's responsible for the deaths of, like, A LOT of people. Uh, wow. And I need you to stay popular cuz if you want to stay at the top of the list of the pieces of ass I'm gettin', there's criteria. Denise Hemphill: I think the reason you want to have a haunted house party is cuz a haunted party is like a buffet for murderers! Oh, please tell me you did not bring your insane and obviously blind Tinder hook-up back here.

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