chris chan age

Chris chan age

Christine W. Chandler Sonichu, Goddess of the Nations of Cwcville, Comma, and the Commodore Consoles, and the Creator of Sonichu and Rosechu " [2]is an American Internet personalitywebcomic creator, musician [3]chris chan age, former prostitute chris chan agecult leadersex offender and alleged literal motherfucker [5]. Another incarnation of Chris Chan, a hybrid of Chris and fellow sex offender Ken Stringfellow known as " Ken Chan ", appears in the series Staying with the Stringfellows.

Chris 's birthday , 24 February, also known as Christian Love Day , is a significant date in his life, for obvious reasons. However, the bizarre inconsistency of how he celebrates from some new vidya , to wanting his birthday to be a national holiday warrants some inspection. Coincidentally , it was also the day the Nazi Party was founded way back in , [2] and when the Russian Government launched their war on Ukraine. Chris received a Pro [3] handheld game console, and was photographed looking visibly disappointed while holding it. Interestingly, it's one of the few times where he would have been pretty justified in being so; given the console in question only had about fifteen simplistic games in the advertising, they counted each difficulty level as an individual game , most of said games were Tetris rip-offs and based around the same tall, thin playing field when they weren't , and it had a tiny, crappy monochrome screen and ear-grating sound.

Chris chan age

Bear this in mind, and use healthy skepticism when taking statements from the subject being discussed. Christian Weston Chandler has been known to use sockpuppet accounts. Since it is difficult to discern their sock accounts, it is best to avoid speculating an account belongs to Christian Weston Chandler unless fully verified. This article is rated M for Honest Content. Christine Weston Chandler , formerly Christian Weston Chandler born: Christopher Weston Chandler ; 24 February is a year-old autistic , mentally ill , [7] misandristic and misogynistic cartoonist , YouTuber , criminal , former virgin with rage , self-proclaimed deity , and literal motherfucker. He looks kind of like a cartoon version of Benjamin Franklin come to life, and is considered to be one of the most well-known and well-documented lolcows in Internet culture — if not one of the most well-documented people in history. Some would consider Chris to be a celebrity, but he hasn't sold a multi-platinum album , nor has he been awarded with an Oscar. In practice, the webcomic really serves as wish fulfillment for Chris himself, allowing him to express his dissatisfaction with how the faculty at school and college didn't acknowledge what he saw as an exemplary academic performance when he graduated , along with his frustration over being unable to find a romantic partner ; as such, the book let him redirect his anger toward the people who impeded his journey , casting them as villains and himself as a true Campbellian hero in his narrative. After completing his education, Chris was unemployed for most of his adult life, making a living off of welfare and donations from his webcomic's True and Loyal Fanbase. In late , he became Internet -famous when images of him at a tabletop gaming store leaked out to the Something Awful message boards. Upon discovery, Chris was mocked for his odd fashion sense and oafish appearance , and images of Chris at the store soon spread to places like 4chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica , and in the process, many trolls were exposed to his webcomic for the first time, propelling Chris to stardom. Initial fascination was spurred on by his childlike artwork , his signature homemade Sonichu medallion that he wore in public, and his history of loitering in public places while literally holding up a sign asking women to talk to him.

June and Pickchu m, chris chan age. This video inspired a troll who would soon be known as "Liquid Chris" to claim that they were the true Chris Chan, and that the IBA in the channel name stood for "Ian Brandon Anderson". Explore Wikis Community Central.

National Today. He known for his skateboarding and vlogs, which got the attention of the public and made him popular. Chann is a successful YouTuber whose career goes back to He has garnered fame and recognition across diverse platforms and has verified accounts. He is always working hard to improve himself and provide more entertaining content to his viewers and fans. Join us to celebrate his special day today! Christopher Chann is an American YouTuber with several subscriber milestones.

It is, as the name suggests, an extensive, in-depth documentary about Chris 's life, similar to Sachumo 's. However, while Sachumo's film is an abridged summary of Chris's life for newcomers, Geno's videos go into greater detail, with most videos being between 35 to 45 minutes in length, with a decent portion of this being tied to the playback of Chris's own audio and video. The documentary series began on 14 June and is still ongoing. Currently having an episode count past the 80s, the series has far surpassed Geno's expectations of how in-depth it would be when he first began developing it. As of Part LXXXIII, the documentary series is 2 days, 11 hours, 6 minutes, and 36 seconds long, and covers select events ranging from how Chris's parents met in the s to events of , nearly reaching the Jail Saga. The series is in chronological order, taking several videos just to cover Chris's life before his internet fame, with a significant portion of the series 28 episodes dedicated to the troll-influenced events of and — trolls had prodded Chris into producing many calls and videos at the time, which the series utilizes for playback. It presents the events of Chris's life in a mostly objective light, allowing watchers to pass their own judgment on Chris and the people around him, although Geno selectively chooses what material to cover. Furthermore, he also manages to maintain a completely neutral, deadpan tone of voice when discussing the absolute absurdities present in Chris's life, and he reads spelling errors precisely as they are written, which leads to some of the documentary's most humorous moments despite being an overview of Chris's life. Geno's narration also reflects Chris's changes in identity throughout the series, initially referring to him as "Christopher" before changing it to "Christian" in the first episode and using masculine pronouns for the bulk of the show's run, eventually shifting over to calling Chris "Christine" and using feminine pronouns by the time that the series reaches the events of late , when Chris began to transition. However, Geno has used masculine pronouns in the context of referring to Chris's past antics, and also during Chris's extended period of being " possessed " by Sonichu in most of and part of

Chris chan age

Chris Chan, otherwise known as Mrs. Christine W. Chandler Sonichu, is a webcomic creator, artist, blogger, and YouTuber. According to her Twitter bio, she says, "I am Mrs. According to Chan's Patreon account, she also is known as "Christian, Christopher, Chris Chan and so forth among my fan base and many trolls and cyber bullies on the internet since According to a biography page called Wikitubia , Chan was diagnosed with high-functioning autism when she was young. She attended Piedmont Virginia Community College in but was suspended for a year due to soliciting, and managed to get her degree in Computer Aided Drafting and Design in The Sonichu comics were posted to her website with videos she made about herself and her opinions and views. A website called Encyclopedia Dramatica created a page about Chan in that mocked her art, personality and alleged homophobia.

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Not scary at all. This channel was only used to upload one video: " Male Idiot tries to put out fire, and Sits There Someone, please call for Flintstone Drive! However, despite Megan making it clear that she did not want a romantic relationship with Chris, Chris kept on making advances on Megan, further straining their friendship. On July 28, , a troll called into the courthouse and confirmed that Chris would be going to a grand jury, with the possibility of her receiving felony charges. Here's how you can get started. Editing Rules General Disclaimer. Their gender was also legally changed to female, and they later came out as bisexual. On August 29, , it was rumored that Chris had allegedly fled from the courthouse after asking if she could use the bathroom and fled through the bathroom window. Chris' internet career began in with the uploading of Sonichu comics to a personal website. They have also been bashed for not attempting to put any responsibility in the relationship, as they wanted to be more of a house husband in their relationship. On 1 August , Chris was arrested for having sexual relations with her own mother and spent the next few months in jail.

Chandler requested this letter be forwarded to his court appointed lawyer David Heilberg and to the creator and forum administer of Kiwi Farms, Joshua Moon or more commonly known as "Null. It is uncertain how the letter was forwarded to Null due to the fact that according to him he is living anonymously in Eastern Europe. Dated September 19th, the letter to Null and Heilberg, Chandler compares the events that have taken place in his past and at the present as the trials that Jesus Christ endured during his life.

Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. They have also been criticized for sexually harassing females on dates, mainly touching and attempted kisses without their permission. Chris soon became neurotic about the " Infinitely-High Boyfriend-Factor " and began concocting and employing various bizarre methods to attract women without actually having to approach or speak to them. A thread on Chris and Sonichu was created the next day. After they won the election, she uploaded a video of their kicking around a Transformer toy their called "Pmurt", wishing death on him. Chris vents on Facebook after years of trolling take their toll. Although little is known about Chris's toddler years, the Autism papers revealed that his linguistic abilities were subpar, which became his first sign of autism. Perhaps the most dramatic change in Chris's life was his open and enthusiastic embrace of crossdressing and femininity in general. He recovered quickly after drowning his sorrows at an ice cream shop. She became a trans-woman in and still is slowly regressing back due to her HRT being suspended. More to explore. Chris also says they were proven innocent and they only reason why they were kept in jail for so long was because they didn't know what to do with them due to their mental disability, but they were able to put Chris into a livable space, though where specifically wasn't specified. It only took a quick Google search of Chris's name to discover the picture's author.

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