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At the time of their introduction, the Republic clone troopers represented the future of galactic warfare. Far superior to battle droids, the clone troopers formed the backbone of the Republic's new military that waged war against the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. So symbolic were they of the times, the galaxy-wide conflict that saw their debut took its name from their ranks: the Clone Wars. Clone troopers were grown on the planet Kamino from the genetic template of bounty hunter Jango Fett , and made into a highly-efficient military force. Sifo-Dyas, however, was killed shortly after the Battle of Naboo, and the Jedi Council had no knowledge of the army. Still, with a Senate vote by Representative Jar Jar Binks to give Supreme Chancellor Palpatine the authority to use the army, clone troopers were called into action.


Desde entonces, numerosas obras de Star Wars ambientadas durante la era de Clone Wars han presentado soldados clon como personajes principales. Varias variaciones fueron dictadas en gran medida por las necesidades ambientales, pero otras fueron influenciadas por la serie animada Clone Wars de y los soldados de asalto del desierto de A New Hope. Taylor fue filmado varias veces y compuesto para completar tomas llenas de gente ambientadas en Tipoca City y, en algunos casos, como tomas distantes, fue completamente digital. El comandante Cody, visto con armadura sin su casco en La venganza de los Sith , fue interpretado por Morrison. Baker repite su papel en las series animadas Rebels de y The Bad Batch de La batalla que sigue se convierte en la primera de las Guerras Clon. Se presentan muchos soldados clon con nombre y se les asignan personalidades individuales, sirviendo como foco de varios arcos narrativos. Al final, los Jedi no se dieron cuenta de esto ya que Cincos fue ejecutado por un clon de soldado de choque ordenado por Palpatine para ocultar la existencia de la orden de contingencia. La serie animada de Star Wars Rebels presenta a un grupo de ex soldados clon, incluido Rex de la serie anterior, a quienes se les quitaron los chips y, por lo tanto, no llevaron a cabo la Orden Algunos de ellos tuvieron situaciones bastante tristes. Guardia Imperial. Fueron creados por los clonadores del planeta Kamino a partir de la muestra de sangre del cazarrecompensas Jango Fett. Los clones sirvieron como arma principal durante las batallas que surgieron por toda la galaxia, denominadas Guerras Clon. Las tropas de choque son los miembros de la Guardia de Coruscant. Contenidos mover a la barra lateral ocultar.

Lama Su, clonetrooper, who regarded the Domino clones as sub-standard units, clonetrooper, believed they were the result of the Kaminoans' need clonetrooper stretch their clonetrooper supply of Jango Fett's DNA due to the template's untimely demise on Geonosis. At the height of the First Order-Resistance Warthe Sith Eternal cult readied an army of elite soldiers to support the First Order's ultimate push toward galactic conquest.

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Clone troopers are fictional characters from the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas. The clone troopers were soldiers who fought for the Galactic Republic during the Fall of the Jedi era. All clone troopers are artificially produced soldiers, created at special cloning facilities on the planet Kamino from the DNA of bounty hunter Jango Fett to serve as the military of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars , which takes its name from the troopers. They are genetically engineered to age at twice the rate of a normal human in order to be ready for deployment much quicker, and be unquestionably loyal to the higher chain of command. During the Clone Wars, the clone troopers serve under the command of the Jedi Order as they fight against the droid armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems CIS , a movement organized by numerous planets that sought to secede from the Republic. At the end of the war, Palpatine , the Republic's leader and secretly a Sith Lord who orchestrated the conflict to gain political power, issues Order 66 , which brands the Jedi as traitors and causes the clone troopers, under the influence of an inhibitor chip implanted in their brains, to execute them. Following the formation of the Galactic Empire , clone troopers become more and more uncommon as they are slowly replaced by Imperial stormtroopers , who are regular human recruits. One notable legion that remains composed entirely of clones is the st Legion , which serves directly under Darth Vader. During the development of The Empire Strikes Back , Lucas initially conceived a planet of clones, which is why the Clone Wars was mentioned for the first time in the original Star Wars film. The clone trooper armor was designed to suggest an evolution into the stormtroopers of the original trilogy , and it incorporated features from both the armor of stormtroopers and Boba Fett , revealed in Attack of the Clones to be an unaltered clone of Jango Fett.


Clone Troopers were the genetically identical soldiers and the main backbone of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Cloned from the bounty hunter Jango Fett on the planet of Kamino , these clones were modified to grow and learn at an advanced rate to be more quickly prepared to serve in the war against the Separatist droid army. Sifo-Dyas' goal was to create an army for the Republic to defend it; however, he never saw the completion of this army as he was murdered by Count Dooku before it was even started.

Waking the dead

Clone troopers fought the war on all fronts for three years. The Jedi Council moved to capitalize on the momentum gained by Tyranus' death in the hope of ending the war. Fueron creados por los clonadores del planeta Kamino a partir de la muestra de sangre del cazarrecompensas Jango Fett. Victory you say? While the clones retained a degree of individuality, such as a sense of humor, when off-duty, the troopers by and large [18] adopted uniformity, which was symbolized by the sudden lack of personalization amongst their armor, [65] and were forced to despise their former Jedi friends. The dark warrior suggested that a clone army would be more reliable, using the rogue trooper as an example of a flaw that was potentially systemic to the stormtrooper program. Thank you for your feedback. Advanced Recon Commando, also known as ARC troopers, were elite troopers in the army of the Galactic Republic that were selected by their distinction on the battlefield. Taylor fue filmado varias veces y compuesto para completar tomas llenas de gente ambientadas en Tipoca City y, en algunos casos, como tomas distantes, fue completamente digital. How to return the item? Still, with a Senate vote by Representative Jar Jar Binks to give Supreme Chancellor Palpatine the authority to use the army, clone troopers were called into action. Revenge of the Sith With Dooku dead, this brought the Clone Wars closer to a successful conclusion for the Republic. Each clone was voiced individually, with all the clone's lines for the episode recorded at one time before moving to another character, and the dialogue was edited together.

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Clone trooper armor , also known as clone armor or generation one armor , was the armor used by Galactic Republic clone troopers during the Clone Wars.

He frames Fives for an assassination attempt, initiating a manhunt for Fives. Details To add the following enhancements to your purchase, choose a different seller. Kix , a clone trooper of the st Legion, was discovered by the pirate Sidon Ithano over fifty years after the end of the Clone Wars. The armor was match-animated to the actors' bodies. Amazon Music Transmite millones de canciones. He therefore considered conscription and recruitment a cost effective solution to the Empire's need for increased manpower. He believed that the Kaminoans' relationship with the Empire hinged on the fate of the clone trooper program. However, Kenobi was ultimately betrayed by his soldiers upon the activation of Order 66, a protocol that called for the extermination of all Jedi. In reality, the intruder was Darth Vader, who had elected to not send out his clearance codes to fight the clones aboard. Only 6 left in stock - order soon. His armor bears blue markings, and a stylized worm creature adorns his helmets; after his promotion to ARC trooper, he also wears light gray pauldrons on his shoulders and kilt-like kama painted with blue stripes.

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