christian sex toy shop

Christian sex toy shop

Can a sex toy be Christian?

Shopping for someone else but not sure what to give them? Give them the gift of choice with a Romantic Blessings gift card. Multiple Denominations. I greatly appreciate all of your updates throughout this process. I will definitely be using your company in the future. My wife and i are millennials, and we wished years ago that we had access to a company that respects our ideals and where we stand with our faith. Well we have found what we were looking for and we will continually be getting our couples toys here in the future.

Christian sex toy shop

All products are displayed nudity-free with descriptions that are marriage-centered and informative. They also include Christian-friendly and marriage-centered one-on-one email support before and after the sale of everything from product features to advice about using the item to add intimacy to your marriage bed at no additional cost. Can be used unlimited times. Covenant Spice is is a husband and wife team dedicated to strengthening marriages and increasing playfulness and intimacy in your sex life. They believe God created marriage to be a lifelong passionate romance. From sex toys to Christian sex manuals to body toppings to romantic games, they have every marital aid you need to keep the sparks flying in and out of the bedroom. You will not find live models or nudity including blurred images on their site or on any of their product packaging. When you join the No More Perfect Date Night community you get exclusive access to marriage experts who offer short, but power-packed content you can take in as an individual or as a couple. Disclaimer: Some of these links may be affiliate links, and, at no cost to you, we will be compensated when you make a purchase by clicking through those links. This is one way we are able to offset the costs of the free resources we offer, like the Dare of the Month newsletter. Thank you for helping strengthen other marriages and families by supporting Jennifer Degler Ministries! Jennifer About Dr. Helpful Products.

You might be uncomfortable with going into a local store or, because of your values around sexual expression, you may not be in alignment with everything a certain store sells.

My Intimacy Therapist is all about intertwining the sexual and spiritual - rejoining them into their original union. So, let's get straight to the point: what if you are a Christian couple and are curious about the use of intimate toys? Is that okay? While I can't answer that question for you specifically as a couple, I can say that intention and love are major parts of the decision to integrate toys into your intimate play. Both partners should feel loved, respected, and heard. How do you know if these are happening? Communication is consistent and two-sided.

Cart 0. Sign In My Account. Home Shop Resources. Sweetheart Sale! Shop Lingerie Now. Modest and Classy Lingerie, model-free. Honoring Intimates is a family-owned lingerie boutique that is driven by biblical principles.

Christian sex toy shop

Sex toys can add a whole new dimension to sex with your spouse. They can add fun and pleasure to a committed, Christian relationship. There are so many resources out there for buying sex toys. However, not all these sites are created equally and many of them contain inappropriate content. It can be a daunting task to sort through the mountain of websites that might make you feel dirty to find a site you feel safe enough to browse for and buy sex toys on. So we did the work for you! Here are a few of our favorite websites for buying sex toys. All of them are Christian friendly and discrete, so you can feel safe exploring this side of your sex life with your spouse. Everybody likes to play, and adding toys to play just adds a new level. We had the chance to talk to Teresa and Blair, the founders of Romantic Blessings, about sex toys.

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Oral Sex Instructional. Covenant Spice is is a husband and wife team dedicated to strengthening marriages and increasing playfulness and intimacy in your sex life. No More Perfect Date Night. Read more about their Christian-friendly environment here. I also really like the way they marketed their products, by showing that a healthy sex life with your partner is nothing to be ashamed of. Most of the product descriptions include a section that suggests a few ways the product can be used to spice things up. The whole reason that this business exists is to strengthen marriages. Subscribe to Our Newsletter and Specials. The main outlets for these items tend to be local stores or internet sites that also sell all sorts of pornography. There is a woman modeling this. Who We Are Can be used unlimited times.

The Generous Husband. Your Email Address.

Shaving Products. Perfect communication My wife and I love Romantic Blessings. So, let's get straight to the point: what if you are a Christian couple and are curious about the use of intimate toys? Multiple Denominations. Mary S. They believe God created marriage to be a lifelong passionate romance. Therapy Podcast Show Notes. Is that okay? Unavailable Sold Out. Highly recommend! Great purchase! We are aware that many things on this site may come as a surprise to someone from a traditional or more formal Christian background.

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