chris mears nude

Chris mears nude

Olympic diving twink and occasional gay-friendly ass-flasher Chris Mears is disrobing for your pleasure again, this time appearing in a steamy photoshoot for the debut of Winq magazine.

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. See our ethics statement. Gay Times, the British gay magazine, is out with its annual naked issue and this one features British Olympians, including what the magazine calls the "ridiculously cute" diver Chris Mears. In an interview , Mears said he met some of his gay friends through fellow diver Tom Daley hmmm, eyebrows raised.

Chris mears nude

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. For most, Olympic diving is most closely associated with Tom Daley--the Brit who took bronze at London and with his easy smile, chiseled body, and Academy award-winning fiance, it's no wonder. Mears also competed at the Olympics in London, although he didn't win a medal, and he took gold at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow last year with his synchro partner Jack Laugher. The year old will be returning to the pool at Rio next summer and, while his training schedule is intense, he's always found time for fun, whether it be DJing around the world or modeling for publications like Coitus , Gay Times , and Gayletter. Earlier this week, Coitus released a calendar, shot by Pantelis, and their site promptly crashed. The limited number of signed copies sold out in a flash, quickly followed by the full run. Thankfully, the online store has restocked. Mears' striking inch scar along his abdomen is the remnant of an emergency surgery in after his spleen ruptured. The young diver lost many pints of blood and was reportedly on the verge of death. Even when he recovered, he was told he'd never dive again, and yet here he is. To purchase a copy of Chris Mears' calendar, visit Coitus ' online shop. Act quick before they're gone again! Download the Advocate Channel App for your mobile phone and your favorite streaming device! Email Newsletter Subscribe Subscriber Services.

Leo Moore is more than the "ultimate health guy". A to carry the Olympic Torch during the day relay in recognition of chris mears nude time he spent at his son's bedside during his severe illness in Contents move to sidebar hide.

He competed at the Summer Olympics in the synchronised 3m springboard event with Jack Laugher and won gold, the first Olympic gold medal for Britain in diving. Mears has won two further golds in Men's synchronized 3 metre springboard with Laugher at the Commonwealth Games in and , one gold and one silver at the European Championships , and one bronze at the World Championships. Aside from diving, Mears also produces music and has released his own songs. His father then married Katy. Mears has an older sister, Natalie, and a younger brother, Charlie.

Olympic diving twink and occasional gay-friendly ass-flasher Chris Mears is disrobing for your pleasure again, this time appearing in a steamy photoshoot for the debut of Winq magazine. We can't rely on mainstream media to tell our stories. That's why we don't lock Queerty articles behind a paywall. Will you support our mission with a contribution today? He said in the Ross-show that he was mostly rejected when it came to female approach. Chris and Jack are certainly attractive but i much prefer Tom. Both Chris and Jack are great guys and always supported Tom and embraced their gay fans. Funny how people here always complain about Tom Daley topics yet they feel the need to talk about Tom in a toipc about someone else. Many people on this site are obsessed with Tom Daley — deny it all you want.

Chris mears nude

Gay Times, the British gay magazine, is out with its annual naked issue and this one features British Olympians, including what the magazine calls the "ridiculously cute" diver Chris Mears. In an interview , Mears said he met some of his gay friends through fellow diver Tom Daley hmmm, eyebrows raised. Mears has a great sense of humor about the whole thing:. Other athletes featured in the magazine are gold medal boxer Luke Campbell and judo athlete Ashley McKenzie.

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During the recovery period from his illness, Mears took up music production as a hobby whilst bed-ridden. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. These guys attended the same birthday party as kids 27 years ago—now they're engaged 18h. Mears has actively supported athletes being open about homosexuality in sports, posing for Gay Times magazine for the March issue and also releasing a press statement in support of his friend Tom Daley on his official Facebook page in December Why some states are requiring ID to watch porn online. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Retrieved 8 August Women and people of color bear the brunt of medical misdiagnoses. Sign Up. See our ethics statement. Great Britain England. Manage consent. Tom Daley isn't the only Olympian making a splash. PrEP without a prescription now a reality in California.

We can't rely on mainstream media to tell our stories. That's why we don't lock Queerty articles behind a paywall. Will you support our mission with a contribution today?

Out Newsletter. But back to Chris Mears…. Meet the climate grannies. The only good thing I can say about my scar is the following innuendo; Hey did you see those nude photos of Chris Mears? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. He bought a guitar and started to learn to play, and also bought a Mac computer to create his own music on the Logic apps. On 6 August , Mears announced his retirement from diving on Instagram, choosing to focus on his music career instead. March For several days he was kept alive by medical intervention and his platelet count was at 2. In Oklahoma, a bathroom law and other policies endanger transgender residents. Trending stories. Darryl Stephens was told to stay in the closet while on 'Noah's Arc'. Search for:. All Rights reserved. Act quick before they're gone again!

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